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Disturbances of Respiratory Function- Part 2
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Disturbances of Respiratory Function- Part 1 | Disturbances of Respiratory Function- Part 2 | Disturbances of Respiratory Function- Part 3| Disturbances of Respiratory Function- Part 4
1.During maximal inspiration from RV to TLC, inspiratory flow is most rapid at ?
A. Beginning of inspiration
B. Midpoint of inspiration
C. Terminal point of inspiration
D. None of the above
2. Maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) are useful in assessing ?
A. Strength of respiratory muscles
B. Lung recoil
C. Airway obstruction
D. All of the above
3. Abnormality noted on routine testing of pulmonary function in early obstructive disease is ?
A. Increased FEV1/VC
B. Depression in FEF25–75%
C. Coved early portion of flow-volume curve
D. All of the above
4. Which of the following is true in obstructive lung disease ?
A. Decreased TLC
B. Ratio RV / TLC increased
C. Increased VC
D. None of the above
5. Which of the following is decreased in pulmonary parenchymal restrictive lung disease ?
D. All of the above
6. Which of the following is decreased in neuromuscular weakness causing pulmonary extraparenchymal restrictive lung disease ?
D. All of the above
7. Normal mean pulmonary artery pressure is ?
A. 5 mmHg
B. 10 mmHg
C. 15 mmHg
D. 20 mmHg
8. In an upright person, pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) is lowest at ?
A. Apex of lung
B. Lung base
C. Right middle lobe
D. Apical segment of lower lobe
9. In an upright person, pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) is highest at ?
A. Apex of lung
B. Lung base
C. Right middle lobe
D. Apical segment of lower lobe
10. In upright position, pulmonary perfusion is least at ?
A. Apex
B. Lung base
C. Right middle lobe
D. Apical segment of lower lobe
11. Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is calculated by ?
A. PVR = 60(PAP – PCW)/CO
B. PVR = 70(PAP – PCW)/CO
C. PVR = 80(PAP – PCW)/CO
D. PVR = 90(PAP – PCW)/CO
12. Normal value for pulmonary vascular resistance is ?
A. 25 to 50 dyn s/cm5
B. 50 to 150 dyn s/cm5
C. 150 to 250 dyn s/cm5
D. 250 to 500 dyn s/cm5
13. Normally, O2 & CO2 diffusion equilibration is complete in what time of RBC’s transit through pulmonary capillary bed ?
A. 1/3
B. 1/2
C. 3/4
D. Throughout transit time
14. Hemoglobin is almost fully (~90%) saturated at a PO2 of ?
A. 60 mmHg
B. 70 mmHg
C. 80 mmHg
D. 90 mmHg
15. When fully saturated, each gram of hemoglobin is capable of carrying ?
A. 0.34 mL of O2
B. 1.34 mL of O2
C. 2.34 mL of O2
D. 3.34 mL of O2
16. Amount of O2 transported bound to hemoglobin is ?
A. ~ 10 mL per deciliter of blood
B. ~ 20 mL per deciliter of blood
C. ~ 30 mL per deciliter of blood
D. ~ 40 mL per deciliter of blood
17. Amount of O2 transported dissolved in plasma is ?
A. ~ 0.3 mL O2 per deciliter of blood
B. ~ 1.3 mL O2 per deciliter of blood
C. ~ 2.3 mL O2 per deciliter of blood
D. ~ 3.3 mL O
18. In mixed venous blood, the PO2 is normally about ?
A. 40 mmHg
B. 60 mmHg
C. 80 mmHg
D. 100 mmHg
19. In a healthy young person breathing room air, the PAO2 – PaO2 is normally ?
A. < 15 mmHg
B. < 30 mmHg
C. < 45 mmHg
D. < 60 mmHg
20. Pulse oximeter calculates O2 saturation by measuring absorption of how many wavelengths of light ?
A. 2
B. 5
C. 8
D. 12
Pulse oximeter calculates O
21. Specific relationship between PaO2 & SaO2 depends on ?
A. Temperature
B. pH
C. Erythrocyte concentration of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate
D. All of the above
22. CO-oximeter can distinguish which of the following ?
A. Oxyhemoglobin
B. Carboxyhemoglobin
C. Methemoglobin
D. All of the above