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Tuberculosis- Part 2
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1 Best characterized strain of M. tuberculosis is ?
A. H36R
B. H37R
C. H38R
D. H39R
2 Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a slow-growing bacteria that
divides every ?
A. 16 – 20 hours
B. 36 – 48 hours
C. 48 – 60 hours
D. 72 – 90 hours
3 Which of the following best relates to the pathogenicity of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis ?
A. Slow generation time
B. Phagolysosome formation
C. Phagosome maturation arrest
D. Resistance to osmotic lysis
4 What fraction of inhaled droplet nuclei containing M. tuberculosis
microorganisms reach the alveoli ?
A. 10 %
B. 15 %
C. 20 %
D. 25 %
5 Gene thought to confer virulence to M. tuberculosis is ?
A. katG
B. rpoV
C. erp
D. All of the above
6 Beijing family of M. tuberculosis strains was described in year ?
A. 1984
B. 1990
C. 1995
D. 2000
7 Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program started in ?
A. 1990
B. 1993
C. 1995
D. 1998
8 Beijing/W genotype family of M. tuberculosis is associated with
all except ?
A. Lower mortality rates
B. Multibanded IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism
(RFLP) patterns
C. Highest density found in Beijing
D. Largest genotype family of M. tuberculosis
9 Which of the following is not a M. tuberculosis genotype family ?
A. Gibralter
B. Latino-American
C. Mediterranean
D. Haarlem
10 Which of the following gene in humans plays a role in determining
susceptibility to tuberculosis ?
A. katG
B. rpoV
C. erp
11 Cell mediated immunity (CMI) & humoral immunity begin how
many weeks after M. tuberculosis infection ?
A. 1 – 2
B. 2 – 4
C. 4 – 6
D. 6 – 8
12 Which of the following is a “T cell – mediated phenomenon” ?
A. Fusion between phagosomes & lysosomes
B. Recruitment of immature monocyte-derived macrophages
C. Macrophage-activating response
D. Tissue-damaging response
13 Which of the following is a “delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH)
reaction” ?
A. Fusion between phagosomes & lysosomes
B. Recruitment of immature monocyte-derived macrophages
C. Macrophage-activating response
D. Tissue-damaging response
14 Caseous necrosis of involved tissues is the result of ?
A. Fusion between phagosomes & lysosomes
B. Recruitment of immature monocyte-derived macrophages
C. Macrophage-activating response
D. Tissue-damaging response
15 Caseous necrosis may also be observed in ?
A. Neoplasms
B. Burns
C. Lymphedema
D. All of the above
16 Growth of M. tuberculosis is inhibited by ?
A. Low oxygen tension
B. Low pH
C. Nitric oxide
D. All of the above
17 Which of the following plays a role in processing & presenting M.
tuberculosis antigens to T lymphocytes ?
A. Alveolar macrophages
B. Monocytes
C. Dendritic cells
D. All of the above
18 ESAT6 stands for ?
A. Essential secretory antigenic target 6
B. Epidemic secretory antigenic target 6
C. Early secretory antigenic target 6
D. Episodic secretory antigenic target 6
19 CFP10 stands for ?
A. Culture filtrate protein 10
B. Cell filtrate protein 10
C. Cryo filtrate protein 10
D. Cytoplasmic filtrate protein 10
20 Which of the following statements about primary pulmonary
tuberculosis is false ?
A. Seen in children
B. Localized to middle and lower lung zones
C. Lesion is central & accompanied by hilar or paratracheal
D. Lesion heals spontaneously
21 What is Ghon lesion ?
A. Calcified paratracheal lymph node
B. A small calcified TB nodule in lung
C. Hemorrhage in a tubercular cavity
D. None of the above
22 Post primary pulmonary tuberculosis is also called ?
A. Adult-type tuberculosis
B. Reactivation tuberculosis
C. Secondary tuberculosis
D. Any of the above
23 Which of the following about postprimary pulmonary tuberculosis
is false ?
A. Due to endogenous reactivation of latent infection
B. Localized to apical & posterior segments of upper lobes
C. Superior segments of lower lobes frequently involved
D. None of the above
24 The process of chronic, progressively debilitating course of
postprimary pulmonary tuberculosis is also called ?
A. Consumption
B. Corrosion
C. Exasperate
D. Decay
25 Rasmussen’s aneurysm refers to ?
A. Aortic aneurysm secondary to tuberculosis
B. Pulmonary artery aneurysm secondary to tuberculosis
C. Dilated vessel in a tubercular cavity
D. Dilatation of a major bronchus
26 Massive hemoptysis in pulmonary TB is due to ?
A. Erosion of blood vessel in wall of a cavity
B. Rupture of a dilated vessel in a cavity
C. Aspergilloma formation in an old cavity
D. Any of the above