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Medical Microbiology- Part 8
See all quizzes of Medical Microbiology- Part 8 here:
1 The drugs mentioned below are produced
by the species mentioned from Ato E.
Match them correctly :
1. Rifampicin A. Streptomyces griseus
2. Nystatin B. Bacillus polymyxa
3. Amphotericin B C. Streptomyces mediterranei
4. Candicidin D. Streptomyces nodosus
E. Streptomyces noursei
2. Match the correct method of sterilization
listed A to E for the following drugs :
1. Tetracyclin injection A. Sterilised by dry heat
2. Insulin injection B. Sterilised by heating with a
3. Quinine injection C. Sterilised by aseptic method
4. Morphine injection D. Prepared by aseptic method
E. Sterilised by heating in an
3. Match the following rickettsial disease
with their respective organisms:
1. Epidemic typhus A. Rickettsia rickettsi
2. Scrub typhus B. Rickettsia prowazeki
3. Trench typhus C. Rickettsia typhus
4. Murine typhus D. Rickettsia Quintana
E. Rickettsia typhus
4. Match the following antimicrobial with
their respective side effects A to E:
1. Acridines A. Showed adverse effects on
2. Benzalkonium B. exhibit synergism and
chloride unsuitable for preservative in
eye drops
3. Parahydroxy C. Haemolytic
4. Formalin D. Very toxic
E. Toxic to leucocytes and retard
granulation process
5. Match the following antibiotics with their
respective modes of administration A to E:
1. Penicillin V A. Intramuscular suspension
2. Benzathine B. Oral
3. Methicillin sodium C. Both as oral and injection
4. Ampicillin D. Locally applied
E. Intramuscular injection
6. Match the following antibiotics with
respective strains A to E used for their
production :
1. Tetracyclin A. Streptomyces erythreus
2. Chloramphenicol B. Streptomyces garyphalous
3. Erythromycin C. Streptomyces niveus
4. Cycloserine D. Streptomyces viridifaciens
E. Streptomyces venezuelae