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Cranial Nerve Disorders- Part 1
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1 Motor part of trigeminal (fifth cranial) nerve innervates which of
the following muscle ?
A. Orbicularis oculi
B. Posterior auricular
C. Pterygoid
D. Sternocleidomastoid
2 Trigeminal neuralgia is rare in which distribution of fifth nerve ?
A. Ophthalmic division
B. Maxillary division
C. Mandibular division
D. None of the above
3 In trigeminal neuralgia, pain lasts for about ?
A. Few seconds to a minute or two
B. Five to ten minutes
C. Half an hour to six hours
D. Twenty four to forty eight hours
4 In trigeminal neuralgia, trigger zones are least frequent in ?
A. Face
B. Forehead
C. Lips
D. Tongue
5 In trigeminal neuralgia, objective signs of sensory loss are found
in ?
A. Ophthalmic division
B. Maxillary division
C. Mandibular division
D. None of the above
6 Which of the following artery causes compression of the trigeminal
nerve root to cause trigeminal neuralgia ?
A. Superior cerebellar artery
B. Inferior cerebellar artery
C. Anterior choroidal artery
D. Posterior cerebral artery
7 Which of the following is characteristic of pain of trigeminal
neuralgia ?
A. Superficial stabbing quality
B. Paroxysmal & lancinating
C. Occurs both day and night
D. All of the above
8 When cluster headache is associated with trigeminal neuralgia,
the syndrome is known as ?
A. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
B. Tic Douloureux
C. Cluster-tic
D. PH-tic syndrome
9 Which of the following point towards trigeminal neuralgia being
related to multiple sclerosis ?
A. Onset before age 50 years
B. Bilateral symptoms
C. Objective sensory loss
D. All of the above
10 Which of the following drugs are used in cases of trigeminal
neuralgia ?
A. Carbamazepine
B. Phenytoin
C. Baclofen
D. All of the above
11 Which of the following is the most widely used procedure in
treating trigeminal neuralgia ?
A. Radiofrequency thermal rhizotomy
B. Injection of glycerol in Meckel’s cave
C. Microvascular decompression
D. Gamma knife radiosurgery
12 Gasserian ganglion lesions causing trigeminal nerve disorders
include all except ?
A. Trigeminal neuroma
B. Herpes zoster
C. Sarcoidosis
D. Infection
13 Peripheral trigeminal nerve lesion can be due to ?
A. Guillain-Barré syndrome
B. Sjögren’s syndrome
C. Collagen-vascular diseases
D. All of the above
14 Which of the following can cause trismus ?
A. Ludwig’s angina
B. Phenothiazine
C. Tetanus
D. All of the above
15 In Bell’s palsy, maximal weakness being attained by ?
A. 6 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 24 hours
D. 48 hours
16 Which of the following statements about causation of Bell’s palsy
is false ?
A. HSV-1 is the cause of most cases of Bell’s palsy
B. HSV-1 DNA appear to be specific to Bell’s palsy
C. Disease probably reflects virus reactivation from latency in
geniculate ganglion, rather than primary infection
D. None of the above
17 Which of the following may be caused by multiple sclerosis or
follow Guillain-Barré syndrome ?
A. Blepharospasm
B. Facial myokymia
C. Hemifacial spasm
D. Facial hemiatrophy
18 Poor prognostic factors in a case of Bell’s palsy are all except ?
A. Older age
B. Hypertension
C. Diabetes mellitus
D. Impairment of taste
19 Poor prognostic factors in a case of Bell’s palsy are all except ?
A. Hypertension
B. Pain other than in the ear
C. Anemia
D. Complete facial weakness
20 For how many days, electrical studies reveal no changes in
involved facial muscles in Bell’s palsy ?
A. 1 day
B. 2 days
C. 3 days
D. 4 days
21 Causes of acquired peripheral facial weakness include all except ?
A. Diabetes mellitus
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Hypertension
D. HIV infection
22 Causes of acquired peripheral facial weakness include all except ?
A. Lyme disease
B. Ramsay Hunt syndrome
C. Sarcoidosis
D. Rheumatoid arthritis
23 Causes of acquired peripheral facial weakness include all except ?
A. Sjögren ’s syndrome
B. Parotid-nerve tumors
C. Eclampsia
D. Dental trauma
24 Causes of acquired peripheral facial weakness include ?
A. Amyloidosis
B. Recipients of inactivated intranasal influenza vaccine
C. Eclampsia
D. All of the above
25 Recurrent or bilateral facial palsy is found in all except ?
A. Myasthenia gravis
B. Lesions at base of brain
C. Guillain Barré syndrome
D. Ramsay Hunt syndrome in immunocompetent people
26 Recurrent or bilateral facial palsy is found in ?
A. Lymphoma
B. Sarcoidosis
C. Lyme disease
D. All of the above
27 Which of the following statements about central weakness of the
unilateral lower facial area is false ?
A. Lesion above level of contralateral facial nucleus
B. Facial nucleus innervating lower face receives fibers from
ipsilateral cerebral hemisphere
C. Facial nucleus innervating upper face receives fibers from
both cerebral hemispheres
D. Unilateral lesion in cortex produces contralateral voluntary
central-type facial paralysis and contralateral hemiplegia
28 Which of the following about facial palsy is false ?
A. Hyperacusis results from paralysis of stapedius muscle
B. Lesions proximal to geniculate ganglion have permanent loss
of taste and are unable to produce tears
C. Aberrant regeneration of nerve fibres is the cause of
syndrome of crocodile tears
D. None of the above
29 Which of the following about facial nerve is false ?
A. Facial nerve is predominantly motor
B. Facial nucleus is located in caudal pons
C. Facial nerve encircles nucleus of sixth cranial nerve
D. Facial nerve exits in midpons
30 Which of the following about facial nerve is false ?
A. 8th nerve, motor root of 7th nerve, and nervus intermedius
enter internal auditory meatus
B. Sensory cells located in geniculate ganglion continue distally
as chorda tympani nerve
C. Peripheral fibers of nervus intermedius portion of facial nerve
initiate salivary, lacrimal, and mucous secretion
D. None of the above