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Seizures and Epilepsy- Part 3
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Seizures and Epilepsy- Part 1| Seizures and Epilepsy- Part 2| Seizures and Epilepsy- Part 3| Seizures and Epilepsy- Part 4| Seizures and Epilepsy- Part 5| Seizures and Epilepsy- Part 6
1 Dravet syndrome best relates to which of the following ?
A. Myoclonic epilepsies due to storage diseases
B. Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy
C. Febrile convulsions
D. Early cryptogenic focal epilepsy
2 Characteristics of Landau-Kleffner syndrome include ?
A. Auditory agnosia or “word deafness”
B. Normal hearing
C. Abnormal electrical brain activity
D. All of the above
3 Which of the following schistosomes causes Jacksonian epilepsy ?
A. S. japonicum
B. S. mansoni
C. S. haematobium
D. S. mekongi
4 Which of the following schistosomes is associated with associated
with transverse myelitis ?
A. S. japonicum
B. S. intercalatum
C. S. haematobium
D. S. mekongi
5 Which of the following schistosomes is associated with associated
with transverse myelitis ?
A. S. japonicum
B. S. mansoni
C. S. intercalatum
D. S. mekongi
6 Which of the following schistosomes belongs to the urinary
species ?
A. S. japonicum
B. S. haematobium
C. S. intercalatum
D. S. mekongi
7 Which of the following is false about seizures due to inborn
errors of metabolism ?
A. Occur once regular feeding begins
B. Occur typically 2 – 3 days after birth
C. Idiosyncratic side effect to Valproic acid common
D. None of the above
8 Pyridoxine deficiency causes seizures during ?
A. Neonatal period (<1 month)
B. Infants and children (>1 month and <12 years)
C. Adolescents (12 – 18 years)
D. Young adults (18 – 35 years)
9 Febrile seizures have a peak incidence between ?
A. 1 and 3 months
B. 3 and 9 months
C. 9 and 18 months
D. 18 and 24 months
10 Febrile seizure is likely to occur during ?
A. Rising phase of temperature curve
B. Peak of temperature curve
C. Declining phase of temperature curve
D. Any of the above
11 Which of the following is false about complex febrile seizures ?
A. Duration > 15 minutes
B. Repeated seizure activity
C. Not associated with increased risk of developing epilepsy
D. Focal features
12 Primary epilepsy syndromes present during which of the following
age groups ?
A. Neonatal period (<1 month)
B. Infants and children (>1 month and <12 years)
C. Adolescents (12 – 18 years)
D. Young adults (18 – 35 years)
13 Acute seizure in older adults is mostly due to ?
A. Embolic stroke
B. Hemorrhagic stroke
C. Thrombotic stroke
D. All of the above
14 Seizure disorder is not “idiopathic” in which of the following age
groups ?
A. Neonatal period (<1 month)
B. Infants and children (>1 month and <12 years)
C. Adolescents (12 – 18 years)
D. Young adults (18 – 35 years)
15 Hypocalcemia or hypomagnesemia are a cause of seizure disorder
in which of the following age groups ?
A. Neonatal period (<1 month)
B. Infants and children (>1 month and <12 years)
C. Adolescents (12 – 18 years)
D. Young adults (18 – 35 years)
16 Which of the following bronchodilators cause epilepsy ?
A. Theophylline
B. Salbutamol
C. Terbutaline
D. Ipratropium bromide
17 Which of the following anti-tubercular drug cause epilepsy ?
A. Isoniazid
B. Rifampin
C. Pyrazinamide
D. Ethambutol
18 Which of the following analgesics can cause epilepsy ?
A. Aspirin
B. Diclofenac sodium
C. Tramadol
D. Nimusilide
19 Which of the following antimicrobial / antiviral can cause epilepsy ?
A. Quinolones
B. Acyclovir
C. Ganciclovir
D. All of the above
20 Which of the following antimalarials can cause seizure ?
A. Mefloquine
B. Quinine
C. Artemether
D. Halofantrine
21 Diseases due to ion-channel mutations “channelopathies”
include ?
A. Episodic ataxia
B. Familial hemiplegic migraine
C. Long-QT syndrome
D. All of the above
22 The initial bursting activity in seizure is caused by ?
A. Influx of extracellular calcium (Ca2+)
B. Opening of voltage-dependent sodium (Na+) channels
C. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors
D. All of the above
23 Hyperpolarizing afterpotential during seizure is mediated by ?
A. Influx of extracellular calcium (Ca2+)
B. Opening of voltage-dependent sodium (Na+) channels
C. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors
D. All of the above