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Imunology- Part 1
See all quizzes of Imunology- Part 1 here:
1 Which of the following is called serum
a. HCV b. HAV
c. HBV d. HIV
2. Which of the following was a non-neural
vaccine for rabies?
a. HEPV b. Card vaccine
c. BPL d. Simple
3. Which type of antibodies will associate
in blood cell coagulation?
a. IgE b. IgA
c. IgM d. IgG
4. In a antigen haptens are
a. Immunogenic b. Non-immunogenic
c. Antigenic d. None of these
5. The antibody that is first formed after
infection is
a. IgG b. IgM
c. IgD d. IgE
6. Antibodies in our body are produced by
a. B-lymphocytes b. T-lymphocytes
c. Monocytes d. RBC’s
7. The points at which crossing over has
taken place between homologus chromosomes
are called
a. Chiasmata
b. Synaptonemal complex
c. Centromeres
d. Protein axes
8. How much of globulin is present in human
a. 8% b. 12%
c. 16% d. 4%
9. The substance which acts as antimetabolites
are called
a. Activators b. Substrates
c. Inhibitor d. Cofactor
10. Enzymes are chemically
a. Lipids b. Proteins
c. Carbohydrates d. None of these
11. Monoclonal antibodies are produced by
a. Hybridoma technology
b. Biotechnology
c. Fermentation Technology
d. None of these
12. First line of body defence is
a. Antibody molecules
b. Unbroken skin
c. Antigen molecules
d. Phagocytic cells
13. What is the strength of the bond between
antigen and antibody?
a. Affinity b. Avidity
c. Covalent d. None of these
14. Syphillis is caused by
a. Staphylococcus aureuss
b. Yersinia psdtis
c. Treponema pallidum
d. Streptococcus syphilitis
15. Nergibodies produced by rabies virus
show characteristic _____ inner granues
a. Basophilic b. Eosinophilic
c. Neutrophilic d. Acidophilic
16. The widely used yeast for the production
of single cell protein is
a. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
b. Rhizopus
c. Candida utilis
d. All of the above
17. Analysis of protein antigen is by
a. Southern blot b. Northern blot
c. Western blot d. None of these
18. Which of the following can provide
naturally acquired passive immunity for
the new born.
a. IgA b. IgG
c. IgE d. IgM
19. AIDS disease is caused by a virus which
belongs to
a. Retro virus group
b. Rhabdo virus group
c. Hepatitis virus group
d. Adeno virus group
20. Complement based agglutination
reaction is known as
a. Haem agglutination
b. Coplement fixation
c. Conglutination
d. Schultz Dale Phenomenon
21. Reverse transcriptase is an enzyme
involved in the synthesis of
a. DNA b. Soluble RNA
c. m-RNA from DNA d. Nucleotides
22. The cellular immune response is mediated
a. B cells b. T cell
c. BT cells d. Endothelial cells
23. The major immunoglobulin present in the
human serum is
a. IgG b. IgA
c. IgE d. IgG
24. Reagenic type antibody is
a. IgG b. IgA
c. IgM d. IgE
25. Blood group antigens are
a. Species specific b. Isospecific
c. Autospecific d. Organ specific