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Intracranial hemorrhage- Part 2
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Intracranial hemorrhage- Part 1|Intracranial hemorrhage- Part 2
1 Intracranial hemorrhages associated with anticoagulant therapy
occur in ?
A. Lobar hemorrhage
B. Thalamic hemorrhage
C. Pontine hemorrhage
D. Any location
2 Which of the following is a cause of stroke in young ?
A. Cocaine use
B. Moyamoya disease
C. Dissection of the internal carotid or vertebral arteries
D. All of the above
3 Which of the following worsens the prognosis in intracerebral
hemorrhage ?
A. Extension into the ventricular system
B. Advanced age
C. Location within the posterior fossa
D. All of the above
4 Which is the agent of first choice in reversing warfarin induced
coagulopathy in intracerebral hemorrhage ?
A. Prothrombin complex concentrate infusion
B. Fresh-frozen plasma
C. Vitamin K
D. Any of the above
5 What volume of supratentorial hematomas due to hypertensive
intracerebral hemorrhage have a good prognosis ?
A. < 30 mL
B. < 60 mL
C. < 90 mL
D. < 120 mL
6 What volume of supratentorial hematomas due to hypertensive
intracerebral hemorrhage have a poor prognosis ?
A. > 10 mL
B. > 25 mL
C. > 40 mL
D. > 60 mL
7 What diameter of cerebellar hematoma will require surgical
evacuation ?
A. > 0.5 cm
B. > 1.5 cm
C. > 2 cm
D. > 3 cm
8Which of the following is not helpful for the edema from
intracerebral hematoma ?
A. Glucocorticoids
B. Osmotic agents
C. Induced hyperventilation
D. Ventriculostomy
9 Largest AVMs are most frequently found in ?
A. Anterior half of hemispheres
B. Posterior half of hemispheres
C. Brainstem
D. Spinal cord
10 Bleeding or other symptoms from AVMs are most common
between the ages of ?
A. 1 and 10 years
B. 10 and 30 years
C. 30 and 50 years
D. 50 and 75 years
11 Which of the following statements about AVM bleed is false ?
A. Hemorrhage is mainly intraparenchymal
B. Symptomatic cerebral vasospasm is rare
C. Smaller lesions have a higher hemorrhage rate
D. MRI is gold standard for evaluating anatomy of AVM
12 Which of the following is a common location of capillary
telangiectasias in brain ?
A. Pons
B. Mid brain
C. Medulla oblongata
D. Cerebellum
13 Intracranial hemorrhage located usually in brainstem is due to
which of the following ?
A. Hypertensive hemorrhage
B. Cocaine abuse
C. Capillary telangiectasias
D. Arteriovenous malformation
14 Intracranial hemorrhage due to a coagulopathy occurs in which
of the following locations ?
A. Subarachnoid
B. Intraparenchymal
C. Basal ganglion
D. Any of the above
15 Which of the following is not an acquired vascular lesions ?
A. Dural arteriovenous fistulas
B. Cavernous angiomas
C. Capillary telangiectasias
D. None of the above
16 Which of the following gene is responsible in causing cavernous
angiomas ?
17 Which of the following genes can cause autosomal dominant
amyloid angiopathies ?
D. All of the above
18 Primary class of antibody that is associated with antiphospholipid
antibody syndrome is ?
A. Anticardiolipin antibodies
B. Lupus anticoagulant
C. Antibodies against B2G1
D. All of the above
19 Thrombotic events associated with antiphospholipid antibodies
include ?
A. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
B. Pulmonary embolus
C. Placental vascular thrombosis
D. All of the above
20 The lupus anticoagulants prolong which of the following
coagulation test results ?
A. Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)
B. Prothrombin time
C. Dilute Russell viper venom time (dRVVT)
D. All of the above
21 Which of these is a natural anticoagulant ?
A. Beta2-Gp1
B. Activated protein C
C. Annexin V
D. All of the above
22 Sneddon syndrome consists of ?
A. Stroke
B. Livido reticularis
C. Hypertension
D. All of the above
23 Obstetric complications in antiphospholipid syndrome are usually
seen at ?
A. 10 or more weeks of gestation
B. 8 or more weeks of gestation
C. 6 or more weeks of gestation
D. 4 or more weeks of gestation
24 Which of the following is the preferred test for diagnosis of
antiphospholipid antibody ?
D. Bleeding time
25 Antiphospholipid syndrome is a disorder characterized by ?
A. Recurrent arterial thrombosis
B. Spontaneous abortions
C. Thrombocytopenia
D. All of the above