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Multiple Sclerosis and Other Demyelinating Diseases- Part 1
See all quizzes of Multiple Sclerosis and Other Demyelinating Diseases- Part 1 System here:
1. Which of the following is false about demyelinating disorders ?
A. Immune-mediated preferential destruction of CNS myelin
B. Peripheral nervous system (PNS) is spared
C. No evidence of associated systemic illness
D. None of the above
2. Triad in multiple sclerosis (MS) includes all except ?
A. Inflammation
B. Demyelination
C. Remyelination
D. Gliosis
3. New MS lesions begin with ?
A. Astrocytic proliferation
B. Disruption of blood-brain barrier (BBB)
C. Perivenular cuffing by inflammatory mononuclear cells
D. Infiltration of nervous system by B lymphocytes
4. “Shadow plaques” refer to ?
A. Astrocytic proliferation (gliotic areas)
B. Remyelination of surviving naked axons
C. Aggregates of T and B cells
D. Any of the above
5.Nerve conduction in myelinated axons occurs in a saltatory manner
at a velocity of ?
A. ~ 50 meters / second
B. ~ 70 meters / second
C. ~ 90 meters / second
D. ~ 110 meters / second
6. Which of the following is best related to pathophysiology of MS ?
A. Redistribution of potassium channels along naked axon
B. Redistribution of sodium channels along naked axon
C. Redistribution of calcium channels along naked axon
D. Redistribution of chloride channels along naked axon
7. Risk of developing MS is highest ?
A. If an identical twin has MS
B. If a sibling has MS
C. If a parent has MS
D. If a spouse has MS
8. Which of the following is false about multiple sclerosis ?
A. Thrice more common in women than men
B. Age of onset is between 20 and 40 years
C. Prevalence decreases at higher latitudes
D. ~10% cases begin <18 years of age
Prevalence rates of MS increase at higher latitudes.
9. Highest known prevalence for MS is in ?
A. Middle east
B. Orkney Islands
C. Tasmania
D. Fiji
10.Deficiency of which of the following vitamins is associated with
an increase in MS risk ?
A. A
B. D
C. E
D. C
11. In northern hemisphere, babies born in which month are
significantly more likely to develop MS ?
A. February
B. May
C. September
D. December
12. Which of the following races are inherently at higher risk for MS ?
A. Whites
B. Africans
C. Asians
D. All of the above
13. Which of the following is the strongest MS susceptibility region
in the genome ?
A. MHC on chromosome 6
B. MHC on chromosome 7
C. MHC on chromosome 8
D. MHC on chromosome 9
14. Which virus produces demyelinating disease having lesions
resembling lesions of MS ?
A. Theiler virus
B. Varicella
C. Rubella
D. Epstein-Barr
15. Which out of the following is the most common initial symptoms
of MS ?
A. Paresthesias
B. Diplopia
C. Ataxia
D. Vertigo
16. Which out of the following is the most common initial symptoms
of MS ?
A. Sensory loss
B. Diplopia
C. Optic neuritis
D. Bladder dysfunction
17. Which of the following is characteristic of MS ?
A. Movement-induced muscle spasms
B. Exercise-induced weakness of limbs
C. Monocular visual loss
D. Acquired pendular nystagmus
18. Which of the following is strongly suggestive of MS ?
A. Horizontal gaze palsy
B. Bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO)
C. “One and a half” syndrome
D. Acquired pendular nystagmus
19. In MS, optic neuritis (ON) is least likely to presents as ?
A. Diminished visual acuity
B. Dimness
C. Decreased color perception
D. Complete loss of light perception
20.In MS, which of the following statements is false ?
A. Visual symptoms are generally bilateral
B. Periorbital pain precedes or accompanies visual loss
C. Afferent pupillary defect is usually present
D. Uveitis is uncommon
21. Symptoms of bladder dysfunction are present in what percentage
of MS patients ?
A. 50 %
B. 65 %
C. 75 %
D. 90 %
22. Which of the following about sensory symptoms in MS is false ?
A. Paresthesias
B. Hypesthesia
C. Sensory level
D. None of the above
23. Ataxia in MS usually manifests as ?
A. Cerebellar tremors
B. Hyperthyroid tremors
C. Episodic ataxia
D. Gait apraxia
24.Which of the following was once thought to be characteristic of
MS ?
A. Euphoria
B. Impaired attention
C. Memory loss
D. Slowed information processing
25. In MS, fatigue can be exacerbated by ?
A. Elevated temperatures
B. Depression
C. Sleep disturbances
D. All of the above
26. In MS, facial weakness is characterised by ?
A. Resembles idiopathic Bell’s palsy
B. Not associated with ipsilateral loss of taste sensation
C. Not associated with retroauricular pain
D. All of the above
27. In MS, ‘Uhthoff’s symptom’ is related to ?
A. Facial myokymia
B. Visual symptoms
C. Heat sensitivity
D. Movement
28. Which of the following is false about Lhermitte’s symptom ?
A. Electric shock – like sensation
B. Evoked by neck flexion
C. Radiates down the back into legs
D. None of the above
29. At onset, which of the following is the commonest clinical type of
MS ?
A. Relapsing/remitting MS (RRMS)
B. Secondary progressive MS (SPMS)
C. Primary progressive MS (PPMS)
D. Progressive/relapsing MS (PRMS)
30. Secondary progressive MS (SPMS) always begins as ?
A. Relapsing/remitting MS (RRMS)
B. Primary progressive MS (PPMS)
C. Progressive/relapsing MS (PRMS)
D. Any of the above
31. Which of the following clinical type of MS has a more favorable
prognosis ?
A. Relapsing/remitting MS (RRMS)
B. Secondary progressive MS (SPMS)
C. Primary progressive MS (PPMS)
D. Progressive/relapsing MS (PRMS)