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Tuberculosis- Part 1
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1 Robert Koch won the Nobel Prize in which year ?
A. 1905
B. 1910
C. 1915
D. 1920
2 M. tuberculosis complex includes all of the following species
except ?
A. M. tuberculosis
B. M. bovis
C. M. africanum
D. M. xenopi
3 Tuberculosis also called “phthisis” which in Greek means ?
A. Wasting away
B. Swollen glands
C. Dark pigmentation of skin
D. Chronic cough
4 MIRUs in genome of M. tuberculosis means ?
A. Mycobacterial interpolated repeat units
B. Mycobacterial interference repeat units
C. Mycobacterial interspersed representative units
D. Mycobacterial interspersed repeat units
5 Which of the following about M. tuberculosis is false ?
A. Rod-shaped
B. Spore-forming
C. Aerobic bacterium
D. Measures about 0.5 μm by 3 μm
6 Acid fastness of M. tuberculosis bacterium is is due to high
content of ?
A. Phenolic acids in cell wall
B. Mycolic acids in cell wall
C. Tyrosine in cell wall
D. Glucosamine in cell wall
7 Which of the following microorganisms display acid fastness ?
A. Nocardia
B. Rhodococcus
C. Legionella micdadei
D. All of the above
8 Which of the following microorganisms display acid fastness ?
A. Isospora
B. M. tuberculosis
C. Cryptosporidium
D. All of the above
9 Which of the following is a component of mycobacterial cell wall
A. Mycolic acids
B. Arabinogalactan
C. Lipoarabinomannan (LAM)
D. All of the above
10 Which of the following facilitates the survival of M. tuberculosis
within macrophages ?
A. Mycolic acids
B. Arabinogalactan
C. Lipoarabinomannan
D. All of the above
11 Complete genome sequence of M. tuberculosis comprises
about ?
A. 2000 genes
B. 3000 genes
C. 4000 genes
D. 5000 genes
12 Large proportion of the genes in M. tuberculosis genome are
devoted to ?
A. Production of liposomal enzymes
B. Production of enzymes involved in cell wall metabolism
C. Glycogenolysis
D. Production of proline-rich proteins
13 Mycobacteria bind to which of the following macrophage cellsurface
molecules ?
A. Complement receptors
B. Mannose receptor
C. Immunoglobulin GFc receptor
D. All of the above
14 Phagosome-lysosome fusion is related to ?
A. Mannose receptor
B. Complement activation
C. Ca2+/calmodulin pathway
D. Type A scavenger receptors
15 Which of the following is an essential component of phagolysosome
biogenesis ?
A. Phosphatidyl-inositol-1-phosphate [(PI(1)P)]
B. Phosphatidyl-inositol-2-phosphate [(PI(2)P)]
C. Phosphatidyl-inositol-3-phosphate [(PI(3)P)]
D. Phosphatidyl-inositol-4-phosphate [(PI(4)P)]
16 Which of the following is a PI(3)P binding protein ?
B. EEA1 (early endosome antigen 1)
C. Rab7
D. v-ATPase
17 M. tuberculosis droplet nuclei may be aerosolized by ?
A. Coughing
B. Sneezing
C. Speaking
D. All of the above
18 What is the size of the M. tuberculosis infecting droplets ?
Harrison’s 18th Ed. 1342
A. < 10 μm in diameter
B. < 20 μm in diameter
C. < 30 μm in diameter
D. < 40 μm in diameter
19 Route of transmission of tubercle bacilli is ?
A. Aerosolized droplet nuclei
B. Skin
C . Placenta
D. All of the above
20 Among infected persons, the incidence of tuberculosis is highest
in ?
A. Children
B. Late adolescence and early adulthood
C. Middle age
D. Old age
21 Conditions known to increase risk of active tuberculosis among
persons infected with tubercle bacilli include ?
A. Silicosis
B. Intravenous drug use
C. Jejunoileal bypass
D. All of the above
22 Conditions known to increase risk of active tuberculosis among
persons infected with tubercle bacilli include all except ?
A. Gastrectomy and jejunoileal bypass surgery
B. HIV infection
C. Old, self-healed, fibrotic lesions
D. Mental retardation
23 5-year mortality rate among sputum smear positive cases of
untreated tuberculosis is ?
A. 35 %
B. 45 %
C. 55 %
D. 65 %
24 Opsonization refers to ?
A. Rupture of cell wall of bacteria by antibody
B. Nonspecific activation of macrophages
C. Coating by antibody & complement in preparation for phagocytosis
D. Invasion of macrophages by bacteria
25 Internal environment of macrophage where M. tuberculosis
resides and survives is ?
A. Mildly acidic
B. Moderately acidic
C. Severely acidic
D. None of the above