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Alcoholic liver disease
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1.Which of the following is the major lesion in the pathology of
alcoholic liver disease ?
A. Fatty liver
B. Alcoholic hepatitis
C. Cirrhosis
D. All of the above
2.Which of the following is considered to be a precursor to
cirrhosis ?
A. Fatty liver
C. Alcoholic hepatitis
D. All of the above
3. One beer (12 oz), four ounces of wine or one ounce of 80%
spirits contain how many grams of alcohol ?
A. ~ 8 grams
B. ~ 10 grams
C. ~ 12 grams
D. ~ 14 grams
4. In men, what quantity of ethanol produces fatty liver ?
A. 10 – 20 gm / day
B. 20 – 40 gm / day
C. 40 – 80 gm / day
D. 80 – 120 gm / day
5. In men, what quantity & duration of ethanol consumption
causes hepatitis or cirrhosis ?
A. 80 gm / day for 5 – 10 years
B. 160 gm / day for 5 – 10 years
C. 80 gm / day for 10 – 20 years
D. 160 gm / day for 10 – 20 years
6. What proportion of alcoholics develop alcoholic liver disease ?
A. 15 %
B. 30 %
C. 45 %
D. 75 %
7. Which of the following statements about alcohol consumption
is false ?
A. Alcohol is a direct hepatotoxin
B. Men more susceptible to alcoholic liver injury than women
C. Alcohol injury does not require malnutrition
D. 15% of alcoholics develop alcoholic liver disease
Women are more susceptible to alcoholic liver disease than men.
8. Which of the following is related to the genetic risk factors for
alcoholic liver disease ?
A. Cytochrome P450 3A
B. Cytochrome P450 2C19
C. Cytochrome P450 2D6
D. Cytochrome P-450 2E1
9. Cytochrome P-450 2E1 converts alcohol to ?
A. Acetate
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Free fatty acids
D. Acetaldehyde
10. In men, what is the threshold daily alcohol intake necessary to
produce pathologic changes of alcoholic hepatitis ?
A. 10 grams
B. 20 grams
C. 40 grams
D. 60 grams
11. Which of the following accelerates progression of alcoholic
liver disease to cirrhosis in chronic and excessive drinkers ?
A. Acute hepatitis B
B. Acute hepatitis C
C. Chronic hepatitis B
D. Chronic hepatitis C
12.Chronic alcohol ingestion lead to which of the following ?
A. Autoimmune response
B. Fibrotic response
C. Inflammatory response
D. All of the above
13.Major enzyme responsible for alcohol metabolism is ?
A. Alcohol dehydrogenase
B. Alcohol reductase
C. Alcohol oxidase
D. All of the above
16. Which of the following hepatic pathologic features may be
associated with progressive liver injury ?
A. Giant mitochondria
B. Perivenular fibrosis
C. Macrovesicular fat
D. All of the above
17. Histologically, the earliest changes in alcoholic hepatitis are
located predominantly in ?
A. Zone 1
B. Zone 2
C. Zone 3
D. All of the above
18. The hallmark features of hepatocyte injury in alcoholic
hepatitis are all except ?
A. Polymorphonuclear infiltrate
B. Ballooning degeneration
C. Mallory bodies
D. Fibrosis in perisinusoidal space of Disse
19. Which of the following is false about Terry’s nails ?
A. Ground glass appearance of fingernails
B. No lunula
C. Frequent in severe liver disease
D. None of the above
20. Skin texture of cheeks & nasolabial folds in patient with alcohol
related liver disease is called ?
A. Gooseberry skin
B. Cheese wind skin
C. Weather heat skin
D. Paper-money skin
21. In alcoholic hepatitis, which of the following can occur in the
absence of cirrhosis ?
A. Portal hypertension
B. Ascites
C. Variceal bleeding
D. All of the above
22. In alcoholic hepatitis, AST : ALT ratio is ?
A. > 0.25
B. > 0.50
C. > 0.75
D. > 1
23. In alcoholic hepatitis, AST and ALT are rarely more than ?
A. 100 IU/L
B. 200 IU/L
C. 300 IU/L
D. 400 IU/L
24. Which of the following is a laboratory feature alcoholic fatty
liver ?
A. Increased gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP)
B. Hypertriglyceridemia,
C. Hypercholesterolemia
D. All of the above
25. Which of the following in ultrasonography indicates serious
liver injury with less potential for complete reversal ?
A. Portal vein flow reversal
B. Ascites
C. Intraabdominal collaterals
D. All of the above
26. Discriminant function (DF) formula predicting the outcome of
severe alcoholic hepatitis is named after ?
A. Nathan
B. Cushin
C. Maddrey
D. George
27. Which of the following is the correct formula of Discriminant
function (DF) ?
A. 2.6 x PT prolongation + total S. bilirubin in mg/dL
B. 3.6 x PT prolongation + total S. bilirubin in mg/dL
C. 4.6 x PT prolongation + total S. bilirubin in mg/dL
D. 5.6 x PT prolongation + total S. bilirubin in mg/dL
28.What count of polymorphonuclear cells predicts severe
alcoholic hepatitis when discriminant function >32 ?
A. > 500 / µL
B. > 1500 / µL
C. > 3500 / µL
D. > 5500 / µL
29. Formula for assessment of prognosis of alcoholic hepatitis
is ?
A. Combined clinical & laboratory index of University of Toronto
B. Model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score
C. Glasgow alcoholic hepatitis score (GAHS)
D. All of the above
30. Variables included in Glasgow alcoholic hepatitis score
(GAHS) are all except ?
A. Age
B. Hemoglobin
C. Bilirubin
31.MELD score is calculated based on all except ?
A. Prothrombin time
B. Serum albumin
C. Serum creatinine
D. Serum bilirubin
32. Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score was
introduced in USA in year ?
A. 1995
B. 1998
C. 2002
D. 2005
33. Which of the following is advocated for severe alcoholic
hepatitis ?
A. Glucocorticoids
B. Thiamine
C. Proton pump inhibitors
D. All of the above
34. Use of which of the following improves survival in severe
alcoholic hepatitis ?
A. Pentoxifylline
B. Propylthiouracil
C. Infliximab
D. Colchicine
35. Use of Infliximab in severe alcoholic hepatitis was stopped
due to the increased risk of ?
A. Bone marrow suppression
B. Seizure
C. Infection
D. Jaundice
36. Most liver transplantation centers require alcoholics to have
documented abstinence of at least ?
A. 3 months
B. 6 months
C. 9 months
D. 12 months