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Viral Encephalitis- Part 2
See all quizzes of Viral Encephalitis here:
1 Typical visual deficit seen in progressive multifocal
leukoencephalopathy is ?
A. Achromatopia
B. Homonymous hemianopia
C. Cortical blindness
D. Amaurosis fugax
2 Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis occurs after a latent interval
of how many years after measles infection ?
A. 1 – 2 years
B. 2 – 4 years
C. 4 – 6 years
D. 6 – 8 years
3 Which of the following is not a manifestation of subacute sclerosing
panencephalitis ?
A. Fever and headache
B. Progressive intellectual deterioration
C. Focal and/or generalized seizures
D. Ataxia
4 Which of the following diagnostic modalities are useful in SSPE ?
D. All of the above
5 CSF finding in SSPE is ?
A. Acellular
B. Elevated gamma globulin level
C. Elevated CSF antimeasles antibody level
D. All of the above
6 Which of the following drugs is used in the treatment of SSPE ?
A. Acyclovir
B. Isoprinosine
C. Cytarabine
D. Foscarnet
7 Which of the following is true for the capsule of a brain abscess ?
A. Fibrous
B. Vascularized
C. No capsule
D. Any of the above
8 In immunocompetent individuals the most common pathogen
that causes brain abscess is ?
A. Streptococcus
B. Klebsiella
C. Staphylococcus
D. E. coli
9 In immunocompromised hosts the most common pathogen that
causes brain abscess is ?
A. Taenia solium
B. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
C. Nocardia
D. E. coli
10 Which of the following is false about hematogenous brain
abscesses ?
A. At the junction of gray & white matter
B. Predilection for MCA territory
C. Multiple
D. Encapsulated
11 Most common symptom of brain abscess is ?
A. Headache
B. Fever
C. Seizure
D. Focal neurologic deficit
12 When should a lumbar puncture performed in patients suspected
of brain abscess ?
A. As early as possible
B. On day 3
C. On day 10
D. Should not be performed
13 Conditions that can cause headache, fever, focal neurologic signs,
and seizure activity include ?
A. Bacterial meningitis
B. Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis
C. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
D. All of the above
14 Anticonvulsant therapy is continued for at least how many months
after resolution of brain abscess ?
A. 3
B. 6
C. 9
D. 12
15 Most common parasitic disease of the CNS worldwide is ?
A. Neurocysticercosis
B. Toxoplasmosis
C. Schistosomiasis
D. Amebiasis
16 Most common manifestation of neurocysticercosis is ?
A. New-onset partial seizures
B. New-onset generalized seizures
C. Focal neurologic deficit
D. Headache
17 Which of the following findings on neuroimaging calls for
treatment with anticysticidal drugs ?
A. Cysticerci appearing as cystic lesions in brain
B. Cysticerci appearing as enhancing lesions in brain
C. Cysticerci appearing as enhancing lesions in subarachnoid
D. All of the above
18 The superior sagittal sinus drains into ?
A. Transverse sinus
B. Sigmoid sinus
C. Internal jugular vein
D. Cavernous sinus
19 Headache & earache are the most frequent symptoms of ?
A. Transverse sinus thrombosis
B. Internal jugular vein thrombosis
C. Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis
D. Cavernous sinus thrombosis
20 Gradinego’s syndrome is due to thrombosis in which of the
following intracranial sinuses ?
A. Transverse sinus
B. Sigmoid sinus
C. Internal jugular vein
D. Cavernous sinus
21 Which of the following does not pass through the cavernous
sinus ?
A. III, IV & VI cranial nerves
B. Ophthalmic & maxillary branches of V cranial nerve
C. Middle cerebral artery
D. Internal carotid artery
22 Retroorbital pain is a feature of ?
A. Viral meningitis
B. Transverse sinus thrombosis
C. Cavernous sinus thrombosis
D. All of the above
23 Chronic meningitis is diagnosed when ?
A. > 4 weeks duration
B. Persistent CSF WBC count > 5/μL
C. Chronic & persistent or recurrent & discrete headache
D. All of the above
24 Which of the following is best related to resorbption of CSF ?
A. Choroid plexus
B. Arachnoid villi
C. Virchow-Robin spaces
D. All of the above
25 Recurrent meningitis is a feature of all except ?
A. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome
B. Behçet’s syndrome
C. Wegener’s granulomatosis
D. Mollaret’s meningitis
26 Recurrent meningitis is a feature of ?
A. Neurocysticercosis
B. Drug hypersensitivity
C. Syphilis
D. Mumps
27 Uveitis is a feature of ?
A. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome
B. Sarcoid
C. CNS lymphoma
D. All of the above
28 Iridocyclitis is a feature of ?
A. Systemic lupus erythematosus
B. CNS sarcoidosis
C. Wegener’s granulomatosis
D. Behçet’s syndrome
29 Which of the following is a feature of Behçet’s syndrome ?
A. Aphthous oral lesions
B. Genital ulcers
C. Hypopyon
D. All of the above
30 Fatal levels of raised ICP can occur without enlarged ventricles in ?
A. Lyme disease
B. CNS sarcoidosis
C. Cryptococcal meningitis
D. Chronic benign lymphocytic meningitis
31 Anti-Ro / SSA positivity is associated with ?
A. Sensorineural hearing loss
B. Raynaud’s phenomenon
C. Congenital heart block
D. All of the above
32 Most useful empirical therapy for chronic meningitis is ?
A. Antituberculous therapy
B. Antifungal medication
C. Glucocorticoids
D. Ventricular-peritoneal shunt