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Cirrhosis- Part 2
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Cirrhosis- Part 1| Cirrhosis- Part 2| Cirrhosis- Part 3| Cirrhosis- Part 4| Cirrhosis- Part 5| Cirrhosis- Part 6| Cirrhosis- Part 7| Cirrhosis- Part 8
1.In alcoholics, which concomitant hepatitis infection
accelerates development of alcoholic cirrhosis ?
A. Acute hepatitis A
B. Acute hepatitis B
C. Chronic hepatitis B
D. Chronic hepatitis C
2. In alcoholic cirrhosis, liver size may be ?
A. Enlarged
B. Normal
C. Decreased
D. All of the above
3. Anemia in alcoholic cirrhosis may be due to ?
A. Acute/chronic GI blood loss
B. Coexistent folic acid & vitamin B
12 deficiency
C. Hypersplenism
D. All of the above
4. Anemia in alcoholic cirrhosis may be due to ?
A. Psychogenic factors
B. Direct suppressive effect of alcohol on bone marrow
C. Deficiency of iron
D. All of the above
5. Laboratory finding unusual in alcoholic cirrhosis is ?
A. Hemolytic anemia
B. Hyperbilirubinemia
C. Elevated serum alkaline phosphatase
D. Serum AST levels > 300 units
6. Levels of serum AST in alcoholic cirrhosis are ?
A. < 300 units
B. < 400 units
C. < 500 units
D. < 600 units
7. In alcoholic liver disease, AST / ALT ratio is ?
A. > 0.5
B. > 1.0
C. > 1.5
D. > 2.0
8. In alcoholic liver disease, AST levels > ALT are due to ?
A. Greater inhibition of ALT synthesis by ethanol
B. Greater production of AST by ethanol
C. Greater clearance of ALT by ethanol
D. Lesser clearance of AST by ethanol
9. Altered albumin/globulin ratio in alcoholic cirrhosis is due
to ?
A. Hypoalbuminemia due to impaired hepatic protein synthesis
B. Hyperglobulinemia due to stimulation of RE system
C. A+B
D. None of the above
10.Metabolic disturbances seen in alcoholic cirrhosis are all
except ?
A. Glucose intolerance
B. Respiratory alkalosis
C. Metabolic alkalosis
D. Prerenal azotemia
11. Metabolic disturbances seen in alcoholic cirrhosis are all except ?
A. Hypomagnesemia
B. Hyperphosphatemia
C. Dilutional hyponatremia
D. Hypokalemia
12. What percentage of individuals with excessive alcohol intake
develop cirrhosis ?
A. 5 to 10 %
B. 10 to 15 %
C. 20 to 25 %
D. 30 to 35 %
13. Complicating conditions that can deteriorate clinical status of
an otherwise stable cirrhotic patient include ?
A. Infection
B. Portal vein thrombosis
C. Hepatocellular carcinoma
D. All of the above
14. Which of the following about alcoholic cirrhosis is true ?
A. Glucocorticoids are helpful in severe alcoholic hepatitis &
B. Survival benefit has been reported for S-adenosyl methionine in
alcoholic cirrhosis
C. Diuretics, sedatives, aspirin, acetaminophen should be used
with caution
D. All of the above
15. Which of the following medications is approved for treating
alcoholism by reducing craving ?
A. Naltrexone
B. Acamprosate
C. Tiapride
D. All of the above
16. Which of the following terms are synonymous with
posthepatitic cirrhosis ?
A. Coarsely nodular cirrhosis
B. Multilobular cirrhosis
C. Cryptogenic cirrhosis
D. All of the above
17. Viral infections that can lead to chronic liver disease include
all except ?
A. Cytomegalovirus
B. Epstein-Barr virus
C. Hepatitis C
D. Hepatitis E
18.Which of the following is a cause of chronic cholestatic
syndrome ?
A. Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC)
B. Autoimmune cholangitis
C. Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)
D. All of the above
19. Histopathologic features of chronic cholestasis are all except ?
A. Copper deposition
B. Xanthomatous transformation of hepatocytes
C. Iron deposition
D. Biliary fibrosis
20. Steatosis is often present in patients with which HCV
genotype ?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
21.Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is nowadays diagnosed
as what was earlier diagnosed as ?
A. Autoimmune cholangiopathy
B. Cardiac cirrhosis
C. Cryptogenic cirrhosis
D. Autoimmune hepatitis
22. Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is characterized by ?
A. Fibrous obliteration of intrahepatic bile ductules
B. Fibrous obliteration of larger extrahepatic ducts
C. Fibrous obliteration of intrahepatic bile ductules and larger
extrahepatic ducts both
D. None of the above
23.In PBC, pruritus is most bothersome in ?
A. Morning
B. Afternoon
C. Evening
D. Night
24. Features unique to PBC include all except ?
A. Hypopigmentation
B. Xanthelasma
C. Xanthomata
D. Bone pain
25. In PBC, hyperpigmentation is evident on ?
A. Trunk
B. Face
C. Areas of exfoliation and lichenification
D. All of the above