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Acute Kidney Injury & Chronic Kidney Disease- Part 5
See all quizzes of Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Kidney at here:
Acute Kidney Injury & Chronic Kidney Disease- Part 1| Acute Kidney Injury & Chronic Kidney Disease- Part 2 | Acute Kidney Injury & Chronic Kidney Disease- Part 3| Acute Kidney Injury & Chronic Kidney Disease- Part 4| Acute Kidney Injury & Chronic Kidney Disease- Part 5
1.In adult females, persistence in urine of how much albumin per gram of creatinine signifies chronic renal damage ?
A. > 18 mg
B. > 21 mg
C. > 23 mg
D. > 25 mg
2. What is the GFR value (mL/min per 1.73 m2) in stage 5 of chronic kidney disease (CKD) ?
A. < 15
B. 15 – 29
C. 30 – 59
D. 60 – 89
3. Out of the following, which is the most common cause of chronic kidney disease ?
A. Diabetes mellitus
B. Hypertension
C. Glomerulonephritis
D. Cystic kidney disease
4. Which of the following dysfunctions occur in uremic syndrome ?
A. Renal excretory failure
B. Progressive systemic inflammation
C. Loss of hormone regulation
D. All of the above
5. Uremic “Toxins” include ?
A. By-products of protein & amino acid metabolism
B. End products of aliphatic amine metabolism
C. End products of aromatic amino acid metabolism
D. All of the above
6. Uremic “Toxins” include ?
A. Urea
B. Creatine
C. Urates and hippurates
D. All of the above
7. Which of the following is a nitrogenous excretory product ?
A. Polyamines
B. Myoinositol
C. Phenols
D. All of the above
8. Which of the following is a nitrogenous excretory product ?
A. Benzoates
B. Indoles
C. Phenols
D. All of the above
9. Plasma levels of which of the following hormones rise with renal failure ?
A. Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
B. Prolactin
C. Luteinizing hormone
D. All of the above
10. Clinical abnormalities in uremia that develop only after initiation of dialysis therapy are all except ?
A. Adynamic osteomalacia
B. Dialysis disequilibrium syndrome
C. Hypotension & arrhythmias
D. Hypothermia
11. Clinical abnormalities in uremia that develop only after initiation of dialysis therapy are all except ?
A. Hepatitis
B. Idiopathic ascites
C. Peritonitis
D. Muscular irritability
12. Clinical abnormalities in uremia that develop only after initiation of dialysis therapy are all except ?
A. Leukopenia
B. Hypocomplementemia
C. Muscle cramps
D. Hypernatremia & hyponatremia
13. Clinical abnormalities in uremia that improve with dialysis and erythropoietin therapy are all except ?
A. Fatigue
B. Impaired mentation
C. Lethargy
D. Sleep disorders
14. Clinical abnormalities in uremia that improve with dialysis and erythropoietin therapy are all except ?
A. Pallor
B. Anemia
C. Bleeding diathesis
D. Leukopenia
15. Gastrointestinal disturbances in uremia that usually improve with optimal dialysis & related therapy are all except ?
A. Anorexia, nausea and vomiting
B. Uremic fetor
C. Gastroenteritis
D. Idiopathic ascites
16. Gastrointestinal disturbances in uremia that develop only after initiation of dialysis therapy are all except ?
A. Hepatitis
B. Idiopathic ascites
C. Peritonitis
D. Uremic fetor
17. Endocrine-metabolic disturbances in uremia that develop only after initiation of dialysis therapy are all except ?
A. Carbohydrate intolerance
B. Adynamic osteomalacia
C. Secondary hyperparathyroidism
D. Vitamin D-deficient osteomalacia
18. Endocrine-metabolic disturbances in uremia that usually improve with optimal dialysis & related therapy are all except ?
A. Carbohydrate intolerance
B. Vitamin D-deficient osteomalacia
C. Hypothermia
D. All of the above
19. Endocrine-metabolic disturbances in uremia that tends to persist or even progress, despite optimal dialysis & related therapy are all except ?
A. Increased Lp(a) level
B. Decreased high-density lipoprotein level
C. Infertility and sexual dysfunction
D. None of the above
20. Endocrine-metabolic disturbances in uremia that tends to persist or even progress, despite optimal dialysis & related therapy are all except ?
A. Amenorrhea
B. Impaired growth & development
C. Infertility & sexual dysfunction
D. None of the above
21. Neuromuscular disturbances in uremia that usually improve with optimal dialysis & related therapy are all except ?
A. Asterixis
B. Muscular irritability
C. Coma
D. Sleep disorder
22. Neuromuscular disturbances in uremia that develops only after initiation of dialysis therapy are all except ?
A. Muscle cramps
B. Myoclonus
C. Dialysis disequilibrium syndrome
D. Myopathy
23. Neuromuscular disturbances in uremia that improve with dialysis and erythropoietin therapy are all except ?
A. Fatigue
B. Impaired mentation
C. Lethargy
D. Asterixis
24. Cardiovascular & pulmonary disturbances in uremia that usually improve with optimal dialysis & related therapy are all except ?
A. CHF / pulmonary edema
B. Pericarditis
C. Uremic lung
D. Hypotension & arrhythmias
25. Dermatologic disturbances in uremia that usually improve with optimal dialysis & related therapy are all except ?
A. Ecchymoses
B. Uremic frost
C. Pallor
D. Pruritus