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[MCQ] Inflammatory bowel disease- Part 3
See all quizzes of Peptic Ulcer Disease at here:
1.Which of the following about investigative features of
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is false ?
A. Barium enema shows fine mucosal granularity
B. “Collar-button” ulcers seen in barium enema
C. Loss of haustration occurs in early disease
D. Colon can become short & narrowed
2. Which of the following statements about complications of
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is false ?
A. Toxic megacolon means a transverse colon with diameter >6 cm, with loss of haustration
B. Toxic megacolon can be triggered by electrolyte abnormalities and narcotics
C. In toxic colitis and severe ulcerations, bowel may perforate without first dilating
D. UC patients never develop anal fissures, perianal abscesses UC patients occasionally develop anal fissures, perianal abscesses, or hemorrhoids, but occurrence of extensive perianal lesions should suggest CD.
3. Which of the following statements about clinical features of
Crohn’s disease (CD) is false ?
A. Can be of fibrostenotic-obstructing or penetrating-fistulous pattern
B. Most common site of inflammation is caecum
C. Presentation may mimic acute appendicitis
D. Radiographic “string sign” refers to narrowed intestinal lumen
In CD, the most common site of inflammation is terminal ileum.
4. Radiographic “String sign” in CD is due to ?
A. Oedema of bowel wall
B. Thickening of bowel wall
C. Fibrosis of bowel wall
D. All of the above
5.Which of the following is not a feature of pain in CD ?
A. Colicky
B. Precedes defecation
C. Relieved by defecation
D. Continues after defecation
Pain is colicky, precedes and is relieved by defecation.
6. Right lower quadrant abdominal inflammatory mass in CD is
composed of ?
A. Inflamed bowel
B. Adherent and indurated mesentery
C. Enlarged abdominal lymph nodes
D. All of the above
7. Radiographic “string sign” of a narrowed intestinal lumen in
CD is due to ?
A. Edema of bowel wall
B. Bowel wall thickening
C. Fibrosis of bowel wall
D. All of the above
8.Factors recognized to exacerbate CD include ?
A. Intercurrent infections
B. Cigarette smoking
C. Non-steroidal anti-infl ammatory drugs
D. All of the above
9. Which of the following statements about clinical features of
Crohn’s disease (CD) is false ?
A. Pneumaturia may be present
B. Fecaluria may be present
C. Enterocutaneous fistulas may be present
D. Enterocholedocal fistulas may be present
10. In Crohn’s disease (CD), intestinal malabsorption can cause
all except ?
A. Hyperoxaluria
B. Hypocalcemia
C. Hypomagnesemia
D. Hypokalemia
11. Diarrhea in active CD is caused by ?
A. Bacterial overgrowth
B. Bile-acid malabsorption
C. Intestinal inflammation
D. All of the above
12. Which of the following about CD is false ?
A. Epigastric pain
B. H. pylori negative gastritis
C. Second part of duodenum more commonly involved
D. None of the above
13. Which of the following statements about investigations of
Crohn’s disease (CD) is false ?
A. Elevated ESR
B. Elevated CRP
C. Leucopenia
D. Hypoalbuminemia
14.Endoscopic features of Crohn’s disease (CD) is false ?
A. Rectal sparing
B. Aphthous ulcerations & skip lesions
C. Fistulas
D. None of the above
15. Earliest macroscopic findings of colonic CD is ?
A. Aphthous ulcers
B. Longitudinal stellate, serpiginous, & linear ulcers
C. Fistulas
D. Polyps
16. Which out of the following is the first-line test for evaluation of
suspected CD and its complications ?
C. CT enterography
D. Endoscopy
17.Which of the following statements about complications of
Crohn’s disease (CD) is false ?
A. Serosal adhesions common
B. Free perforation common in duodenum
C. Systemic glucocorticoid therapy increase risk of
intraabdominal & pelvic abscesses
D. Perianal disease common
18. Which of the following antibody reactivity to antigens is
associated with CD ?
A. Bacterial flagellin (CBir1)
B. Outer membrane porin C (OmpC)
C. Bacterial sequence I2 (anti-I2)
D. All of the above
19. Autoantibody found in cases of UC is ?
A. Anti dsDNA
D. Antimitochondrial
20. Which of the following statements about serological diagnosis
of IBD is false ?
A. pANCA (+) in 5-10% of UC & 60-70% of CD patients
B. 5-15% of Iº relatives of UC patients are pANCA (+)
C. pANCA positivity is associated with pancolitis, early surgery, and primary sclerosing cholangitis
D. pANCA in CD is associated with colonic disease pANCA positivity is found in about 60–70% of UC patients and 5–10% of CD patients.
21. Which of the following about ASCA in IBD is false ?
A. ASCA is associated with large bowel CD
B. 60-70% of CD, 10-15% of UC patients are ASCA (+)
C. ASCA positivity is associated with increased & early CD
D. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is Brewer’s or Baker’s yeast.
22. Which of the following about serology of CD is false ?
A. Omp C (+) patients more likely to have internal perforating
B. I2 (+) patients more likely to have fibrostenosing disease
C. Anti-CBir1 expression is associated with small-bowel disease,
fibrostenosing, and internal penetrating disease
D. None of the above
23. Cases of IBD that cannot be categorized as UC or CD are
termed ?
A. Indeterminate colitis
B. Lymphocytic colitis
C. Diversion colitis
D. Collagenous colitis
24. Which of the following is independently associated with
disabling CD after 5 years ?
A. Age at diagnosis below 40 years
B. ASCA positivity
C. pANCA positivity
D. Rectal involvement
25. All of the following are true for CD except ?
A. Abdominal mass
B. pANCA positivity
C. Response to antibiotics
D. Recurrence after surgery