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See all quizzes of FATS AND FATTY ACID METABOLISM- Part 5 here:
1 The average normal value for standard
urea clearance is
(A) 20 ml (B) 30 ml
(C) 40 ml (D) 54 ml
2. Urea clearance is lowered in
(A) Acute nephritis
(B) Pneumonia
(C) Early stage of nephritic syndrome
(D) Benign hypertension
3. Glomerular filtration rate can be measured
(A) Endogenous creatinine clearance
(B) Para-aminohippurate test
(C) Addis test
(D) Mosenthal test
4. At normal levels of creatinine in the blood,
this metabolite is
(A) Filtered at the glomerulus but not secreted nor
reabsorbed by the tubule
(B) Secreted by the tubule
(C) Reabsorbed by the tubule
(D) Secreted and reabsorbed by tubule
5. The normal values for creatinine clearance
varies from
(A) 20–40 ml/min (B) 40–60 ml/min
(C) 70–85 ml/min (D) 95–105 ml/min
6. Measurement of insulin clearance test is
a measure of
(A) Glomerular filtration rate
(B) Filtration factor
(C) Renal plasma flow
(D) Tubular secretory mass
7. The polysaccharide insulin is
(A) Filtered at the glomerulus but neither secreted
nor reabsorbed by the tubule
(B) Filtered at the glomerulus and secreted by
the tubule
(C) Filtered at the glomerulus and reabsorbed by
the tubule
(D) Filtered at the glomerulus, secreted and
reabsorbed by the tubule
8. Normal insulin clearance is
(A) 40 ml/1.73 sqm (B) 60 ml/1.73 sqm
(C) 80 ml/1.73 sqm (D) 120 ml/1.73 sqm
9. Creatinine EDTA clearance is a test to
(A) Renal plasma flow
(B) Filtration fraction
(C) Glomerular filtration rate
(D) Tubular function
10. The end products of saponification:
(A) glycerol (B) acid
(C) soap (D) Both (A) and (C)
11. The normal PAH clearance for a surface
area of 1.73 sqm. is
(A) 200 ml/min (B) 300 ml/min
(C) 400 ml/min (D) 574 ml/min
12. Para amino hippurate is
(A) Filtered at glomeruli and secreted by the
(B) Filtered at glomeruli and not secreted by the
(C) Filtered at glomeruli and reabsorbed
(D) Not removed completely during a single
circulation of the blood through the kidney.
13. The Tm for PAH i.e the maximal secretory
capacity of the tubule for PAH can be used
to gavge the
(A) Extent of tubular damage
(B) Impairment of the capacity of the tubule to
perform osmotic work
(C) Impairment of renal plasma flow
(D) Glomerular filtration rate
14. The normal Tm in mg/min/1.73 sqm for
PAH is
(A) 20 (B) 40
(C) 60 (D) 80
15. The normal range of filtration factor in an
adult is
(A) 0.10–0.15 (B) 0.16–0.21
(C) 0.25–0.30 (D) 0.35–0.40
16. The filtration factor tends to be normal in
(A) Early essential hypertension
(B) Malignant phase of hypertension
(C) Glomerulonephritis
(D) Acute nephritis
17. The filtration factor is increased in
(A) Glomerulonephritis
(B) Malignant phase of hypertension
(C) Early essential hypertension
(D) Acute nephritis
18. The filtration factor is decreased in
(A) Glomerulonephritis
(B) Early essential hypertension
(C) Malignant phase of hypertension
(D) Starvation
19. Excretion of phenolsulphanpthalein (PSP)
(A) Glomerulonephritis
(B) Maximaltabular excretory capacity
(C) Filtration factor
(D) Renal plasma flow
20. Which of the following is a polyunsaturated
fatty acid?
(A) Palmitic acid (B) Palmitoleic acid
(C) Linoleic acid (D) Oleic acid
21. Which of the following is omega-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acid?
(A) Linoleic acid (B) α-Linolenic acid
(C) γ-Linolenic acid (D) Arachidonic acid
22. Triglycerides are
(A) Heavier than water
(B) Major constituents of membranes
(C) Non-polar
(D) Hydrophilic
23. Cerebronic acid is present in
(A) Glycerophospholipids
(B) Sphingophospholipids
(C) Galactosyl ceramide
(D) Gangliosides
24. Acylsphingosine is also known as
(A) Sphingomyelin (B) Ceramide
(C) Cerebroside (D) Sulphatide
25. The highest phospholipids content is
found in
(A) Chylomicrons (B) VLDL
26. The major lipid in chylomicrons is
(A) Triglycerides (B) Phospholipids
(C) Cholesterol (D) Free fatty acids
27. Number of carbon atoms in cholesterol is
(A) 17 (B) 19
(C) 27 (D) 30
28. The lipoprotein richest in cholesterol is
(A) Chylomicrons (B) VLDL
29. The major storage form of lipids is
(A) Esterified cholesterol
(B) Glycerophospholipids
(C) Triglycerides
(D) Sphingolipids
30. Cerebonic acid is present in
(A) Triglycerides
(B) Cerebrosides
(C) Esterified cholestrol
(D) Sphingomyelin