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See all quizzes of MINERAL METABOLISM- Part 14 here:
1 Iron therapy is ineffective in which of the
following conditions:
(A) Chronic blood loss
(B) Inadequate Fe intake
(C) Hypochromic anaemia of pregnancy
(D) Thalassaemia minor
2. In hoemochromatosis, the liver is infiltrated
(A) Copper (B) Iron
(C) Manganese (D) Chromium
3. Which of the following is true? Hypochromic
anaemia is not due to iron deficiency
(A) Serum ‘Fe’ is high
(B) Normal/low transferrin
(C) Stainable iron in bone marrow
(D) Iron therapy is affective
4. Cytosolic superoxide dismutase contains
(A) Zn only (B) Cu only
(C) Zn and Cu (D) Mn
5. A rise in blood ‘Ca’ may indicate
(A) Paget’s disease (B) Vitamin D deficiency
(C) Cushing’s disease (D) Hypervitaminosis D
6. The essential trace element which catalyzes
the formation of Hb in the body is
(A) Mn (B) Se
(C) Mg (D) Cu
7. Zinc is a constituent of the enzyme:
(A) Succinate dehydrogenase
(B) Carbonic anhydrase
(C) Mitochondrial superoxide dismutase
(D) Aldolase
8. The active transport of ‘Ca’ is regulated
by __________ which is synthesized in
(A) Cholecalciferol
(B) Ergosterol
(C) 25-OH cholecalciferol
(D) 1, 25-di OH-Cholecalciferol
9. Ceruloplasmin shows the activity
(A) As ferroxidase (B) As reductase
(C) As ligase (D) As transferase
10. The principal cation of extra cellular fluid:
(A) K+ (B) Na+
(C) H+ (D) Ca2+
401. What is the principal cation of intracellular
(A) K+ (B) Na+
(C) Ca2+ (D) Mg2+
12. What is the normal level of K+ in the serum ?
(A) 137–148 mEq/L (B) 120–160 mEq/L
(C) 3.9–5.0 mEq/L (D) 0.3–0.59 mEq/L
13. The general functions of minerals are
(A) The structural components of body tissues
(B) In the regulation of body fluids
(C) In acid-base balance
(D) All of these
14. What are the functions of potassium?
(A) In muscle contraction
(B) Cell membrane function
(C) Enzyme action
(D) All of these
15. The daily requirement of calcium is
(A) 200 mg (B) 400 mg
(C) 800 mg (D) 600 mg
16. The normal serum inorganic phosphorous
level is
(A) 1.5–2.5 mg/100 ml
(B) 2.5–4.5 mg/100 ml
(C) 4.5–6.5 mg/100 ml
(D) 0.5–1.5 mg/100 ml
17. When phosphorous level is lowered ?
(A) In hyper thyroidism (B) Cirrosis of liver
(C) Leukemia (D) Hypothyroidism
18. Ferritin is
(A) Coenzyme
(B) One of the component of photophosphorylation
(C) It is the stored form of iron
(D) Non-protein moiety
19. What is ceruloplasmin?
(A) Plasma protein (B) Stored form of copper
(C) Both A and B (D) None of these
20. The following are the functions of copper:
(A) Constituent of cytochromes
(B) Catalase
(C) Tyrosinase
(D) All of these
21. Zn is present as prosthetic group in this
(A) Carbonic anhydrase
(B) Carboxy peptidase
(C) Lactate dehydrogenase
(D) All of these
22. Fluorosis is caused due to
(A) Excessive intake of fluorine
(B) Low intake of fluorine
(C) Discoloration of the teeth due to low intake
(D) All of these
23. What is the state of iron in transferrin?
(A) Ferrous form (B) Ferric form
(C) Both A and B (D) None of these
24. Haemoglobin formation needs both
(A) Iron and Zinc (B) Iron and Calcium
(C) Iron and Copper (D) Iron and Magnesium