The round ligament of the liver is the fibrous remnant of which of the following structures?
The round ligament of the liver is the fibrous remnant of the umbilical vein that carried well-oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood from the placenta to the fetus
The porta hepatis gives passage to all of the following structures EXCEPT
The porta hepatis gives passage to the portal vein, hepatic artery, hepatic nerve plexus, hepatic ducts, and lymphatic vessels
Which of the following ligaments encloses the portal triad?
The portion of the lesser omentum extending between the porta hepatis of the liver and the duodenum (the hepatoduodenal ligament) encloses the portal triad
The portion of the hepatic artery extending between the celiac trunk and the gastroduodenal artery is known as the
The common hepatic artery extends from the celiac trunk to the origin of the gastroduodenal artery. The proper hepatic artery extends from the origin of the gastroduodenal artery to its bifurcation into right and left hepatic branches
The hepatic veins drain into which of the following structures?
The hepatic veins, formed by the union of the central veins of the liver, open into the inferior vena cava just inferior to the diaphragm
The spiral valve is located in which of the following structures?
The mucosa of the neck of the gallbladder spirals into a fold known as the spiral valve, which keeps the cystic duct open so that bile can easily divert into the gallbladder when the distal end of the bile duct is closed, or so bile can pass to the duodenum as the gallbladder
The cystic artery commonly arises from the right hepatic artery in the angle between the common hepatic duct and which of the following structures?
The cystic artery commonly arises from the right hepatic artery in the angle between the common hepatic duct and the cystic duct
Which of the following veins, when dilated, produces caput medusae?
The paraumbilical veins of the anterior abdominal wall (portal system) anastomosing with superficial epigastric veins (systemic system), when dilated, produce caput medusae
Inferiorly, the posterior surfaces of the kidney are related to all of the following structures EXCEPT
Inferiorly, the posterior surfaces of the kidney are related to the quadratus lumborum muscle and the subcostal, iliohypogastric, and ilioinguinal nerves and vessels
The renal papillae empty into which of the following structures?
The renal papillae empty into the minor calices, which empty into major calices which in turn empty into the pelvis of the ureter
All of the following statements concerning the renal hilum are correct EXCEPT
At the concave medial margin of each kidney is a vertical cleft, the renal hilum, where the renal artery enters and the renal vein and renal pelvis leave the renal sinus. At the hilum, the renal vein is anterior to the renal artery, which is anterior to the renal pelvis
The suprarenal glands are located between the superomedial aspects of the kidneys and which of the following structures?
The suprarenal glands are located between the superomedial aspects of the kidneys and the diaphragm
Which of the following structures is related to the spleen, stomach, pancreas, and the left crus of the diaphragm?
The semilunar left suprarenal gland is related to the spleen, stomach, pancreas, and left crus of the diaphragm
All of the following statements concerning the suprarenal cortex are correct EXCEPT
The suprarenal cortex derives from mesoderm and secretes corticosteroids and androgens. These hormones cause the kidneys to retain sodium and water in response to stress
The superior suprarenal arteries are branches of which of the following arteries?
The superior suprarenal arteries are provided by the inferior phrenic. The middle suprarenal arteries are provided by the abdominal aorta and the inferior suprarenal arteries are provided by the renal artery
Which of the following muscles is considered to be the chief muscle of inspiration?
The diaphragm, the chief muscle of inspiration, descends during inspiration. Only its central part moves because its periphery, as the fixed origin of the muscle, attaches to the inferior margin of the thoracic cage and the superior lumbar vertebrae
All of the following statements concerning the central tendon of the diaphragm are correct EXCEPT
The central tendon of the diaphragm has no bony attachments and is incompletely divided into three leaves, resembling a wide cloverleaf. Although it lies near the center of the diaphragm, the central tendon is closer to the anterior part of the thorax. The inferior vena cava perforates the central tendon. The aortic hiatus is formed by the right and left muscular crura
The crura of the diaphragm are musculotendinous bundles that arise from which of the following structures?
The crura of the diaphragm are musculotendinous bundles that arise from the anterior surfaces of the bodies of the superior three lumbar vertebrae, the anterior longitudinal ligament, and the intervertebral discs
The nerves of the kidneys and suprarenal glands are derived from which of the following plexuses?
The nerves of the kidneys and suprarenal glands are derived from the celiac plexus, the lesser and least thoracic splanchnic nerves, and the aorticorenal ganglion
The lateral arcuate ligaments are formed from thickenings from which of the following muscular fasciae?
The diaphragm is attached on each side to the medial and lateral arcuate ligaments, which are thickenings of the fascia covering the psoas major and quadratus lumborum muscles, respectively
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