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Peptic Ulcer Disease- Part 3
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Peptic Ulcer Disease- Part 5
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Peptic Ulcer Disease- Part 1| Peptic Ulcer Disease- Part 2 | Peptic Ulcer Disease- Part 3 | Peptic Ulcer Disease- Part 4| Peptic Ulcer Disease- Part 5
1.Which of the following statements about H. pylori is false ?
A. Its genome contains 1.65 million base pairs
B. May transform into coccoid dormant form
C. Produces urease to convert urea to NH3 and water
D. Single strain of H. pylori exist
2. Which of the following statements about H. pylori is false ?
A. 80% population by age 20 years is infected in developing countries
B. Transmission occurs through faeco-oral route
C. Infection is associated with chronic active gastritis
D. BabA is vital for entry into gastric epithelial cell
3. Which of the following statements about H. pylori is false ?
A. Express vacuolating cytotoxin VacA
B. Cag A and pic B are virulence factors
C. Its LPS has high immunologic activity
D. Neutrophil response is strong in acute & chronic H. pylori infection
3. Which out of the following factors has a central role in H. pylori
infection ?
A. Interleukin-1
B. Interleukin-2
C. Interleukin-6
D. Interleukin-8
4. Which of the following statements about H. pylori is false ?
A. Most pathogenic strains contain VacA pathogenicity island
B. 5 of its genes are similar to Agrobacterium tumefaciens
C. Pathogenicity island proteins are involved in interleukin-8
production by gastric epithelial cells
D. Pathogenicity island proteins are involved in translocation of
CagA from bacterium into host cell
5. Adhesins for H. pylori include all except ?
A. BabA
B. AlpA
C. AlpB
D. HopY
6. Which of the following statements about H. pylori is false ?
A. H. pylori is usually acquired in childhood
B. Acute infection causes transient hypochlorhydria
C. 80-90% with chronic gastritis will never have symptoms
D. After eradication, reinfection rates are high
7. Which of the following enzymes is not related to H. pylori– induced gastrointestinal disease ?
A. Urease
B. Vac A
D. Cag A
8. Chronic H. pylori infection may lead to ?
A. Antral predominant gastritis
B. Nonatrophic pangastritis
C. Corpus predominant atrophic gastritis
D. All of the above
9. Asymptomatic H. pylori infection may be a consequence of ?
A. Antral predominant gastritis
B. Nonatrophic pangastritis
C. Corpus predominant atrophic gastritis
D. All of the above
10. Which of the following consequences of chronic H. pylori
infection leads to gastric cancer ?
A. Antral predominant gastritis
B. Nonatrophic pangastritis
C. Corpus predominant atrophic gastritis
D. All of the above
11. Which of the following consequences of chronic H. pylori
infection leads to DU ?
A. Antral predominant gastritis
B. Nonatrophic pangastritis
C. Corpus predominant atrophic gastritis
D. All of the above
12. Which of the following consequences of chronic H. pylori
infection leads to MALT lymphoma ?
A. Antral predominant gastritis
B. Nonatrophic pangastritis
C. Corpus predominant atrophic gastritis
D. All of the above
13. Which of the following about NSAIDs induced disease is false ?
A. NSAID-related GUs not accompanied by chronic active gastritis
B. No dose of NSAID is completely safe
C. Misoprostol is useful for active treatment
D. Selective COX-2 inhibitor useful in prophylactic therapy
14. Risk factors that increase morbidity and mortality related to NSAID usage are all except ?
A. Advanced age
B. History of PUD
C. Concomitant use of iron
D. Multisystem disease
15. Risk factors that increase morbidity and mortality related to
NSAID usage are all except ?
A. High dose NSAIDs
B. Multiple NSAIDs
C. Concomitant use of anticoagulants
D. Spicy food
16. Disorders that are associated with PUD include all except ?
A. Systemic mastocytosis
B. Chronic pulmonary disease
C. Chronic renal failure
D. Acute pancreatitis
17. Disorders that are associated with PUD include all except ?
A. Cirrhosis
B. Nephrolithiasis
C. Hyperthyroidism
D. 1 antitrypsin deficiency
18. The typical pain pattern in DU occurs ?
A. 15 minutes to 1 hour after a meal
B. 30 minutes to 2 hour after a meal
C. 60 minutes to 3 hour after a meal
D. 90 minutes to 3 hour after a meal
19. Most common complication observed in PUD is ?
A. Gastrointestinal bleeding
B. Perforation
C. Gastric Outlet Obstruction
D. Malignancy
20. Out of the following, which is the least common ulcer-related
complication ?
A. Gastric outlet obstruction
B. Gastrointestinal bleeding
C. Perforation
D. Malignancy
21. GUs tend to perforate into the ?
A. Spleen
B. Pancreas
C. Left hepatic lobe
D. Left kidney
22. Non ulcer dyspepsia is typified by ?
A. Heartburn
B. Upper abdominal pain
C. Abdominal distension
D. Loss of appetite
23. Tests for diagnosing H. pylori include ?
A. Biopsy urease test
B. Fecal H. pylori antigen test
C. 13C- or 14C-urea breath test
D. All of the above
24. Milk-alkali syndrome includes all except ?
A. Hypercalcemia
B. Hypophosphatemia
C. Renal calcinosis
D. Progression to renal insufficiency
25. Structure of H2 receptor antagonists share homology with ?
A. Pepsin
B. Secretin
C. Gastrin
D. Histamine