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See all quizzes of MINERAL METABOLISM- Part 6 here:
1 In human beings molybdenum is mainly
absorbed from
(A) Liver (B) Kidney
(C) Intestine (D) Pancreas
2. In human beings molybdenum is mainly
excreted in
(A) Feces (B) Sweat
(C) Urine (D) Tears
3. Molybdenum is a constituent of
(A) Hydroxylases (B) Oxidases
(C) Transaminases (D) Transferases
4. Safe and adequate daily dietary intake
of chromium in adults in mg is
(A) 0.01–0.02 (B) 0.02–0.03
(C) 0.03–0.04 (D) 0.05–0.2
5. Richest source of chromium is
(A) Brewer’s yease
(B) Milk and milk products
(C) Yellow vegetables
(D) Green vegetables
6. Metallic constituent of “Glucose tolerance
factor” is
(A) Sulphur (B) Cobalt
(C) Chromium (D) Selenium
7. Intestinal absorption of chromium is
shared with
(A) Mn (B) Mg
(C) Ca (D) Zn
8. Serum level of chromium in healthy adult
is about
(A) 2-5 μg/100 ml (B) 6-20 μg/100 ml
(C) 30-60 μg/100 ml (D) 50-100 μg/100 ml
9. Chromium is potentiator of
(A) Insulin (B) Glucagon
(C) Thyroxine (D) Parathromone
10. Recommended daily dietary allowance of
selenium for adult human in μg is
(A) 20 (B) 40
(C) 50 (D) 70
11. Total body content of selenium is about
(A) 1–2 mg (B) 2–4 mg
(C) 4–10 mg (D) 50–100 mg
12. Normal serum level of selenium is
(A) 5 μg /100 ml (B) 8 μg /100 ml
(C) 10 μg /100 ml (D) 13 μg /100 ml
13. Selenium is a constituent of the enzyme:
(A) Glutathione peroxidase
(B) Homogentisate oxidase
(C) Tyrosine hydroxylase
(D) Phenylalanin hydroxylase
14. A nonspecific intracellular antioxidant is
(A) Chromium (B) Magnesium
(C) Selenium (D) Nickel
15. Cobalt forms an integral part of the
(A) B1 (B) B6
(C) B12 (D) Folate
16. Cobalt may act as cofactor for the enzyme:
(A) Glycl-glycine dipeptidase
(B) Elastase
(C) Polynucleotidases
(D) Phosphatase
17. Excess intake of cobalt for longer periods
leads to
(A) Polycythemia
(B) Megaloblastic anemia
(C) Pernicious anemia
(D) Microcytic anemia
18. The total sulphur content of the body is
(A) 25–50 gm (B) 50–75 gm
(C) 100–125 gm (D) 150–200 gm
19. Sulphur is made available to the body by
the amino acids:
(A) Cystine and methionine
(B) Taurine and alanine
(C) Proline and hydroxyproline
(D) Arginine and lysine
20. Sulphur containing coenzyme is
(C) Pyridoxal phosphate
(D) Biotin
21. Iodine is stored in
(A) Thyroid gland as thyroglobulin
(B) Liver
(C) Intestine
(D) Skin
22. Iodine is the constituent of
(A) T3 and T4 (B) PTH
(C) Insulin (D) Adrenaline
23. Goitrogenic substance present in cabbage
(A) 5-vinyl-2 thio oxalzolidone
(B) Pyridine-3-carboxylic acid
(C) 3-Hydroxy-4, 5-dihydroxymethyl1–2-methyl
(D) δ-ALA dehydratase
24. For an adult male daily requirement of
iodine is
(A) 25–50 μg (B) 50–100 μg
(C) 100–150 μg (D) 200–250 μg
25. Recommended daily intake of fluoride for
a normal adult is
(A) 1.5–4.0 mg (B) 0–1 mg
(C) 5–10 mg (D) 10–20 mg
26. The percentage of fluoride present in
normal bone is
(A) 0.01–0.03 (B) 0.04–0.08
(C) 0.10–0.12 (D) 0.15–0.2
27. The percentage of fluoride present in
dental enamel is
(A) 0.01–0.02 (B) 0.05–0.10
(C) 0.15–0.20 (D) 0.20–0.40
28. Fluorosis occurs due to
(A) Drinking water containing less than 0.2 ppm
of fluorine
(B) Drinking water containing high calcium
(C) Drinking water containing greater than 1.2
ppm of fluroine
(D) Drinking water containing heavy metals
29. Dental caries occur due to
(A) Drinking water containing less than 0.2 ppm
of fluorine
(B) Drinking water containing greater than 1.2
ppm of fluorine
(C) Drinking water containing high calcium
(D) Drinking water containing heavy metals
30. Total zinc content of human body is about
(A) 800 mg (B) 1200 mg
(C) 2000 mg (D) 3200 mg