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Approach to liver disease- Part 2
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Approach to liver disease- Part 1| Approach to liver disease- Part 2
1. Which of the following is an inherited liver disease ?
A. Wilson’s disease
B. Hemochromatosis
C. 1 antitrypsin (1AT) deficiency
D. All of the above
2. Which of the following is an inherited pediatric liver disease ?
A. Familial intrahepatic cholestasis
B. Benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis
C. Alagille syndrome
D. All of the above
3.Which of the following statements is false ?
A. Muscle wasting is a sign of advanced liver disease
B. Palmar erythema occur in acute liver disease
C. Jaundice may be detectable with S. bilirubin <2.5 mg/dL
D. None of the above
4. Which of the following about spider angiomata is false ?
A. Occur in acute & chronic liver disease
B. Occur during pregnancy
C. Occur only on arms, face & upper torso
D. None of the above
5. The nature of vessel involved in spider angiomata is ?
A. Artery
B. Arteriole
C. Vein
D. Capillary
6. Most reliable physical finding in examining the liver is ?
A. Size
B. Shape
C. Tenderness
D. Liver edge
7. Which of the following is a test of mental status in hepatic
encephalopathy ?
A. Trail-making test
B. Comparison of signatures
C. Drawing abstract objects
D. All of the above
8. Which of the following is false about trail-making test ?
A. Series of 10 numbered circles
B. Normal time for connect-the-dot test is 15-30 seconds
C. Considerable delay means early hepatic encephalopathy
D. None of the above
9. Which of the following is not a feature of hepatopulmonary
syndrome ?
A. Hypoxemia
B. Pulmonary arteriovenous shunting
C. Orthodeoxia
D. Hypercarbia
10. Slate-gray pigmentation to the skin also occurs with ?
A. Primary biliary cirrhosis
B. Sclerosing cholangitis
C. Xanthelasma
D. Hemochromatosis
11. Mucocutaneous vasculitis with palpable purpura is typical of ?
A. Primary biliary cirrhosis
B. Primary hepatocellular carcinoma
C. Cryoglobulinemia of chronic hepatitis C
D. Wilsons disease
12. Kayser-Fleischer rings are a finding in ?
A. Primary biliary cirrhosis
B. Primary hepatocellular carcinoma
C. Wilson’s disease
D. Hemochromatosis
13.Which of the following statements about Kayser-Fleischer ring
is false ?
Br J Ophthalmol 2002;86:114
A. Found in 95% of patients of Wilson’s disease
B. All patients with KF rings have neurological manifestations
C. Density of a KF ring correlates with severity of Wilson’s
D. None of the above
14. The colour of Kayser-Fleischer ring is ?
A. Yellow-red
B. Yellow-green
C. Golden-brown
D. Green-brown
15. Wilson’s disease is due to defect in ?
A. ATP6B gene
B. ATP7B gene
C. ATP8B gene
D. ATP9B gene
16. Wilson’s disease can produce a cataract described as ?
A. Christmas tree
B. Palm tree
C. Sunflower
D. Rose flower
17. Testing for P-ANCA is for the diagnosis of which of the
following ?
A. Primary biliary cirrhosis
B. Primary sclerosing cholangitis
C. Autoimmune hepatitis
D. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
18. Most common causes of chronic liver disease is ?
A. Chronic hepatitis C
B. Alcoholic liver disease
C. Chronic hepatitis B
D. Autoimmune hepatitis
19. ERCP is more valuable in evaluating which of the following ?
A. Pancreatitis
B. Primary sclerosing cholangitis
C. Choledocholithiasis
D. Fatty liver
20 Which of the following is often the first indication of worsening
fibrosis in liver cirrhosis ?
A. Mild elevations of bilirubin
B. Prolongation of prothrombin time
C. Slight decreases in serum albumin
D. Mild thrombocytopenia
21. Which of the following is not a factor in Child-Pugh
classification of cirrhosis liver ?
A. Serum bilirubin
C. Ascites
D. Hepatic encephalopathy
22. Child-Pugh score can predict which of the following ?
A. Bleeding from varices
B. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
C. Need for liver transplantation
D. All of the above
23. Decompensation indicates cirrhosis with a Child-Pugh score of ?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
24. MELD score is used for ?
A. Assessing bleeding from varices
B. Assessing hepatocellular carcinoma
C. Assessing spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
D. Assessing need for liver transplantation
25. Variables for calculation of MELD score include all except ?
A. Prothrombin time
B. Serum bilirubin
C. B. urea
D. Serum creatinine
26. System similar to MELD used for children below the age of 12
is termed ?