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Primary and Metastatic Tumors of the Nervous System- Part 1
See all quizzes of Primary and Metastatic Tumors of the Nervous – Part 1 System here:
1. Which is the most common primary CNS tumor ?
A. Glial tumors
B. Meningiomas
C. Schwannomas
D. Pituitary adenoma
2. Brain tumors usually present with ?
A. Progressive focal neurologic deficits
B. Seizure
C. Nonfocal neurologic disorder
D. Any of the above
3 Brain tumor frequently associated with hemorrhage is ?
A. High-grade glioma
B. Metastatic melanoma
C. Choriocarcinoma
D. All of the above
4 Features of headache due to increased ICP include all except ?
A. Frontal
B. Episodic
C. Frequency more than once a day
D. Develop rapidly, subside quickly
5 What level of ‘Karnofsky performance status’ have a poor prognosis
in patients with brain tumor ?
A. < 70
B. < 80
C. < 90
D. < 100
6 CSF has higher probability of containing malignant cells in ?
A. Leptomeningeal metastases
B. Primary CNS lymphoma
C. Medulloblastoma
D. All of the above
7 Which of the following is associated with increased risk for deep
vein thrombosis & pulmonary embolism ?
A. Leptomeningeal metastases
B. Primary CNS lymphoma
C. Medulloblastoma
D. All of the above
8 Well-documented environmental risk factor for the development
of gliomas is ?
A. Benzene
B. Cadmium
C. Ionizing radiation
D. Ozone
9 Hereditary syndromes associated with an increased risk of brain
tumors includes all except ?
A. Li-Fraumeni syndrome
B. Turcot syndrome
C. Werner syndrome
D. Pearson syndrome
10 Nervous system neoplasm seen in tuberous sclerosis is ?
A. Astrocytoma
B. Malignant glioma
C. Medulloblastoma
D. Hemangioblastoma
Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma mostly occurs in tuberous sclerosis.
11 Pheochromocytoma is associated with which of the following
hereditary syndrome ?
A. Li-Fraumeni syndrome
B. Turcot syndrome
C. Werner syndrome
D. von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
12 Which of the following is a robust predictor of aggressive behavior
of brain tumours ?
A. Hypercellularity
B. Nuclear and cytoplasmic atypia
C. Endothelial proliferation
D. Mitotic activity
13 Which of the following is a robust predictor of aggressive behavior
of brain tumours ?
A. Hypercellularity
B. Nuclear and cytoplasmic atypia
C. Necrosis
D. Mitotic activity
Histologic features of higher grade are hypercellularity, nuclear & cytoplasmic atypia, endothelial
proliferation, mitotic activity & necrosis. Endothelial proliferation & necrosis are strong predictors
of aggressive behavior.
14 The proliferation index of brain tumours can be determined by a
monoclonal antibody termed ?
A. Ki-66
B. Ki-67
C. Ki-68
D. Ki-69
15 Out of the following, most common childhood brain tumor is ?
A. Pilocytic astrocytoma
B. Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma
C. Pleiomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
D. Glioblastoma multiforme
16 Which of the following is the preferred drug for high-grade
astrocytomas ?
A. Temozolomide
B. Carmustine (BCNU)
C. Lomustine (CCNU)
D. Vincristine
17 Systemic combination chemotherapy (PCV) for
oligodendrogliomas includes all except ?
A. Procarbazine
B. Lomustine
C. Temozolomide
D. Vincristine
18 Oligodendrogliomas with deletions of which chromosome always
respond to chemotherapy ?
A. 1p
B. 2p
C. 3p
D. 4p
19 In adults, ependymomas of spinal canal are mostly located in ?
A. Cervical region
B. Thoracic region
C. Lumbosacral region
D. All of the above
20 Schwannoma most frequently involves which cranial nerve ?
C. V