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Multiple Sclerosis and Other Demyelinating Diseases- Part 2
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1 Which of the following does not favour the diagnosis of MS ?
A. Mild CSF pleocytosis (> 5 cells/μL)
B. CSF protein concentration of > 100 mg/dL
C. Lesions in the anterior corpus callosum
D. Dawson’s fingers
2 Which of the following is a marker of axonal integrity ?
A. Propionyl-CoA carboxylase
B. Argininosuccinate lyase
C. N-acetyl aspartate
D. N-Acetylglutamate synthase
3 Which of the following is uncommon in MS ?
A. Aphasia
B. Seizures
C. Chorea
D. All of the above
4 Disorders that can mimic multiple sclerosis are all except ?
A. Vitamin B12 deficiency
B. Syphilis
C. Sarcoid
D. HSV-1 encephalitis
5 Clinical features that have a more favorable prognosis in MS
include all except ?
A. Optic neuritis or sensory symptoms at onset
B. Pyramidal symptoms
C. Women
D. Age < 40 years at onset
6 Likelihood of having benign MS is about ?
A. 2 %
B. 5 %
C. 10 %
D. 20 %
7 Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Score (EDSS) is used for ?
A. Parkinson disease
B. Multiple sclerosis
C. Alzheimer’s disease
D. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
8 Most patients with Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Score
(EDSS) scores < 3.5 have ?
A. Relapsing/remitting MS (RRMS)
B. Secondary progressive MS (SPMS)
C. Primary progressive MS (PPMS)
D. Progressive/relapsing MS (PRMS)
9 Which of the following is used for acute attacks of MS ?
A. Glucocorticoids
B. Mitoxantrone
C. Glatiramer acetate
D. All of the above
10 Disease modifying therapies for RRMS include ?
A. IFN 1a
B. Mitoxantrone (MTX)
C. Glatiramer acetate (GA)
D. All of the above
11 Which of the following drugs is used for patients with progressive
disability in MS ?
A. Glucocorticoid
B. Plasma exchange
C. Mitoxantrone
D. Glatiramer acetate
12 Untreated patients of MS should be followed with ?
A. Objective clinical CNS examination
B. Evoked Potential testing
C. Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Score (EDSS)
D. Periodic brain MRI scans
13 Which of the following is the first-line therapy for Relapsing/
remitting MS ?
B. IV Ig
C. Mitoxantrone
D. Natalizumab
14 Which of the following is administered by IV infusion ?
A. IFN--1a
B. IFN--1b
C. Glatiramer acetate
D. Natalizumab
15 Which of the following is administered orally ?
A. IFN--1a
B. Mitoxantrone
C. Glatiramer acetate
D. Fingolimod
16 Mitoxantrone is indicated for use in ?
C. Worsening RRMS
D. All of the above
17 Worsening RRMS is defined as ?
A. Neurologic status abnormal between MS attacks
B. Worsening CSF IgG index
C. MRI lesions >3 mm in diameter
D. Involvment of more sites of CNS
17 Which of the following therapies is effective in treating PPMS ?
A. Glucocorticoids
B. IFN 1a
C. Glatiramer acetate
D. None of the above
18 Devic’s syndrome refers to which of the following ?
A. Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM)
B. Isolated dementia
C. Neuromyelitis optica (NMO)
D. Mitochondrial encephalopathy
19 In neuromyelitis optica, which of the following is involved ?
A. Brainstem
B. Cerebellum
C. Cognitive functions
D. None of the above
20 Autoantibody against which of the following is seen in
neuromyelitis optica ?
A. Aquaporin-1
B. Aquaporin-2
C. Aquaporin-3
D. Aquaporin-4
21 In Marburg’s variant of multiple sclerosis, the course of disease
is ?
A. Hyperacute
B. Subacute
C. Fulminant
D. Chronic
22 Which of the following about multiple sclerosis is false ?
A. Plaque is a chronic inflammatory, demyelinating lesion
B. Plaque lesions develop in white matter
C. Primary targets are myelin sheath & oligodendrocyte
D. Gray matter lesions are known to occur
23 Which of the following about acute lesions of multiple sclerosis
is false ?
A. Indistinct margin, hypercellularity, intense perivascular
infiltration, loss of myelin and oligodendrocytes
B. Widespread axonal damage, plasma cells, myelin-laden
C. Hypertrophic astrocytes
D. Astroglial scarring
24 Most explosive form of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
(ADEM) is called ?
A. Mitochondrial encephalopathy
B Acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis
C. Tropical spastic paraparesis
D. Metachromatic leukodystrophy
27 Which of the following is false about acute disseminated
encephalomyelitis (ADEM) ?
A. Polyphasic course
B. Postvaccinal encephalomyelitis
C. Postinfectious encephalomyelitis
D. Perivenular inflammation & demyelination
28 ADEM can follow infections with all except ?
A. Measles
B. Varicella
C. Mycoplasma
D. Legionella
29 ADEM can follow infections with all except ?
A. Rubella
B. Hepatitis B
C. Mumps
D. Infectious mononucleosis virus
30 Which CNS antigens correlates with development of ADEM ?
A. Vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)
B. Myelin basic protein (MBP)
C. Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK)
D. Stromal-cell derived factor (SDF)
31 Cerebellar involvement in ADEM is common in infections due to ?
A. Measles
B. Varicella
C. Mycoplasma
D. Mumps
32 ADEM is differentiated from MS by ?
A. Simultaneous onset of disseminated symptoms & signs
B. Drowsiness or coma
C. Seizures
D. All of the above
33 ADEM is differentiated from MS by ?
A. Bilateral involvement of optic nerve
B. Complete transverse myelopathy
C. Monophasic course
D. All of the above