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Disorders of Absorption- Part 4
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Disorders of Absorption- Part 1| Disorders of Absorption- Part 2| Disorders of Absorption- Part 3 | Disorders of Absorption- Part 4| Disorders of Absorption- Part 5| Disorders of Absorption- Part 6
1.Cobalamin is present primarily in ?
A. Fruits
B. Green vegetables
C. Meat
D. Egg
2. R-binder protein is synthesized in ?
A. Salivary glands
B. Jejunum
C. Pancreas
D. Ileum
3. R-binder protein is synthesized in ?
A. Stomach
B. Jejunum
C. Pancreas
D. Ileum
4.Intrinsic factor is synthesized and released by ?
A. Gastric parietal cells
B. Gastric oxyntic cells
C. Gastric chief cells
D. Gastric G cells
5. Cobalamin absorption may be abnormal in which of the following ?
A. Pernicious anemia
B. Chronic pancreatitis
C. Bacterial overgrowth syndromes
D. All of the above
6. Which isotope is used in Schilling test ?
A. 58Co-labeled cobalamin
B. 68Co-labeled cobalamin
C. 78Co-labeled cobalamin
D. 88Co-labeled cobalamin
7. The Schilling test is termed abnormal if oral 58Co-labeled
cobalamin excretion in urine is ?
A. <10% in 24 hours
B. <15% in 24 hours
C. <20% in 24 hours
D. <20% in 24 hours
8. Abnormal Schilling test may be found in all except ?
A. Pernicious anemia
B. Chronic pancreatitis
C. Blind loop syndrome
D. Cirrhosis of liver
9. 58Co-cobalamin excretion is reduced with intrinsic factor, with
pancreatic enzymes, and after 5 days of antibiotics in ?
A. Pernicious anemia
B. Chronic pancreatitis
C. Blind loop syndrome
D. Ileal disease
10. Which of the following is false about urinary D-xylose test ?
A. Assesses proximal small-intestinal mucosal function
B. D-Xylose is a pentose carbohydrate
C. 25 gm of D-xylose & collecting urine for 5 hours
D. < 12 gm excretion means an abnormal test
11. Urinary D-xylose test can be false-positive in ?
A. Head injury
B. Myocardial infarction
C. Ascitis
D. Pneumonia
12. Bentiromide test is used for ?
A. Pancreatic exocrine function
B. Pancreatic endocrine function
C. Pancreatic neural function
D. All of the above
13. Which of the following is used in Bentiromide test ?
A. D-Xylose
D. All of the above
14. Synonym of Celiac sprue is ?
A. Nontropical sprue
B. Celiac disease
C. Gluten sensitive enteropathy
D. All of the above
15. Which of the following about Celiac disease is false ?
A. Systemic disorder
B. Immune-mediated disorder
C. Triggered by dietary gluten
D. None of the above
16. The word “sprue” comes from which language ?
A. Dutch
B. Latin
C. Greek
D. English
17. Which of the following respond to elimination of gluten from
the diet in celiac sprue ?
A. Symptoms
B. Evidence of malabsorption
C. Histopathologic changes in small-intestinal biopsy
D. All of the above
18. Gliadin (a component of gluten) is present in all except ?
A. Wheat
B. Barley
C. Rice
D. Oats
19. Which of the following is considered as “safe grains” (gluten
free) ?
A. Rice
B. Corn
C. Millet
D. All of the above
20. Gliadin is which component of gluten ?
A. Heat resistant fraction
B. Alcohol-soluble fraction
C. Water soluble fraction
D. Contaminated fraction
21. Which of the following enzyme in intestine deamidates gliadin peptides ?
A. Tissue transaminase
B. Tissue transmurase
C. Tissue transglutaminase
D. Tissue transpeptidase
22. The most sensitive antibody tests for the diagnosis of celiac
disease are of which class ?
A. IgA
B. IgG
C. IgM
D. IgE