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Malignancies of Lymphoid Cells
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1.What was the first name of Hodgkin ?
A. Micheal
B. John
C. Clarke
D. Thomas
2. Ann Arbor staging system for Hodgkin’s Disease was made in which year ?
A. 1951
B. 1961
C. 1971
D. 1981
3. Which of the following statements about Hodgkin’s Disease is false ?
A. Disease not increasing in frequency
B. Most patients present with palpable lymphadenopathy
C. Subdiaphragmatic presentation is unusual
D. None of the above
4. Unusual manifestations of Hodgkin’s disease include ?
A. Erythema nodosum
B. Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration
C. Pain in lymph nodes on alcohol ingestion
D. All of the above
5. Which of the following about Pel and Ebstein is false ?
A. Their names were Wilhelm Ebstein and P.K. Pel
B. Both published papers in in the same journal in 1887
about fever in Hodgkin’s disease
C. Long-term dispute persisted between Pel & Ebstein on the
etiology of Hodgkin’s disease
D. None of the above
6. Most patients of Hodgkin’s disease have which of the following ?
A. Mixed-cellularity Hodgkin’s disease
B. Nodular sclerosing Hodgkin’s disease
C. Lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin’s disease
D. Lymphocyte-depleted Hodgkin’s disease
7. Nucleus in Reed-Sternberg cell is also described as ?
A. “Owl’s eyes” appearance
B. “Spectacle” appearance
C. “Ghost” appearance
D. “Moon” appearance
8. What is the diameter of Reed-Sternberg (RS) cells ?
A. 5 – 10 µm
B. 8 – 16 µm
C. 12 – 20 µm
D. 20 – 60 µm
9. Reed-Sternberg (RS) cells are seen in ?
A. Infectious mononucleosis
B. B and T cell lymphomas
C. Melanomas
D. All of the above
10. Which of the following is false about classic Hodgkin’s disease ?
A. Typical bimodal age distribution
B. One peak at 10 – 35 years of age
C. Second peak in late life
D. None of the above
11. Hodgkin’s disease is related to ?
A. Neoplastic cells of B cell origin
B. Polyclonal inflammatory infiltrate
C. Monoclonal antibody Ki-1 reactivity to RS cells
D. All of the above
12. Which of the following chemotherapy regimens is used in Hodgkin’s disease ?
D. All of the above