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Malaria- Part 1
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1 Anopheles in Greek means ?
A. Dangerous
B. Black
C. Useless
D. Suffering
2 Who demonstrated the existence of Plasmodium in the stomach
of the Anopheles mosquito ?
A. Garnham
B. Giovanni Grassi
C. Ronald Ross
D. Laveran
3 Who showed that human malaria could only be transmitted by
Anopheles mosquitoes ?
A. Giovanni Grassi
B. Laveran
C. Ronald Ross
D. Garnham
4 Which of the following causes malignant tertian malaria ?
A. P. falciparum
B. P. vivax
C. P. ovale
D. P. malariae
5 Which of the following causes benign quartan malaria ?
A. P. falciparum
B. P. vivax
C. P. ovale
D. P. malariae
6 Name malaria is derived from Italian “mala – aria” meaning ?
A. Stagnation
B. Bad air
C. Dense forest
D. Windy
7 Who first employed the tincture of the cinchona bark for treating
malaria ?
A. Gilroy
B. Konradsen
C. Utzinger
D. Huan del Vego
8 Inoculation of plasmodial sporozoites by female anopheline
mosquito and asexual reproduction in hepatic parenchymal cells
is called ?
A. Intrahepatic schizogony
B. Preerythrocytic schizogony
C. Preerythrocytic merogony
D. All of the above
9 A single sporozoite eventually may produce daughter merozoites
numbering ?
A. 100 to 1000
B. 1000 to 3000
C. 3000 to 8000
D. 10,000 to >30,000
10 Merozoites liberated into bloodstream due to bursting of infected
liver cells multiply 6- to 20 fold every ?
A. 3 – 6 hours
B. 12 – 24 hours
C. 48 – 72 hours
D. Any of the above
11 Symptomatic stage of the malarial infection begins when parasite
density is about ?
A. ~ 10 / μL
B. ~ 50 / μL
C. ~ 100 / μL
D. ~ 150 / μL
12 Hypnozoites of P. vivax and P. ovale are found in ?
A. Anopheles mosquito
C. Liver parenchymal cells
D. Any of the above
13 ‘Ookinete’ stage in life cycle of Plasmodium is found in ?
A. Hepatic parenchymal cell
B. Red blood cells (RBCs)
C. Mosquito’s midgut
D. Mosquito’s salivary gland
14 Intraerythrocytic life cycle is of about 48-hour duration for ?
A. P. falciparum
B. P. vivax
C. P. ovale
D. All of the above
15 Intraerythrocytic life cycle is of about 48-hour duration for all
except ?
A. P. falciparum
B. P. vivax
C. P. ovale
D. P. malariae
16 Malaria in human beings is caused by ?
A. Direct effects of RBC invasion
B. Destruction by the asexual parasite
C. Host’s reaction
D. All of the above
17 Schizont appears at which of the following time in the life cycle of
the malarial parasite ?
A. Beginning of intrahepatic life cycle
B. Beginning of intraerythrocytic life cycle
C. End of intrahepatic life cycle
D. End of intraerythrocytic life cycle
18 Infected RBC’s ruptures to release how many daughter merozoites ?
A. 6 – 30
B. 100 – 300
C. 300 – 800
D. 1000 – 3000
19 After entry into bloodstream, merozoites invade erythrocytes to
become ?
A. Trophozoites
B. Schizonts
C. Sporozoites
D. Any of the above
20 In Plasmodium life cycle, which of the following is an invasive
form ?
A. Sporozoite
B. Merozoite
C. Ookinete
D. All of the above
21 Duffy blood-group antigen Fya or Fyb is related to ?
A. P. falciparum
B. P. vivax
C. P. ovale
D. P. malariae
22 P. ovale is relatively unusual outside ?
A. Africa
B. Central America
C. Indian subcontinent
D. Oceania
23 Hypoendemicity means parasitemia rates of ?
A. < 10 %
B. 11 – 50 %
C. 51 – 75 %
D. > 75 %
24 Constant, frequent, year-round malarial infection is called ?
A. Perennial transmission
B. Global transmission
C. Stable transmission
D. Perpetual transmission
25 Transmission of malaria is directly proportional to ?
A. Density of vector
B. (Number of human bites per day per mosquito)2
C. (Probability of mosquito’s surviving for 1 day)10
D. All of the above
26 To transmit malaria, the mosquito must survive for ?
A. > 1 day
B. > 3 days
C. > 5 days
D. > 7 days
27 Malarial parasite’s life cycle that takes place within the mosquito
(sporogony) lasts ?
A. 3 – 7 days
B. 5 – 10 days
C. 8 – 12 days
D. 8 – 30 days