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Cirrhosis- Part 8
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Cirrhosis- Part 1| Cirrhosis- Part 2| Cirrhosis- Part 3| Cirrhosis- Part 4| Cirrhosis- Part 5| Cirrhosis- Part 6| Cirrhosis- Part 7| Cirrhosis- Part 8
1.Which of the following is the most common predisposing factor
for hepatic encephalopathy ?
A. Gastrointestinal bleeding
B. Increased dietary protein
C. Electrolyte disturbances
D. Injudicious use of CNS-depressing drugs
2. Which of the following is the most common predisposing factor
for hepatic encephalopathy ?
A. Gastrointestinal bleeding
B. Surgery
C. Superimposed acute viral hepatitis
D. Alcoholic hepatitis
3. Which of the following is the most common predisposing factor
for hepatic encephalopathy ?
A. Gastrointestinal bleeding
B. Extrahepatic bile duct obstruction
C. Constipation
D. Surgery
4. Neurologic signs in hepatic encephalopathy includes all
except ?
A. Rigidity
B. Decreased DTR
C. Extensor plantar signs
D. Seizures
5. Earliest sign of hepatic encephalopathy is ?
A. EEG changes
B. Asterixis
C. Reversal of sleep / wake cycle
D. Deterioration in handwriting
6. Typical smell in fetor hepaticus is due to ?
A. Mercaptans
B. Ammonia
C. Bilirubin
D. All of the above
7. Mercaptans are derived from intestinal metabolism of ?
A. Threonine
B. Methionine
C. Leucine
D. Isoleucine
8.For diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy, which of the
following tests has most relevance ?
A. Elevated serum ammonia level
B. Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid
C. Computed tomography of brain
D. MRI of brain
9. Disorders that can mimic the clinical features of hepatic
encephalopathy are all except ?
A. Acute alcohol intoxication
B. Sedative overdose
C. Delirium tremens
D. Encephalitis
10. Disorders that can mimic the clinical features of hepatic
encephalopathy are all except ?
A. Wernicke’s encephalopathy
B. Korsakoff’s psychosis
C. Subdural hematoma
D. Schizophrenia
11. Disorders that can mimic the clinical features of hepatic
encephalopathy are all except ?
A. Meningitis
B. Hypoglycemia
C. Hypocalcemia
D. Wilson’s disease
12.Which of the following about lactulose is false ?
A. Nonabsorbable
B. Disaccharide
C. Leads to colonic acidification
D. None of the above
13. Goal of lactulose therapy is to promote how many soft stools
per day ?
A. 2 – 3
B. 4 – 6
C. 6 – 8
D. 8 – 10
14. Which of the following has a role in the treatment of hepatic
encephalopathy ?
A. Azithromycin
B. Ritonavir
C. Rifaximin
D. Lumefantrine
15.Supplementation of which of the following is recommended in
patients with hepatic encephalopathy ?
A. Copper
B. Zinc
C. Calcium
D. Magnesium
16. First clotting factor to be depleted in cirrhosis liver is ?
A. Factor V
B. Factor VII
C. Factor VIII
D. Factor IX
17. In hepatic cirrhosis, which clotting factor is not reduced ?
A. Factor II
B. Factor V
C. Factor VII
D. Factor XI
18. Reduction in levels of which clotting factor is not worsened by
the coincident malabsorption of vitamin K ?
A. Factor II
B. Factor V
C. Factor VII
D. Factor XI
19. Coagulopathy in liver disease results due to ?
A. Decreased synthesis of clotting factors
B. Impaired clearance of anticoagulants
C. Thrombocytopenia due to hypersplenism
D. All of the above
20. The triad of hepatopulmonary syndrome includes all except ?
A. Liver disease
B. Hypoxemia
C. Hypercarbia
D. Pulmonary arteriovenous shunting
21. Hepatopulmonary syndrome is manifested by ?
A. Hypoxemia
B. Platypnea
C. Orthodeoxia
D. All of the above
22. Platypnea is a clinical presentation of ?
A. Constrictive pericarditis
B. Budd-Chiari Syndrome
C. Left atrial myxoma
23. Which of the following is not a part of hepatopulmonary
syndrome ?
A. Liver disease
B. Pulmonary vascular dilatation
C. Pulmonary vascular constriction
D. Defect in oxygenation
24. The unique striking pathological feature of hepatopulmonary
syndrome is ?
A. Gross dilatation of pulmonary pre- & capillary vessels
B. Absolute increase in number of dilated vessels
C. Pleural & pulmonary arteriovenous shunts
D. All of the above
25. Which of the following has clinical similarities to
hepatopulmonary syndrome ?
A. Blue rubber bleb syndrome
B. Chiari malformation
C. Dandy-Walker malformations
D. Type 1 Abernethy malformation