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See all quizzes of FATS AND FATTY ACID METABOLISM- Part 10 here:
1 β -Galactosidase is deficient in
(A) Fabry’s disease
(B) Krabbe’s disease
(C) Gaucher’s disease
(D) Metachromatic leukodystrophy
2. The enzyme deficient in metachromatic
leukodystrophy is
(A) Arylsulphatase A (B) Hexosaminidase A
(C) Ceramidase (D) Sphingomyelinase
3. All of the following statements about
generalized gangliosidosis are true
(A) It results from deficiency of GM1-β-
(B) Breakdown of GM1 ganglioside is impaired
(C) GM2 ganglioside accumulates in liver and
(D) It leads to mental retardation
4. Hexosaminidase A is deficient in
(A) Tay-Sachs disease
(B) Gaucher’s disease
(C) Niemann-Pick disease
(D) Fabry’s disease
5. Mental retardation occurs in
(A) Tay-Sachs disease
(B) Gaucher’s disease
(C) Niemann-Pick disease
(D) All of these
6. The enzyme deficient in Fabry’s disease is
(A) α-Galactosidase (B) β-Galactosidase
(C) α-Glucosidase (D) β-Glucosidase
7. Highest protein content amongst the
following is present in
(A) Wheat (B) Rice
(C) Pulses (D) Soyabean
8. Daily protein requirement of an adult man
(A) 0.5 gm/kg of body weight
(B) 0.8 gm/kg of body weight
(C) 1.0 gm/kg of body weight
(D) 1.5 gm/kg of body weight
9. Daily protein requirement of an adult
woman is
(A) 0.5 gm/kg of body weight
(B) 0.8 gm/kg of body weight
(C) 1.0 gm/kg of body weight
(D) 1.5 gm/kg of body weight
10. Cysteine can partially meet the requirement
(A) Phenylalanine (B) Threonine
(C) Methionine (D) None of these
11. Invisible fat is present in
(A) Milk (B) Coconut oil
(C) Groundnut oil (D) Hydrogenated oils
12. Visible fat is present in
(A) Milk (B) Pulses
(C) Coconut oil (D) Egg yolk
13. Fat content of eggs is about
(A) 7% (B) 10%
(C) 13% (D) 16%
14. Fat content of pulses is about
(A) 5% (B) 10%
(C) 15% (D) 20%
15. Predominant fatty acids in meat are
(A) Saturated
(B) Monounsaturated
(C) Polyunsaturated
(D) Mono and poly-unsaturated
16. Oils having more than 50 % polyunsaturated
fatty acids include all of the following
(A) Groundnut oil (B) Soyabean oil
(C) Sunflower oil (D) Safflower oil
17. Cholesterol is present in all of the following
(A) Egg (B) Fish
(C) Milk (D) Pulses
18. Which of the following has the highest
cholesterol content?
(A) Meat (B) Fish
(C) Butter (D) Milk
19. Which of the following has the highest
cholesterol content?
(A) Egg yolk (B) Egg white
(C) Meat (D) Fish
20. The following contains the least
(A) Milk (B) Meat
(C) Butter (D) Cheese
21. Which of the following constitutes fibre
or roughage in food?
(A) Cellulose (B) Pectin
(C) Inulin (D) All of these
22. The starch content of wheat is about
(A) 50% (B) 60%
(C) 70% (D) 80%
23. The starch content of pulses is about
(A) 50% (B) 60%
(C) 70% (D) 80%
24. A significant source of starch among
vegetables is
(A) Radish (B) Spinach
(C) Potato (D) Cauliflower
25. The cyclic ring present in all the steroids:
(A) Cyclopentano perhydrophenanthrene
(B) Nitropentano
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
26. In Ames’ assay, addition of a carcinogen
to the culture medium allows S. typhimurium
to grow
(A) In the presence of histidine
(B) In the presence of arginine
(C) In the absence of histidine
(D) In the absence of arginine
27. In Ames’ assay, liver homogenate is
included in the culture medium because
(A) It converts pro-carcinogens into carcinogens
(B) Liver can metabolise histidine
(C) Salmonella mainly infects liver
(D) Liver is very susceptible to cancer
28. Bile pigments are present and urobilinogen
absent in urine in
(A) Haemolytic jaundice
(B) Hepatocellular jaundice
(C) Obstructive jaundice
(D) Crigler-Najjar syndrome
29. Bile pigments are absent and urobilinogen
increased in urine in
(A) Haemolytic jaundice
(B) Hepatocellular jaundice
(C) Obstructive jaundice
(D) Rotor’s syndrome
30. In obstructive jaundice, urine shows
(A) Absence of bile pigments and urobilinogen
(B) Presence of bile pigments and urobilinogen
(C) Absence of bile pigments and presence of
(D) Presence of bile pigments and absence of