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See all quizzes of HORMONE METABOLISM- Part 7here:
1 ACTH is a polypeptide made up of
(A) 39 amino acids (B) 41 amino acids
(C) 51 amino acids (D) 84 amino acids
2. CRH is a polypeptide made up of
(A) 39 amino acids (B) 41 amino acids
(C) 51 amino acids (D) 84 amino acids
3. Hormonal activity of ACTH is completely
lost on removal of
(A) 5 C-terminal amino acids
(B) 10 C-terminal amino acids
(C) 15 C-terminal amino acids
(D) None of these
4. All the following statements about TSH
are true except
(A) It is a glycoprotein
(B) It is made up of α- and β-subunits
(C) Receptor recognition involves both the subunits
(D) Its subunit is identical with those of FSH and
5. All the following statements about TSH
are true except
(A) It is a tropic hormone
(B) It acts on para-follicular cells of thyroid glands
(C) Its receptors are membrane-bound
(D) Its second messenger is cyclic AMP
6. All the following statements about
thyrotropin releasing hormone are true
(A) It is secreted by hypothalamus
(B) It is a pentapeptide
(C) It increases the secretion of TSH
(D) Its secretion is inhibited by high level of T3
and T4 in blood
7. In males, luteinising hormone acts on
(A) Leydig cells (B) Sertoli cells
(C) Prostate gland (D) All of these
8. All the following statements about FSH
are true except
(A) It is a tropic hormone secreted by anterior
(B) Its secretion is increased by gonadotropin
releasing hormone
(C) It acts on Sertoli cells
(D) It increases the synthesis of testosterone
9. In males, secretion of luteinising hormone
is inhibited by
(A) Gonadotropin releasing hormone
(C) High blood level of testosterone
(D) Inhibin
10. Secretion of luteinising hormone is increased
(A) GnRH (B) FSH
(C) Testosterone (D) None of these
11. In structure and function, HCG resembles
(A) FSH (B) LH
(C) GnRH (D) Progesterone
12. Acromegaly results from overproduction
(A) ACTH during childhood
(B) TSH during adult life
(C) Growth hormone during childhood
(D) Growth hormone during adult life
13. Acromegaly results in all the following
(A) Overgrowth of the bones of face, hands and
(B) Increased stature
(C) Enlargements of viscera
(D) Impaired glucose tolerance
14. Overproduction of growth hormone
during childhood causes
(A) Acromegaly (B) Gigantism
(C) Cushing’s disease (D) Simmond’s disease
15. Decreased secretion of growth hormone
during childhood causes
(A) Simmond’s disease (B) Cushing’s disease
(C) Dwarfism (D) Cretinism
16. Stature is increased in
(A) Gigantism (B) Acromegaly
(C) Simmond’s disease(D) Cushing’s disease
197. An amino acid used for the synthesis of
thyroid hormone is
(A) Tyrosine (B) Tryptophan
(C) Histidine (D) Proline
198. An enzyme required for the synthesis of
thyroid hormones is
(A) Iodinase (B) Deiodinase
(C) Thyroperoxidase (D) Thyroxine synthetase
199. Thyroperoxidase iodinates
(A) Free tyrosine in thyroid gland
(B) Tyrosine residues of thyroglobulin
(C) Tyrosine residues of thyroxine binding globulin
(D) Tyrosine residues of thyroxine binding
200. In thyroxine, tyrosine residues are iodinated
at positions:
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 2 and 4
(C) 3 and 5 (D) 4 and 6
201. Thyroid gland takes up circulating iodine
(A) By simple diffusion
(B) By facilitated diffusion
(C) By active uptake
(D) In exchange for chloride
202. Thyroid hormones are present in blood
(A) In free form
(B) In association with thyroxine binding globulin
(C) In association with thyroxine binding prealbumin
(D) Mainly in association with TBG, partly in free
form and sometimes in association with TBPA
203. When thyroxine binding globulin and
thyroxine binding pre-albumin are saturated
with thyroxine, the excess hormone
is transported by
(A) Albumin (B) Gamma globulins
(C) Transcortin (D) None of these
204. Receptors for thyroid hormones are present
(A) On the cell membrane
(B) Across the cell membrane
(C) Inside the cells
(D) In association with G-proteins
205. Binding of thyroxine to its receptors
(A) Activates Adenylate cyclase
(B) Activates guanylate cyclase
(C) Activates a stimulatory G-protein
(D) Increases transcription
206. The most powerful thyroid hormone is
(A) Reverse T3 (B) DIT
(C) T3 (D) T4
207. The most abundant thyroid hormone in
blood is
(A) Free T3 (B) T3 bound to TBG
(C) Free T4 (D) T4 bound to TBG
208. Secretion of thyroid hormones is regulated
(A) Hypothalamus
(B) Anterior pituitary
(C) Feedback regulation
(D) All of these
209. Clinical features of hyperthyroidism
(A) Goitre, heat intolerance, weight loss and
(B) Goitre, tremors, tachycardia and cold
(C) Exophthalmos, goiter, tachycardia and loss
of appetite
(D) Exophthalmos, goiter, tremors and obesity
210. All the following may occur in hyperthyroidism
(A) Goitre (B) Increased appetite
(C) Loss of weight (D) Low BMR