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See all quizzes of HORMONE METABOLISM- Part 1here:
1. Hormones
(A) Act as coenzyme
(B) Act as enzyme
(C) Influence synthesis of enzymes
(D) Belong to B-complex group
2. Hormone that binds to intracellular
receptor is
(A) Adrenocorticotropic hormone
(B) Thyroxine
(C) Follicle stimulating hormone
(D) Glucagon
3. Hormone that bind to cell surface receptor
and require the second messenger camp
(A) Antidiuretic hormone
(B) Cholecystokinin
(C) Calcitriol
(D) Gastrin
4. A hormone secreted from anterior pituitary
(A) Growth hormone (B) Vasopressin
(C) Oxytocin (D) Epinephrine
5. A hormone secreted from posterior pituitary
(A) Vasopressin
(B) Thyrotropic hormone
(C) Prolactin
(D) Adrenocorticotropic hormone
6. The number of amino acids in human
growth hormone is
(A) 91 (B) 151
(C) 191 (D) 291
7. Growth hormone causes hyperglycemia.
It is a result of
(A) Decreased peripheral utilization of glucose
(B) Decreased hepatic production via gluconeogenesis
(C) Increased glycolysis in muscle
(D) Decrersed lipolysis
8. Acromegaly results due to excessive
release of
(A) Thyroxine (B) Growth hormone
(C) Insulin (D) Glucagon
9. Growth hormone is released by
(A) Somatostatin
(B) Growth hormone releasing hormone
(C) Prolactin release inhibiting hormone
(D) Luteinizing releasing hormone
10. The number of amino acids in prolactin is
(A) 134 (B) 146
(C) 172 (D) 199
11. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is a
single polypeptide containing
(A) 25 amino acid (B) 39 amino acid
(C) 49 amino acid (D) 52 amino acid
12. Biological activity of ACTH requires
(A) 10-N-terminal amino acid
(B) 24-N-terminal amino acid
(C) 24-C-terminal amino acid
(D) 15-C-terminal amino acid
13. ACTH stimulates the secretion of
(A) Glucocorticoids (B) Epinephrine
(C) Thyroxine (D) Luteinizing hormone
14. Excessive secretion of ACTH causes
(A) Cushing’s syndrome
(B) Addison’s disease
(C) Myxoedema
(D) Thyrotoxicosis
15. In Cushing’s syndrome-a tumour associated
disease of adrenal cortex, there is
(A) Decreased epinephrine production
(B) Excessive cortisol production
(C) Excessive epinephrine production
(D) Decreased cortsoil production
16. ACTH induces rise in
(A) Cyclic AMP (B) Cyclic GMP
(C) Calcium (D) Magnesium
17. The circulating concentration of ACTH in
plasma is
(A) 0.05 m μ /100 ml
(B) 0.1–2.0 m μ /100 ml
(C) 2.5–3.5 m μ /100 ml
(D) 3.0–5.0 m μ /100 ml
18. Hyperglycemic effect of glucocorticoids is
due to
(A) Inactivation of protein phosphatase
(B) Inactivation of fructose 1,6-biphosphatase
(C) Stimulation of synthesis of pyruvate carboxylase
(D) Stimulation of synthesis of eltroxykinase
19. The predominant glucocorticoid is
(A) Cortisol
(B) Aldosterone
(C) Dehydroephiandrosterone
(D) Androstenedione
20. A specific cortisol binding protein, transcortin
is a
(A) Albumin (B) α1-Globulin
(C) α2-Globulin (D) β-Globulin
21. Cortisol is synthesized in
(A) Zona fasiculata (B) Zona glomerulosa
(C) Zona reticularis (D) Chromaffin cells
22. All mammalian steroid hormones are
formed from
(A) Purine (B) Pyrimidine
(C) Cholesterol (D) Pyrrole
23. A very efficient inhibitor of steroid
biosynthesis is
(A) Aminoglutethimide
(B) Aminoimidazole
(C) Aminoimidazolesuccinyl carboxamine
(D) Aminopterin
24. In adrenal gland the cholesterol is stored
(A) Mostly in the free form
(B) Mostly in esterified form
(C) Large amount of free form and less amount
of esterified form
(D) Equal amounts of free and esterified form
25. Aldosterone synthesis occurs in
(A) Zona reticularis (B) Zona fasciculata
(C) Zona glomerulosa (D) Chromaffian cells
26. In the biosynthesis of cortiol, the sequence
of enzymes involved is
(A) Hydroxylase–dehydrogenase + isomerase –
(B) Dehydrogenase–hydroxylase–isomerase
(C) Hydroxylase–lyase–dehydrogenase isomerase
(D) Isomerase–lyase–hydroxylase–dehydrogenase
27. The defect in adrenal cortex responsible
for lack of glucocorticoids and mineralcorticoids
(A) Androstenedione deficiency
(B) 17 α -OH progesterone deficiency
(C) C-21 hydroxylase deficiency
(D) Testosterone deficiency
28. 3-β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and
Δ5,4 isomerase catalyse the conversion of
the weak androgen DHEA to
(A) Androstenedione (B) Testosterone
(C) Progesterone (D) Estrone
29. In the resting state plasma concentration
of cortisol is
(A) 0.4–2.0 μg/100 ml
(B) 2.0–4.0 μg/100 ml
(C) 5.0–15.0 μg/100 ml
(D) 18.0–25.0 μg/100 ml
30. The most important effect of aldosterone
is to
(A) Increase the rate of tubular reabsorption of
(B) Decrease the rate of tubular reabsorption of
(C) Decrease the reabsorption of chloride
(D) Decrease the renal reabsorption of sodium