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Approach to liver disease- Part 1
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Approach to liver disease- Part 1| Approach to liver disease- Part 2
1.The contribution of blood supply to liver from hepatic artery
and portal vein is ?
A. 50 % and 50 % respectively
B. 40 % and 60 % respectively
C. 60 % and 40 % respectively
D. 20 % and 80 % respectively
2. Right lobe of liver is about how many times bigger than the left
lobe ?
A. 2 times
B. 4 times
C. 6 times
D. 8 times
3. Pressure in the free hepatic vein is about ?
A. 3 mm Hg
B. 6 mm Hg
C. 9 mm Hg
D. 12 mm Hg
4. All are true regarding hepatic venous system except ?
A. Hepatic venous blood in ~67% saturated with oxygen
B. Hepatic venous blood is usually sterile
C. Hepatic veins are seven in number
D. Hepatic veins begin as zone 3 veins
5. Blood of caudate lobe of liver drains into ?
A. Right hepatic vein
B. Left hepatic vein
C. Middle hepatic vein
D. Inferior vena cava
6. Right & left lobes of liver are separated inferiorly by ?
A. Falciform ligament
B. Fissure for ligamentum venosum
C. Fissure for ligamentum teres
D. All of the above
7. Capacity of gall bladder is about ?
A. 20 ml
B. 30 ml
C. 40 ml
D. 50 ml
8. Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses are related to which of the
following organs ?
A. Liver
B. Pancreas
C. Gall bladder
D. Intestine
9. Which of the following is not a cell type in liver ?
A. Hepatocyte
B. Rho cells
C. Kupffer cells
D. Ito cells
10. Portal areas form which zone of the hepatic acinus ?
A. Zone 1
B. Zone 2
C. Zone 3
D. Zone 4
11. “Central veins” in liver are also called ?
A. Terminal hepatic veins
B. Terminal portal veins
C. Terminal sinusoidal veins
D. All of the above
12. In hepatic acinus, secreted bile flows in the which of the
following direction ?
A. Zone 1 to zone 3
B. Zone 3 to zone 1
C. Zone 1 to zone 2
D. Zone 2 to zone 1
13. Kupffer cells are best described as ?
A. Peripheral T lymphocytes
B. Circulating B lymphocytes
C. Fixed macrophages
D. None of the above
14. Hepatocytes produce which of the following ?
A. Cholesterol
B. Lecithin
C. Phospholipids
D. All of the above
15. Which out of the following is the more liver-specific symptom ?
A. Nausea
B. Bloating
C. Poor appetite
D. Malaise
16. Most common & most characteristic symptom of liver disease is ?
A. Fatigue
B. Nausea
C. Poor appetite
D. Itching
17. Severe right upper quadrant pain (“liver pain”) is most typical
of all except ?
A. Gallbladder disease
B. Liver abscess
C. Severe venoocclusive disease
D. Acute hepatitis.
18. Which of the following is the most reliable marker of severity
of liver disease ?
A. Jaundice
B. Serum Albumin
C. Prothrombin time
D. Hepatic enzymes
19. Jaundice without dark urine indicates which of the following ?
A. Hemolytic anemia
B. Gilbert’s syndrome
C. Crigler-Najjar syndrome
D. All of the above
20. In Gilbert’s syndrome, jaundice is more noticeable after which
of the following ?
A. Fasting
B. Overnight sleep
C. Exposure to sun
D. All of the above
21. Which of the following statements about hepatitis C is false ?
A. Sexual exposure is a rare mode of spread
B. Maternal-infant transmission occurs
C. No means of prevention of vertical spread
D. None of the above
22. Single most common risk factor for hepatitis C is ?
A. Blood transfusion
B. Injection drug use
C. Maternal-infant transmission
D. Sexual exposure
23. What quantity of alcohol consumption per day is associated
with an increased rate of alcoholic liver disease in men ?
A. 10 to 25 grams
B. 25 to 33 grams
C. 33 to 45 grams
D. 45 to 62 grams
24. CAGE questionnaire is used for ?
A. Sexual behaviour
B. Cigarette smoking
C. Alcohol dependence & abuse
D. None of the above
25. In CAGE questionnaire, “C” refers to ?
A. Continuous
B. Cut
C. Craving
D. Constant