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HIV / AIDS- Part 12
See all quizzes of HIV / AIDS- Part 12 here:
1 Area under the plasma concentration-time curve of Saquinavir is
increased by ?
A. Nelfinavir
B. Indinavir
C. Ritonavir
D. All of the above
2 The most important side effect of Indinavir is ?
A. Nephrolithiasis
B. Peripheral neuropathy
C. Glaucoma
D. Ototoxicity
3 Which of the following is not a Protease inhibitor ?
A. Indinavir
B. Saquinavir
C. Ritonavir
D. Tenofovir
4 Which of the following is not a NNRTI ?
A. Efavirenz
B. Nevirapine
C. Zalcitabine
D. Delavirdine
5 First drug approved by US FDA for treatment of AIDS is ?
A. Zidovudine
B. Zalcitabine
C. Delavirdine
D. Lamivudine
6 Zidovudine was approved by US FDA for treatment of AIDS in ?
A. 1983
B. 1987
C. 1990
D. 1995
7 First protease inhibitor used along with zidovudine and
lamivudine in “triple combination therapy” for HIV was ?
A. Indinavir
B. Saquinavir
C. Ritonavir
D. Nelfinavir
8 The first HIV-1 protease inhibitors to be licensed was ?
A. Saquinavir
B. Indinavir
C. Ritonavir
D. Nelfinavir
9 Which of the following protease inhibitors is best-tolerated ?
A. Saquinavir
B. Indinavir
C. Ritonavir
D. Nelfinavir
10Which of the following is a fusion inhibitor ?
A. Abacavir
B. Enfuvirtide
C. Efavirenz
D. Tenofovir
11 Which of the following antiretroviral medication is available as
an intravenous formulation ?
A. Stavudine
B. Zidovudine
C. Lamivudine
D. Didanosine
12 Which of the following drugs does not require dose adjustment
in patients with renal insufficiency ?
A. Abacavir
B. Didanosine
C. Emtricitabine
D. Lamivudine
13 Which of the following drugs does not require dose adjustment
in patients with renal insufficiency ?
A. Abacavir
B. Stavudine
C. Zidovudine
D. Lamivudine
14 Which of the drugs require dose adjustment in patients with
hepatic impairment ?
A. Atazanavir
B. Fosamprenavir
C. Indinavir
D. All of the above
15 ‘Lactic acidosis syndrome’ is a serious adverse effect of which of
the following antiretroviral drug ?
A. Stavudine
B. Didanosine
C. Zidovudine
D. All of the above
16 Stevens – Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrosis is a serious
adverse effect of which of the following antiretroviral drug ?
A. Stavudine
B. Didanosine
C. Zidovudine
D. Nevirapine
17 Which of the following antiretroviral medications is also active
against hepatitis B virus (HBV) ?
A. Lamivudine
B. Emtricitabine
C. Tenofovir
D. All of the above
18 Which of the following reverse transcriptase inhibitors are quite
selective for the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase ?
A. Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
B. Nucleoside analogues
C. Nucleotide analogues
D. All of the above
19 Pancreatitis is the adverse effect of which of the following ?
A. Didanosine
B. Zalcitabine
C. Stavudine
D. All of the above
20 Among the nucleoside analogues licensed for the treatment of
HIV infection, which one is the weakest ?
A. Didanosine
B. Zalcitabine
C. Abacavir
D. Emtricitabine
21 Action of zidovudine is antagonised by ?
A. Didanosine
B. Stavudine
C. Abacavir
D. Emtricitabine
22 Which of the following is the best tolerated & least toxic nucleoside
analogue ?
A. Lamivudine
B. Stavudine
C. Zidovudine
D. Emtricitabine
23 Abacavir-resistant strains of HIV are also resistant to ?
A. Lamivudine
B. Didanosine
C. Zalcitabine
D. All of the above