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Inflammatory bowel disease- Part 2
See all quizzes of Peptic Ulcer Disease at here:
1.Which of the following cells induce transmural granulomatous
inflammation that resembles CD ?
A. TH1 cells
B. TH2 cells
C. TH17 cells
D. All of the above
2. Which of the following cells induce superficial mucosal
inflammation resembling UC ?
A. TH1 cells
B. TH2 cells
C. TH17 cells
D. All of the above
3. The TH1 cytokine pathway is initiated by ?
A. IL-4
B. IL-6
C. IL-12
D. IL-23
4. Which of the following is also called “lymphotoxin” ?
5.Levels of which of the following is elevated in IBD ?
A. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF-)
B. Interleukin-1
C. Interferon-
D. All of the above
6. In unstimulated cells, NF–B is found in ?
A. Nucleus
B. Cytoplasm
C. Cell membrane
D. All of the above
7. In unstimulated cells, NF– B remains bound to ?
A. G–B
B. H–B
C. I- B
D. J– B
8. Which of the following can activate NF– B ?
A. Cytokines
B. Activators of protein kinase C
C. Viruses
D. All of the above
9. Which of the following is not a probiotic ?
A. Lactobacillus sp.
B. Taenia suis
C. Campylobacter sp.
D. Saccharomyces boulardii
10.What proportion of UC patients have involvement of whole colon ?
A. 10 %
B. 20 %
C. 30 %
D. 40 %
11. Backwash ileitis occurs when which part of colon is involved
in UC ?
A. Ascending colon
B. Transverse colon
C. Descending colon
D. Whole colon
12.Psychosocial factors can contribute to worsening of symptoms
in which of the following illnesses ?
B. Chronic back pain
C. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
D. All of the above
13. Which of the following statements about pathology of
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is false ?
A. Mucosal disease involving rectum and colon
B. Proximal spread occurs in continuity
C. Sandpaper like appearance of mucosa reflects severe inflammation
D. Inflammatory polyps (pseudopolyps) are due to epithelial regeneration
14.Which of the following statements about pathology of
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is false ?
A. Limited to mucosa & superficial submucosa
B. Crypt architecture of colon is preserved
C. Basal lymphoplasmacytosis suggests chronicity
D. Cryptitis and crypt atrophy
15.Which of the following statements about pathology of Crohn’s
disease (CD) is false ?
A. Can affect any part of gastrointestinal tract
B. Terminal ileum involved in 90% of patients
C. Rectum is always involved in CD
D. Segmental with skip areas
16.Which of the following statements about pathology of Crohn’s
disease (CD) is false ?
A. Perirectal fistulas, abscesses & anal stenosis common
B. Never involves liver & pancreas
C. Transmural process
D. “Cobblestone” appearance on endoscopy
17. “Cobblestone mucosa” in CD is mainly seen in ?
A. Sigmoid colon
B. Transverse colon
C. Ileum
D. Rectum
18. Which of the following statements about pathology of Crohn’s
disease (CD) is false ?
A. Earliest lesions are aphthoid ulcerations & focal crypt abscesses
B. Caseating granulomas in all bowel wall layers common
C. Granulomas can be seen in liver & pancreas
D. Granulomas can be seen in lymph nodes, mesentery, peritoneum
19. In CD, “Creeping fat” is the term given to ?
A. Excessive enlargement of omentum
B. Necrosis of omentum
C. Projections of thickened mesentery encasing bowel
D. Fatty adhesions
20. Which of the following is not a major symptom of UC ?
A. Rectal bleeding
B. Constipation
C. Crampy abdominal pain
D. Tenesmus
21. Which of the following statements about clinical features of
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is false ?
A. Tenesmus is a major symptom
B. Severity of symptoms do not correlate with extent of disease
C. Constipation seen in patients with distal disease
D. Diarrhea is often nocturnal and/or postprandial
Severity of symptoms correlates with the extent of disease.
22. Which is not a manifestion severe UC ?
A. Bowel movements 4-6/day
B. Mean body temperature >37.5ºC
C. Mean pulse rate > 90 / minute
D. ESR > 30 mm in first hour
In severe UC, bowel movements are >6 per day.
23. In severe ulcerative colitis, number of bowel movements per
day is ?
A. 2 – 3
B. 3 – 4
C. 4 – 5
D. > 6
24. Which of the following about investigative features of
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is false ?
A. CRP levels may rise in active disease
B. Orosomucoid levels may rise in active disease
C. Leukocytosis is a specific indicator of disease activity
D. Proctitis or proctosigmoiditis rarely cause rise in CRP
25. Which of the following is a highly sensitive & specific marker
for detecting intestinal inflammation ?
A. Fecal lactoferrin
B. Fecal transferrin
C. Fecal hemolysin
D. Fecal reactin
26. Which of the following about fecal calprotectin is false ?
A. Levels correlate well with histologic inflammation
B. Predict relapses
C. Detects pouchitis
D. None of the above
27. Which of the following is false about “fecal calprotectin” ?
A. Neutrophilic cytosolic protein
B. Resistant to colonic bacterial degradation
C. Formerly called L1 protein
D. None of the above
28. Which of the following is false about “fecal calprotectin” ?
A. Calcium binding
B. Has antimicrobial properties
C. Predict relapses in IBD
D. None of the above