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Ischemic Heart Disease- Part 1
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Ischemic Heart Disease- Part 1| Ischemic Heart Disease- Part 2
1.Which of the following is a determinant of myocardial oxygen demand (MVO2) ?
A. Heart rate
B. Myocardial contractility
C. Myocardial wall tension (stress)
D. All of the above
2. Majority of blood flow through coronary arteries is during ?
A. Systole
B. Diastole
C. Presystole
D. Prediastole
3. Major determinant of total coronary resistance is found in ?
A. Large epicardial arteries (R1)
B. Prearteriolar vessels (R2)
C. Arteriolar and intramyocardial capillary vessels (R3)
D. R2 + R3
4. Which of the following statements is false ?
A. Large epicardial coronary arteries are conductance vessels
B. Intramyocardial arterioles are resistance vessels
C. Abnormal constriction of conductance vessels can cause Prinzmetal’s angina
D. Abnormal constriction of resistance vessels can cause Prinzmetal’s angina
5. Which of the following sites has the most predilection for atherosclerotic plaques to develop ?
A. Origin of epicardial arteries
B. Branch points in epicardial arteries
C. Terminal regions of epicardial arteries
D. Any of the above
6. Normal myocardium metabolizes which of the following ?
A. Fatty acids
B. Amino acids
C. Lactate
D. All of the above
7. During myocardial ischemia, impairment of cell membrane function leads to ?
A. Leakage of potassium from myocytes
B. Uptake of sodium by myocytes
C. Increase in cytosolic calcium
D. All of the above
8. Minimum duration of total occlusion of epicardial vessel in absence of collaterals for development of myocardial necrosis is ?
A. > 20 minutes
B. > 25 minutes
C. > 30 minutes
D. > 35 minutes
9.In ECG, transient ST-segment depression reflects ?
A. Subendocardial ischemia
B. Transmural ischemia
C. Epicardial ischemia
D. All of the above
10. In ECG, transient ST-segment elevation reflects ?
A. Subendocardial ischemia
B. Transmural ischemia
C. Epicardial ischemia
D. All of the above
11. Coronary atherosclerosis begins to develop at what age ?
A. < 20 years
B. 20 – 30 years
C. 30 – 40 years
D. > 40 years
12. Squeezing, central, substernal discomfort in angina pectoris is termed ?
A. Landolfi’s sign
B. Levine’s sign
C. Lhermitte’s sign
D. Carvolo’s sign
13. Which of the following statements about angina is false ?
A. Angina is usually crescendo-decrescendo in nature
B. Typically lasts for 10 to 15 minutes
C. Pain can radiate to both arms
D. Rarely localized below umbilicus or above mandible
14.Radiation of chest pain towards which of the following is more typical of pericarditis ?
A. Interscapular region
B. Jaw
C. Epigastrium
D. Trapezius muscles
15. “Angina decubitus” refers to anginal pain occuring when the patient is in which of the following positions ?
A. Squatting
B. Sitting with legs hanging
C. Recumbent
D. Any of the above
16. Atypical presentations of angina pectoris are more frequent in ?
A. Older patients
B. Diabetics
C. Women
D. All of the above
17. Anginal “equivalents” are all except ?
A. Dyspnea
B. Fatigue
C. Palpitation
D. Faintness
18.Anginal “equivalents” are more common in ?
A. Women
B. Smoker
C. Hypertension
D. Diabetes mellitus
19. Disorders that may cause angina in absence of coronary atherosclerosis are all except ?
A. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
B. Aortic regurgitation
C. Pulmonary hypertension
D. Systemic hypertension
20. All of the following are indications of discontinuing exercise stress testing except ?
A. Chest discomfort
B. Severe shortness of breath
C. Dizziness
D. Rise in systolic blood pressure > 40 mmHg
21. All of the following are indications of discontinuing exercise stress testing except ?
A. ST-segment depression > 0.2 mV (2 mm)
B. Fall in systolic blood pressure > 10 mmHg
C. Development of supraventricular tachyarrhythmia
D. Development of ventricular tachyarrhythmia
22. False-negative stress test is usual in obstructive disease limited to which coronary artery ?
A. Left anterior descending coronary artery
B. Left circumflex coronary artery
C. Right coronary artery
D. Posterior descending artery