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Primary and Metastatic Tumors of the Nervous System- Part 2
See all quizzes of Primary and Metastatic Tumors of the Nervous – Part 2 System here:
1 Cranial nerve where Schwannoma never occur is ?
2 Lisch nodules relate best to ?
A. Ocular lens
B. Iris
C. Retina
D. Conjunctiva
3 NF1 gene is on chromosome ?
A. 1
B. 4
C. 9
D. 17
4 Bourneville’s disease is also called ?
A. Meningioma
B. Tuberous sclerosis
C. Ependymoma
D. Primary CNS lymphoma
5 Shagreen patches are best related to ?
A. Secondary syphilis
B. Neurofibromatosis Type 1
C. Tuberous sclerosis
D. Von Hippel–Lindau syndrome
6 Tuberous sclerosis is characterized by all except ?
A. Cutaneous lesions
B. Seizures
C. Deafness
D. Mental retardation
7 Cutaneous lesions in tuberous sclerosis include all except ?
A. Adenoma sebaceum
B. Ash leaf – shaped hypopigmented macules
C. Lentigo
D. Shagreen patches
8 Hemangioblastomas in Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome are seen in ?
A. Retina
B. Cerebellum
C. Spinal cord
D. All of the above
9 Hemangioblastomas in Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome produce
which hormone ?
A. Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
B. Calcitonin
C. Erythropoietin
D. Antidiuretic hormone
10 Which of the following is the most common origin of brain
metastases ?
A. Ca. lung
B. Ca. ovary
C. Ca. thyroid
D. Ca. prostate
11 Breast cancer has a propensity to metastasize to ?
A. Anterior pituitary gland
B. Cerebellum
C. Frontal cortex
D. Occipital cortex
12 Breast cancer has a propensity to metastasize to ?
A. Anterior pituitary gland
B. Posterior pituitary gland
C. Hypothalamus
D. Hippocampus
13 Which of the following cancers rarely metastasize to brain ?
A. Prostate cancer
B. Ovarian cancer
C. Hodgkin’s disease
D. All of the above
14 Differential diagnosis of ring-enhancement lesions include ?
A. Brain abscess
B. Radiation necrosis
C. Toxoplasmosis
D. All of the above
15 Differential diagnosis of ring-enhancement lesions include ?
A. Granulomas
B. Demyelinating lesions
C. Primary brain tumors
D. All of the above
16 Differential diagnosis of ring-enhancement lesions include ?
A. Primary CNS lymphoma
B. Stroke
C. Hemorrhage
D. All of the above
17 In vegetative state which of the following presists ?
A. Yawning
B. Coughing
C. Swallowing
D. All of the above
18 Which out of the following is a clinically more aggressive tumor ?
A. Juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma
B. Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma
C. Pleiomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
D. Glioblastoma multiforme
19 Brain tumor metastases that spread to spinal cord via CSF pathways
are termed ?
A. Pin metastases
B. Hanging metastases
C. Drop metastases
D. Confluent metastases
20 Which of the following is a germ cell tumor ?
A. Teratoma
B. Yolk sac tumor
C. Choriocarcinoma
D. All of the above
21 Breast cancer that metastasizes to which of the following tends
not to metastasize to brain ?
A. Pleura
B. Bone
C. Lung
D. Liver