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Syphilis- Part 3
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1 Which out of the following is the most common early manifestation
of congenital syphilis ?
Harrison’s 18th Ed. 1384
A. Bone changes
B. Hepatosplenomegaly
C. Lymphadenopathy
D. Anemia
2 Neonatal death in congenital syphilis is usually due to ?
A. Pulmonary hemorrhage
B. Secondary bacterial infection
C. Severe hepatitis
D. Any of the above
3 Which of the following is a feature of syphilis ?
A. Clutton’s joints
B. Hutchinson’s teeth
C. Argyll Robertson pupils
D. All of the above
4 In syphilis, Clutton’s joints refer to ?
A. Frozen shoulder
B. Pes cavus
C. Bilateral knee effusions
D. Avascular necrosis of hip joint
5 Which of the following is false for upper central incisors in syphilis
(Hutchinson’s teeth) ?
A. Centrally notched
B. Widely spaced
C. Lower central incisors
D. Peg-shaped
6 In congenital syphilis, the affected molars are called ?
A. “Mulberry” molars
B. “Saddle” molars
C. “Saber” molars
D. All of the above
7 Which of the following is a feature of syphilis ?
A. Bald tongue
B. Hairy tongue
C. Strawberry tongue
D. Raspberry tongue
8 Abnormal facies in congenital syphilis include all except ?
A. Frontal bossing
B. Saddle nose
C. Poorly developed maxillae
D. Small pinna of ear
9 Anterior tibial bowing in syphilis is called ?
A. Nano shins
B. Saber shins
C. Cooper shins
D. Weber shins
10 In syphilis, ‘Rhagades’ refers to ?
A. Linear scars at angles of mouth and nose
B. Loss of eyebrows
C. Small pinna of ear
D. Crusting of the lips
11 Which of the following tests is not useful in detection of T.
pallidum ?
A. Culture
B. Dark-field microscopic examination
C. Immunofluorescence or immunohistochemical methods
D. Fluorescein-conjugated polyclonal antitreponemal antibody
T. pallidum cannot be detected by culture.
12 Serologic tests for syphilis are reactive in ?
A. Yaws
B. Pinta
C. Endemic syphilis
D. All of the above
13 Which of the following is not a treponemal test ?
A. Fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorbed (FTA-ABS) test
B. Microhemagglutination assay for T. pallidum (MHA-TP)
C. Rapid plasmin reagin (RPR test)
D. Serodia TP-PA test
14 ‘Prozone phenomenon’ is best related to ?
A. Serum dilution
B. Serum temperature
C. Serum pH
D. Serum colour
15 Which of the following drugs is ineffective in the treatment of
acquired syphilis ?
A. Quinolones
B. Tetracyclines
C. Erythromycin
D. Cephalosporins
16 Which of the following drugs is inactive against T. pallidum ?
A. Spectinomycin
B. Tetracyclines
C. Sulfonamides
D. Cephalosporins
17 For penicillin-allergic patients with early syphilis, which of the
following medicines can be used ?
A. Doxycycline
B. Ceftriaxone
C. Azithromycin
D. All of the above
18 Which of the following in CSF examination, provides the most
sensitive index of response to treatment of neurosyphilis ?
A. Elevated levels of CSF protein
B. CSF VDRL titer
C. CSF pleocytosis
D. All of the above
19 Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction is most common following treatment
of ?
A. Primary syphilis
B. Secondary syphilis
C. Early latent syphilis
D. None of the above
20 Which of the following tests is not useful in following the response
to therapy in patients of syphilis ?
A. Quantitative VDRL titer
B. Quantitative RPR titer
C. FTA-ABS and agglutination tests
D. All of the above
21 Which of the following is not a cause of False-Positive Reactions
in Nontreponemal Serologic Tests for Syphilis ?
A. Recent viral illness or immunization
B. Genital herpes
C. HIV infection
D. Typhoid
22 Which of the following is not a cause of false-positive reactions in
nontreponemal serologic tests for syphilis ?
A. Malaria
B. Parenteral drug use
C. Recent trauma
D. Aging
23 Which of the following is false about syphilitic hepatitis ?
A. Unusually high serum alkaline phosphatase
B. Histologically different form viral hepatitis
C. Cholestasis
D. None of the above
24 Combination of optic neuritis & spastic ataxic paraparesis suggests
which of the following ?
A. Multiple sclerosis (MS)
B. CNS syphilis
C. Vitamin B12 deficiency
D. All of the above