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Typhoid-Part 1
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1 Which of the following is false about ‘Salmonellae’ ?
A. Gram-negative bacilli
B. Enterobacteriaceae family
C. Taxonomic name for organism that causes enteric fever is
Salmonella choleraesuis
D. None of the above
2 Most Salmonella serotypes are named after ?
A. The person who identified them
B. The city where they were identified
C. The river
D. The laboratory where they were identified
3 Which of the following is false about Salmonellae ?
A. Gram negative
B. Non-spore forming
C. Facultatively anaerobic bacilli
D. None of the above
4 Which of the following is false about Salmonellae ?
A. Produce acid on glucose fermentation
B. Reduce nitrates
C. Do not produce cytochrome oxidase
D. None of the above
5 Somatic O antigen of Salmonella is related to ?
A. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) cell-wall components
B. Surface antigen
C. Flagellar antigen
D. All of the above
6 H antigen of Salmonella is related to ?
A. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) cell-wall components
B. Surface antigen
C. Flagellar antigen
D. All of the above
7 Infectious dose of Salmonella varies from ?
A. 102 to 103 colony-forming units
B. 103 to 106 colony-forming units
C. 106 to 108 colony-forming units
D. 109 to 1012 colony-forming units
8 S. typhi invades gut mucosa through specialised antigen-sampling
cells known as ?
A. L-cells
B. M-cells
C. N-cells
D. P-cells
9 Which of the following have an ability to survive inside a
macrophage ?
Harrison’s 16th Ed. 704
A. M. tuberculosis
B. S. typhi
C. Toxoplasma gondii
D. All of the above
10 Hosts for salmonellae include ?
A. Humans
B. Monkey
C. Dogs
D. All of the above
11 Incubation period for S. typhi ranges from ?
A. 3 to 7 days
B. 3 to 14 days
C. 3 to 21 days
D. 3 to 28 days
12 Plasmid-mediated resistance was observed with which of the
following drugs ?
A. Chloramphenicol
B. Ampicillin
C. Trimethoprim
D. All of the above
13 Which of the following is the commonest physical finding in
enteric fever ?
A. Coated tongue
B. Abdominal tenderness
C. Rose spots
D. Hepatosplenomegaly
14 Which of the following is the commonest gastrointestinal symptom
in enteric fever ?
A. Anorexia
B. Abdominal pain
C. Vomiting
D. Diarrhea
15 Which of the following is false about Rose spots in enteric fever ?
A. Salmon-colored
B. Blanching
C. Maculopapular rash
D. Located on face and limbs
16 Which of the following is false about Rose spots in enteric
fever ?
A. Appears at the end of second week
B. Patients can have two or three crops of lesions
C. Salmonella can be cultured from punch biopsies of lesions
D. Difficult to detect in dark-skinned patients
17 S. typhi enters the body through which part of the gut ?
A. Duodenum
B. Jejunum
C. Terminal ileum
D. Colon
8 Specimens for culture of S. Typhi in enteric fever can be obtained
from ?
A. Blood
B. Bone marrow
C. Rose spots
D. All of the above