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Strerilisation Cultrure Media And Pure Culture Techniques-Part 2
See all quizzes of Strerilisation Cultrure Media And Pure Culture Techniques-Part 2 here:
1. Isolation is
a. Purification of culture
b. Introduction of inoculum
c. Separation of a single colony
d. To grow microorganisms on surfaces
2. The condition required for autoclave
a. 121oC temp.and 15 lbs. pressure for 20 min.
b. 120oC temp.and 20 lbs. pressure for 30 min
c. 150oC temp.for 1 hr.
d. 130oC temp for 2 hr.
3. Lysozyme is effective against
a. Gram negative bacteria
b. Gram positive bacteria
c. Protozoa
d. Helminthes
4. Blood agar medium is
a. Enrichment medium
b. Enriched medium
c. Selective medium
d. Differential medium
5. Infrared radiation is a method of sterilization
a. Dry heat b. Moist heat
c. Chemical method d. Mechanical method
6. Lyophilization means
a. Sterilization
b. Freeze-drying
c. Burning to ashes
d. Exposure to formation
7. Temperature used for hot air oven is
a. 100oC for 1 hour
b. 120oC for 1 hour
c. 160oC for 1 hour
d. 60oC for 1 hour
8. Phenol co-efficient indicates
a. Efficiency of a disinfectant
b. Dilution of a disinfectant
c. Purity of a disinfectant
d. Quantity of a disinfectant
9. This is an agar plate method and is
commonly used for estimation of the
number of bacteria in milk.
a. Standard Plate Count (SPC)
b. Spread plate
c. Lawn culture
d. Roll tube method
10. Agar is obtained form
a. Brown algae b. Red algae
c. Green algae d. Blue-green algae
11. A gram positive organism which produces
swarming on culture medium is
a. Salmonella b. Clostridium
c. Staphylococci d. Proteus
12. Enhancement of virulence in bacteria is
known as
a. Pathogenicity b. Attenuation
c. Exaltation d. Toxigenicity
13. For effective sterilization in an autoclave
the temperature obtained is
a. 50oC b. 100oC
c. 120oC d. 180oC
14. Spores are killed by
a. 70% alcohol b. Glutaraldehyde
c. Autoclaving d. Both b and c
15. Glassware are sterilized by
a. Autoclaving b. Hot air over
c. Incineration d. None of these
16. Tyndallisation was proposed by
a. Tyndall b. Pasteur
c. Koch d. Jenner
17. Viruses can be cultivated in
a. Lab media b. Broth
c. Living cells d. None of these
18. By pasteurization
a. All the microorganisms can be removed
b. Only pathogenic forms can be removed
c. Only non-pathogenic forms can be removed
d. All of these are correct
19. The temperature required for pasteurization
a. Above 100oC b. Below 100oC
c. 100oC d. None of these
20. In the medium other than nutrients, if any
substance is used in excess, that medium
a. Enriched medium
b. Special medium
c. Enrichment medium
d. None of these
21. Example for indicator medium is
a. Nutrient Agar
b. Nutrient broth
c. Wilson and Blair
d. Czapeck-dox medium
22. Example of Anaerobic medium is
a. Robertson cooked-meat medium
b. Nutrient agar
c. Nutrient broth
d. Mac-Conkey’s agar
23. The differentiate lactose and non-lactose
fermentors, the medium used is
a. Wilson & lair
b. Blood Agar
c. Tetra thionate broth
d. Mac-Conkey’s Agar
24. Best method for getting pure culture is
a. Streak-plate b. Agar slant
c. Both a & b d. None of thes