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Diseases of the Spinal Cord- Part 3
See all quizzes of Diseases of the Spinal Cord- Part 3 here:
1.Which of the following is false about ‘Neuromyotonia’ ?
A. Muscle stiffness at rest & during sleep
B. Distal limb muscles most severely affected
C. Myokymia
D. None of the above
2. Central cord syndrome results from all except ?
A. Trauma
B. Infection
C. Syringomyelia
D. Anterior spinal artery ischemia
3. Dissociated sensory loss in central cord syndrome means ?
Harrison’s 18th Ed. 3367
A. Loss of JPS & vibration sense with preservation of pain &
temperature sense
B. Loss of pain & temperature sense with preservation of JPS &
vibration sense
C. Loss of pain sense with preservation of temperature sense
D. Loss of temperature sense with preservation of pain sense
4. Which of the following is false about anterior spinal artery
syndrome ?
A. Due to occlusion of anterior spinal artery
B. Motor, sensory & autonomic functions are lost below the level
of lesion
C. Retained vibration & position sensation
D. None of the above
5. “Around the clock” pattern of weakness is seen in ?
A. Central cord syndrome
B. Anterior spinal artery syndrome
C. Foramen magnum syndrome
D. All of the above
6. Which of the following features does not favour the diagnosis of
extramedullary lesions ?
A. Radicular pain
B. Early sacral sensory loss
C. Sparing of sensation in perineal & sacral areas
D. Spastic weakness in legs
7. Which of the following features favours the diagnosis of
intramedullary lesions ?
A. Radicular pain
B. Early corticospinal tract signs
C. Sparing of sensation in perineal & sacral areas
D. Spastic weakness in legs
8. Which of the following features favours noncompressive
myelopathy ?
A. Neck or back pain
B. Bladder disturbances
C. Sensory symptoms preceding paralysis
D. Myelopathy without antecedent symptoms
9. Which of the following malignant tumors usually do not
metastasize to “thoracic” spinal cord ?
A. Breast
B. Kidney
C. Ovary
D. Lymphoma
10. Batson’s plexus is composed of ?
A. Nerves
B. Arteries
C. Veins
D. Capillaries
11. Pain in neoplastic epidural compressive myelopathy worsens
with ?
A. Movement
B. Coughing
C. Sneezing
D. All of the above
12. Which of the following is false about intradural mass lesions ?
A. Slow-growing & benign
B. Initial symptom is radicular pain
C. Asymmetric, progressive spinal cord syndrome
D. None of the above
13. Intradural neurofibromas typically arise near ?
A. Anterior root
B. Posterior root
C. Radicle
D. Any of the above
14. Which of the following is a primary intramedullary tumor ?
A. Ependymomas
B. Hemangioblastomas
C. Low-grade astrocytoma
D. All of the above
15. Clinical triad of spinal epidural abscess consists of all except ?
A. Midline dorsal pain
B. Fever
C. Progressive limb weakness
D. Sensory loss
16. Which of the following about spinal epidural abscess is false ?
A. Infections of skin is a risk factor
B. Commonly due to hematogenous spread
C. Streptococcus most common bacteria
D. Lumbar puncture is not recommended
17. The spinal cord is supplied by how many arteries ?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
18. Anterior spinal artery feeder – Artery of Adamkiewicz arises at ?
A. C6
B. T4 – T5
C. T11 – L2
D. L4 – L5
19. Posterior spinal arteries become less distinct below ?
A. Midcervical level
B. Midthoracic level
C. Midlumbar level
D. Midsacral level
20. With systemic hypotension, greatest ischemic risk of cord infarction
is at the level of ?
A. C6
B. T3 – T4
C. T11 – L2
D. L5 – S1
21. Which of the following is not a feature of anterior cord syndrome ?
A. Paraplegia or quadriplegia
B. Loss of pain & temperature sense
C. Sparing of vibration & position sense
D. Preservation of sphincter control
22. Spinal cord infarction is associated with ?
A. Aortic atherosclerosis
B. Dissecting aortic aneurysm
C. Hypotension from any cause
D. All of the above