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Medical Microbiology- Part 11
See all quizzes of Medical Microbiology- Part 11 here:
1 Viruses which have teratogenic property
a. Herpes simplex virus
b. Cytomegalovirus
c. Rubella virus
d. All of these
2. Kawasaki syndrome is
a. Most prevalent in Japan and Hawaii
b. Patients show rickettsia like bacteria in skin
c. Strain involved may be propionibacterium
d. All of these
3. Mode of action of quinolone antibiotics
on growing bacteria was thought to be
a. Inhibition of â lactamase
b. Prevention of the cross linking of glycine
c. Inhibition of DNA gyrase
d. Inhibition of reverse transcriptase
4. The role that human play in the plague
life cycle is
a. Secondary reservoir
b. Primary transmission vector
c. Primary host
d. Accidental intruder in rat flea cycle
e. None of these
5. Patient with presence of penile chancre
should be advised by physician –
a. To take rest at home
b. To swab the chancre and culture on Thayer-
Martin agar
c. To Gram stain the chancre fluid
d. To repeat VDRL test in 10 hours
e. Perform dark field microscopy for treponemes
6. Which organism is responsible for causing
fever to a man dealing with goats?
a. Trepanema Pallidum
b. M.tuberculosis
c. Clostridium novyl
d. Brucella melitensis
e. None of these
7. Diphtheria toxins are produced from the
strains of C.diphtheriae, which are
a. Encapsulated
b. Sucrose fermentors
c. Of the mitis and strain
d. Glucose fermentors
e. Lysogenic for β prophase
8. Skin of the healthy person has normal
microbial flora which includes
a. Enterobacteriaceae
b. Aerobic diphtheria bacilli
c. Anaerobic diphtheriae bacilli
d. Nonhemolytic staphylococci
e. All of these
9. Which of the following organisms can
infect humans if improperly cooked meat
is used?
a. Trichinella spiralis
b. Taenia saginata
c. Taenia solium
d. Diphyllobothrium latum
e. Both a and c
10. The parasite related to ancylostoma
duodenale is
a. Wuchereria bancrofti
b. Necatur americanes
c. Loa loa
d. Trichinella spiralis
11. Which of the following amoeba does not
live in large intestine ?
a. Entamoeba coli
b. Entamoeda histolytica
c. Endolimax nana
d. Entamoeba gingivalis
12. Which of the following is not related to
congenital syphilis?
a. Aneurysm b. Saddle nose
c. Still birth d. Hutchiso’s teeth
13. Streptococcus pyogens produce infection –
a. Streptococcal sore throat
b. Acute glomerulo nephritis
c. Rheumatic fever
d. None of these
14. Salmonella which can cause prolong
a. Salmonella anetum
b. Salmonella cholerasuis
c. Salmonella typhimurium
d. Salmonella entritidis
15. E.coli produce which type of toxins?
a. Exotoxins b. Endotoxins
c. Leucocidin d. Both a and b
16. Main causative organism of gas gangrene
a. B.anthrax b. Clostridium tetani
c. Cl.deficile d. Cl.perfringens
17. Causative organism of whooping cough
a. Bordetella pertussis
b. Bordetella parapertussis
c. Bordetella bronchi septica
d. None of these
18. Pfeiffer phenomenon is related to
a. Vibrio cholerae b. B.anthrax
c. Rickettsial pox d. All of these
19. Diagnostic test for the identification of
primary syphilis:
a. VDRL test
b. Treponema pallidum immobilization test
c. Kahn’s test
d. Dark ground microscopic examination
20. Sporadic summer diarrhea may be
caused by
a. E.coli b. Enterobacter
c. Hafnia d. Serratia
21. Biological false reaction in VDRL is related
a. Lepra bacilli
b. Corynebacterium diphtheria
c. Cl.welchi
d. None of these