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ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction- Part 1
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ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction- Part 1 |ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction- Part 1|
ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction- Part 3| ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction- Part 4
1.Early (30-day) mortality rate from acute MI is ?
A. ~ 10 %
B. ~ 20 %
C. ~ 30 %
D. ~ 40 %
2. Which of the following statements about acute coronary syndromes is false ?
A. Majority of patients with ST-segment elevation ultimately develop Q-wave on ECG (QwMI)
B. Majority of patients without ST-segment elevation (NSTEMI) ultimately develop Q-wave on ECG (QwMI)
C. Mortality due to AMI is fourfold higher in elderly (>75 years) as compared with younger patients
D. None of the above
3. Histologically, coronary plaques prone to disruption are those with ?
A. Rich lipid core and thin fibrous cap
B. Rich lipid core and thick fibrous cap
C. Poor lipid core and thin fibrous cap
D. Poor lipid core and thick fibrous cap
4. Agonists that promote platelet activation at the site of ruptured plaque include all except ?
A. Collagen
C. Epinephrine
D. Serotonin
5. Which of the following best describes thromboxane A2 ?
A. Adhesive protein
B. Local vasoconstrictor
C. Resistance to fibrinolysis
D. Platelet aggregator
6. Out of the following, which is the least likely condition that increases risk of developing STEMI ?
A. Collagen vascular disease
B. Unstable angina
C. Cocaine abuse
D. Alcohol abuse
7. Which of the following best relates to management of STEMI ?
A. The linking theory
B. Attention to time
C. Chain of survival
D. The weak link
8. STEMI tends to occur most commonly at ?
A. Early morning, few hours before awakening
B. Morning, within a few hours after awakening
C. After meals
D. Late evening, following return from work
9. Which of the following is false regarding ‘pain’ in STEMI ?
A. Most common presenting complaint
B. Deep and visceral
C. Different in character to discomfort of angina pectoris
D. May radiate as high as occipital area
10. Which of the following is false regarding ‘pain’ in STEMI ?
A. Does not radiate below umbilicus
B. May radiate to trapezius
C. Pain does not subside with cessation of activity
D. Painless STEMIs is greater in diabetics
11. Sympathetic nervous system hyperactivity is more common in ?
A. Anterior infarction
B. Inferior infarction
C. Posterior infarction
D. Lateral infarction
12.Parasympathetic nervous system hyperactivity is more common in ?
A. Anterior infarction
B. Inferior infarction
C. Posterior infarction
D. Lateral infarction
13. Which of the following is not an auscultatory finding in myocardial infarction ?
A. Decreased intensity of S1
B. Paradoxical splitting of S2
C. Early systolic apical systolic murmur
D. Pericardial friction rub
14. In most patients with transmural myocardial infarction, systolic pressure declines by how much from the preinfarction state ?
A. ~ 5 – 10 mm Hg
B. ~ 10 – 15 mm Hg
C. ~ 15 – 20 mm Hg
D. ~ 20 – 25 mm Hg
15. In temporal staging of myocardial infarction, acute stage is ?
A. First few hours
B. First few hours to 3 days
C. First few hours to 5 days
D. First few hours to 7 days
16. In temporal staging of myocardial infarction, healing stage is ?
A. 3 to 10 days
B. 7 to 15 days
C. 10 to 21 days
D. 7 to 28 days
17. Development of a Q wave on ECG is more dependent on ?
A. Transmurality of myocardial infarction
B. Volume of infarcted myocardial tissue
C. Thickness of the opposite myocardial wall
D. All of the above
18. Which of the following about cardiac biomarkers is false ?
A. Detected in serum
B. Cardiac biomarkers are proteins
C. Released from necrotic heart muscle
D. None of the above
19. Levels of cTnI and cTnT may remain elevated for how many days after STEMI ?
A. 1 to 3 days
B. 2 to 5 days
C. 7 to 10 days
D. 10 to 21 days
20. Cardiac biomarkers that are released into the interstitium are first cleared by ?
A. Arterioles
B. Venules
C. Capillaries
D. Lymphatics
21. Which of the following is true for levels of creatine phosphokinase (CK) in STEMI ?
A. Rises within 10 to 30 minutes
B. Rises within 30 minutes to 1 hour
C. Rises within 1 to 4 hours
D. Rises within 4 to 8 hours
22. Which of the following is true for levels of creatine phosphokinase (CK) in STEMI ?
A. Returns to normal within 24 hours
B. Returns to normal by 24 to 48 hours
C. Returns to normal by 48 to 72 hours
D. Returns to normal by 72 to 96 hours