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The Female Reproductive System, Infertility, and Contraception- Part 1
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1 Fetuses weighing less than what are termed abortuses ?
A. 500 grams
B. 600 grams
C. 750 grams
D. 1000 grams
2 Birth rate is expressed as ?
A. Number of live births per 1000 population
B. Number of live births per 10000 population
C. Number of live births per 100000 population
D. Number of live births per 1000000 population
3 Fertility rate of females is calculated between what age range ?
A. 15 to 40 years
B. 15 to 44 years
C. 15 to 46 years
D. 15 to 48 years
4. Early neonatal death refers to ?
A. During the first day after birth
B. During the first 3 days after birth
C. During the first 7 days after birth
D. During the first 10 days after birth
5. Late neonatal death refers to ?
A. Death after 7 days but before 14 days
B. Death after 7 days but before 21 days
C. Death after 7 days but before 29 days
D. Death after 7 days but before 42 days
6. Neonatal mortality rate refers to ?
A. Number of neonatal deaths per 100 live births
B. Number of neonatal deaths per 1000 live births
C. Number of neonatal deaths per 10000 live births
D. Number of neonatal deaths per 100000 live births
7. Perinatal mortality rate refers to ?
A. Number of neonatal deaths per 1000 total births
B. Number of stillbirths + neonatal deaths per 1000 total births
C. Number of neonatal deaths per 10000 total births
D. Number of stillbirths + neonatal deaths per 10000 total births
8. Infant death refers to all deaths of liveborn infants from birth to ?
A. 3 months of age
B. 6 months of age
C. 9 months of age
D. 12 months of age
10. Infant mortality rate is the number of infant deaths per
A. 100 live births
B. 1000 live births
C. 10000 live births
D. 100000 live births
11 Low-birthweight is a newborn whose weight is less than ?
A. 500 grams
B. 1000 grams
C. 1500 grams
D. 2500 grams
12 Very low-birthweight is a newborn whose weight is less than ?
A. 500 grams
B. 1000 grams
C. 1500 grams
D. 2500 grams
13 Extremely low-birthweight is a newborn whose weight is less
than ?
A. 500 grams
B. 1000 grams
C. 1500 grams
D. 2500 grams
14 Term neonate is a neonate born after how many days of pregnancy ?
A. 245 to 284 days
B. 252 to 290 days
C. 260 to 294 days
D. 268 to 298 days
15 Preterm neonate is a neonate born before how many days of
pregnancy ?
A. 248 days
B. 252 days
C. 259 days
D. 261 days
16 Post-term neonate is a neonate born on or after how many days of
pregnancy ?
A. 294 days
B. 295 days
C. 296 days
D. 297 days
17 Abortus is fetus or embryo removed or expelled from uterus
maximally before ?
A. 16 weeks of gestation
B. 18 weeks of gestation
C. 20 weeks of gestation
D. 22 weeks of gestation
18 Maternal mortality ratio is the number of maternal deaths that
result from reproductive process per ?
A. 1000 live births
B. 10000 live births
C. 100000 live births
D. 1000000 live births
19 Which of the following statements is false ?
A. Adaptive immune responses are more robust in women than
in men
B. Estrogens have stimulatory actions on cellular immunity
C. Androgens have inhibitory actions on cellular immunity
D. None of the above
20 Which of the following statements is false ?
A. Women have lower total body water than men
B. Women awaken from anesthesia faster than men given the same
doses of anesthetics
C. Women require lower doses of neuroleptics to control
D. Women have lower frequency of adverse drug reactions than men
21 What percentage of women suffer from depression during
pregnancy and postpartum period ?
A. 5 %
B. 10 %
C. 25 %
D. 40 %
22 In pregnancy, cardiac output increases by ?
A. 10 %
B. 20 %
C. 30 %
D. 40 %
23 During pregnancy, what value of blood pressure is considered as
abnormally elevated and is associated with a marked increase in
perinatal morbidity and mortality ?
A. 130 / 80 mmHg
B. 130 / 90 mmHg
C. 140 / 80 mmHg
D. 140 / 90 mmHg
24 In all pregnant women, measurement of BP should be performed
in which position ?
A. Supine
B. Sitting
C. Standing
D. Any of the above
25 What percentage of pregnant women suffer from preeclampsia ?
A. 2 to 3 %
B. 5 to 7 %
C. 12 to 15 %
D. 15 to 18 %