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Peptic Ulcer Disease- Part 2
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Peptic Ulcer Disease- Part 5
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Peptic Ulcer Disease- Part 1| Peptic Ulcer Disease- Part 2 | Peptic Ulcer Disease- Part 3 | Peptic Ulcer Disease- Part 4| Peptic Ulcer Disease- Part 5
1.Gastric epithelial cell regeneration is regulated by ?
A. Prostaglandins
B. Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
C. Transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-)
D. All of the above
2. Bicarbonate secretion in stomach is stimulated by all except ?
A. Calcium
B. Prostaglandins
D. Luminal acidification
3. Which of the following plays a central role in gastric epithelial
defense / repair ?
A. Mucosal bicarbonate
B. Mucus
C. Prostaglandins
D. Growth factor
4. Prostaglandins are important in gastric epithelial defense /
repair due to all except ?
A. Release of mucosal bicarbonate and mucus
B. Inhibition of parietal cell secretion
C. Maintaining mucosal lymphatic flow
D. Epithelial cell restitution
5. Key enzyme that controls the rate-limiting step in prostaglandin
synthesis is ?
A. Thromboxane A
2 (TXA2)
B. Phospholipase A2
C. Cyclooxygenase (COX)
D. Prostacyclin (PGI2)
6. COX-1 is expressed in all except ?
A. Stomach
B. Platelets
C. Kidneys
D. Liver
7. COX-2 is expressed in all except ?
A. Macrophages
B. Leukocytes
C. Platelets
D. Synovial cells
8. Which of the following about acid production in stomach is
false ?
A. Basal acid production occurs in a circadian pattern
B. Cholinergic & histaminergic input are the principal
contributors to basal acid secretion
C. Stimulated gastric acid secretion occurs in cephalic,
gastric & intestinal phases
D. Cephalic phase stimulates gastric secretion via hormones
Cephalic phase stimulates gastric secretion via vagus nerve.
9. Which of the following about acid production in stomach is false ?
A. Cephalic phase stimulates gastric secretion via vagus
B. Gastric phase is activated when food enters stomach
C. Amino acids stimulate vagus to release gastrin
D. Intestinal phase is mediated by luminal distention
10. Somatostatin acts by ?
A. Direct inhibition of parietal cells
B. Decreased histamine release from ECL cells
C. Decreased gastrin release from G cells
D. All of the above
11. Which of the following about parietal cells is false ?
A. Located in oxyntic gland
B. Does not secrete intrinsic factor
C. Express receptors for histamine, gastrin & acetylcholine
D. Express receptors for ligands that inhibit acid production
Acid-secreting parietal cell also secretes intrinsic factor (IF).
12. Gastric acid production is inhibited by ?
A. Prostaglandins
B. Somatostatin
D. All of the above
13. Which of the following statements about enzyme H+, K+-ATPase
is false ?
A. Responsible for generating large concentration of H+
B. Membrane-bound protein consisting of & subunits
C. Active catalytic site is found within subunit
D. Active catalytic site is found within subunit
Active catalytic site is found within subunit.
14. Which of the following statements about enzyme H+, K+-ATPase
is false ?
A. Transfers H+ ions from parietal cell cytoplasm to secretory
canaliculi in exchange for K+
B. Located within secretory canaliculus & in nonsecretory
cytoplasmic tubulovesicles
C. Tubulovesicles are impermeable to K+
D. At rest, 50% of pumps are within secretory canaliculus
15. Which of the following about chief cell is false ?
A. Found primarily in gastric fundus
B. Synthesize & secrete pepsinogen
C. Acid environment converts pepsinogen to pepsin
D. Pepsin activity is irreversibly inactivated & denatured at a
pH of >=4
16. All of the following about gastric ulcer are true except ?
A. A break in mucosal surface >5 mm in size
B. Depth to submucosa
C. More than half of gastric ulcers occur in males
D. Peak incidence is in the 4th decade of life
17. Which of the following statements about GU is false ?
A. Can represent malignancy
B. Benign GUs are found distal to junction between antrum &
acid secretory mucosa
C. Benign GUs are common in gastric fundus
D. Gastric acid output is normal or decreased in GU
Benign GUs are rare in the gastric fundus.
18. ~90% of DU’s occur within what distance from pylorus ?
A. 3 cm
B. 5 cm
C. 7 cm
D. 9 cm
19. Which of the following statements about DU is false ?
A. Most often occur in first part of duodenum
B. Usually <=1 cm in diameter
C. Malignant DUs are extremely rare
D. Base of ulcer consists of neutrophilic necrosis with surrounding fibrosis
20. Type IV Gastric Ulcers are found in ?
A. Cardia
B. Gastric body
C. Gastric antrum
D. Pylorus
21. Which of the following Gastric Ulcers has high gastric acid
production ?
A. Type I
B. Type II
C. Type III
D. Type IV
22. Helicobacter pylori was discovered by ?
A. Marshall B & Warren R
B. Julie Parsonnet & Jennings R
C. Banatvala N & Mayo K
D. Deeks JJ & Feldman RA
23. Gastric infection with H. pylori can lead to ?
A. Peptic ulcer disease (PUD)
B. Gastric mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma
C. Gastric adenocarcinoma
D. All of the above
24. Which of the following statements about H. pylori is false ?
A. It is a gram-positive microaerophilic rod
B. Found between mucous layer & gastric epithelium
C. Normally, it does not invade gastric epithelial cells
D. S-shaped & contains multiple sheathed flagella
25. Which of the following statements about H. pylori is false ?
A. H. pylori should be eradicated in documented PUD
B. No single agent is effective in eradicating H. pylori
C. Rifabutin used to treat resistant strains of H. pylori
D. H. pylori is implicated in pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis
26. pH-gated urea channel in H. pylori bacterium is called ?
A. UreI
B. UreJ
C. UreK
D. UreL