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Disorders of Absorption- Part 2
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Disorders of Absorption- Part 1| Disorders of Absorption- Part 2| Disorders of Absorption- Part 3 | Disorders of Absorption- Part 4| Disorders of Absorption- Part 5| Disorders of Absorption- Part 6
1,How many times bile acid pool is circulated via enterohepatic
circulation ?
A. 2 to 4 times / day
B. 4 to 6 times / day
C. 6 to 8 times / day
D. 8 to 12 times / day
2. Daily bile acids excretion in stool (fecal loss) equals ?
A. Half of total fat intake
B. Half of enterohepatic circulation
C. Hepatic bile acid synthesis
D. None of the above
3.Small ileal dysfunction leads to ?
A. Bile acid diarrhea
B. Fatty acid diarrhea
C. Chloride diarrhea
D. Protein diarrhea
4. Large ileal dysfunction leads to ?
A. Bile acid diarrhea
B. Fatty acid diarrhea
C. Carbohydrate diarrhea
D. Protein diarrhea
5.Reabsorption defect in enterohepatic circulation of bile acids
is due to ?
A. Cirrhosis
B. Primary biliary cirrhosis
C. Jejunal diverticulosis
D. Crohn’s disease
6. Which of the following is not a feature of bile acid diarrhea ?
A. Normal bile acid pool size
B. None or mild steatorrhea
C. Responds to cholestyramine
D. Responds to low-fat diet
7. Which of the following is not a feature of fatty acid diarrhea ?
A. Reduced bile acid pool size
B. Steatorrhea
C. Responds to cholestyramine
D. Responds to low-fat diet
8. Which of the following type of fatty acids compose dietary fats ?
A. Long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs)
B. Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs)
C. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs)
D. All of the above
9. Dietary fat is in the form of ?
A. Long-chain triglycerides (LCTs)
B. Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs)
C. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs)
D. All of the above
10. Majority of dietary long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) have carbon
chain lengths of ?
A. 6 – 8
B. 8 – 10
C. 10 – 12
D. > 12
11. Dietary MCFAs have carbon chain lengths of ?
A. 6 – 8
B. 8 – 12
C. 12 – 16
D. 16 – 20
12. Steatorrhea results due to defect in which phase of dietary
lipid assimilation ?
A. Intraluminal or digestive phase
B. Mucosal or absorptive phase
C. Delivery or postabsorptive phase
D. Any of the above
13.“Micellar formation” belongs to which phase of dietary lipid
assimilation ?
A. Intraluminal or digestive phase
B. Mucosal or absorptive phase
C. Delivery or postabsorptive phase
D. Any of the above
14.Lipolysis is initiated in ?
A. Stomach
B. Duodenum
C. Jejunum
D. Iliem
15. In lipolysis, hydrolysis of triglycerides by lipase leads to the
formation of ?
A. Free fatty acids
B. Monoglycerides
C. Glycerol
D. All of the above
16. Pancreatic lipolysis is greatly enhanced by ?
A. Gastric lipase
B. Pancreatic lipase
C. Colipase
D. All of the above
17. Normal lipolysis can be maintained by what percentage of
maximal pancreatic lipase secretion ?
A. 5 %
B. 15 %
C. 25 %
D. 35 %
18. Pancreatic lipase is inactivated at ?
A. pH < 7
B. pH < 7.5
C. pH < 8
D. pH < 8.5
19. Mixed micelles are molecular aggregates composed of all except ?
A. Fatty acids
B. Triglycerides
C. Cholesterol
D. Conjugated bile acids
20. Which of the following relates best with absorptive phase of
lipid digestion-absorption ?
A. Micellar formation
B. Uptake and reesterification
C. Formation of chylomicrons
D. Colonic bacterial enzymes
21. In which form lipids exit from intestinal epithelial cell ?
A. Free fatty acids
B. Reesterified triglyceride
C. Cholesterol
D. Monoglyceride
22. Chylomicrons are composed of ?
A. -lipoprotein
B. -lipoprotein
C. -lipoprotein
D. -lipoprotein
23. Chylomicrons contain ?
A. Triglyceride
B. Cholesterol and Cholesterol ester
C. Phospholipid
D. All of the above
24.Reesterified triglyceride exit from intestinal epithelial cell into ?
A. Lymphatics
B. Portal vein
C. Systemic vein
D. All of the above
25. In abetalipoproteinemia, the defect is in ?
A. Lipolysis
B. Micelle formation
C. Lipid uptake
D. Reesterified triglyceride exit from epithelial cell