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HIV / AIDS- Part 5
See all quizzes of HIV / AIDS- Part 5 here:
1 HIV individuals co-infected with which of the following have
lower mortality ?
C. GB virus C
D. All of the above
2 Which of the following statements is false ?
A. SDF-1 is the natural ligand for CXCR4
B. RANTES is the natural ligand for CCR5
C. CCR5 is the major co-receptor for R5 or macrophage-tropic
strains of HIV
D. None of the above
3 Lymphoid tissues are the major anatomic sites for establishment
& propagation of HIV infection when portal of entry of HIV is ?
A. By sexual route
B. By parenteral route
C. Mother to infant transmission
D. All of the above
3 Earliest burst of virus replication occurs in ?
A. Peripheral lymphoid tissue
B. Blood
C. Gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)
D. All of the above
4 Which of the following serves as a continual activator of CD4+ T
cells ?
A. HIV replication in GALT
B. HIV replication in blood
C. Trapped HIV virus
D. All of the above
5 Trapping of HIV is best related to which of the following ?
A. Monocytes
B. Macrophages
C. Follicular dendritic cells (FDCs)
D. All of the above
6 Which of the following help follicular dendritic cells trap HIV ?
A. Interleukin (IL-1)
B. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF-)
C. Complement
D. All of the above
7 In HIV infection, the trapped virions serve as ?
A. Secretion of Interleukin
B. Secretion of Interleukin -6
C. Secretion of Tumor necrosis factor
D. All of the above
8 As the HIV disease progresses, which of the following events
happen ?
A. Germinal centers of lymph nodes disrupt
B. Trapping efficiency of lymphoid tissue diminishes
C. FDCs undergo cell death
D. All of the above
9 Which of the following is false regarding activation of immune
system in HIV infection ?
A. Chronically activated immune system
B. Aberrantly activated immune system
C. Lymph node hyperplasia in later course of disease
D. Secretion of proinflammatory & immunoregulatory cytokines
Lymph node hyperplasia occurs particularly early in the course of disease.
10 Which of the following can enhance cellular activation and HIV
replication ?
A. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
B. Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
D. All of the above
11 Which is the most common opportunistic infection in HIV-infected
individuals ?
A. Malaria
B. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
C. HSV types 1 and 2
D. Infestation with nematodes
12 HIV viral gene products associated with enhanced susceptibility
to apoptosis include ?
A. Env
B. Tat
C. Vpr
D. All of the above
13 HIV viral gene products associated with enhanced susceptibility
to apoptosis include all except ?
A. Env
B. Tat
C. Vpr
D. Nef
14 In HIV infection, apoptosis is seen in ?
A. CD4+ T cells
B. CD8+ T cells
B. B cells
D. All of the above
15 Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) is an ?
A. Autoimmune-like phenomenon
B. Autoimmune phenomenon
C. Apoptotic phenomenon
D. Any of the above
16 IRIS is most common in patients starting ARV therapy with CD4+
T cell counts ?
A. < 50 cells / μL
B. < 100 cells / μL
C. < 200 cells / μL
D. < 350 cells / μL
17 Presentation of IRIS includes all except ?
A. Pulmonary infiltrates
B. Increased intracranial pressure
C. Uveitis
D. Hypothyroidism
18 Underlying mechanism of IRIS is a phenomenon similar to ?
A. Type I hypersensitivity reactions
B. Type II hypersensitivity reactions
C. Type III hypersensitivity reactions
D. Type IV hypersensitivity reactions
19 Chemokines are ?
A. Heparin binding proteins
B. Albumin binding proteins
C. Globulin binding proteins
D. Free proteins
20 Which is the largest family of chemotactic cytokines or chemokines ?
A. CC chemokines
B. CXC chemokines
C. CX3C chemokines
D. XCL1 chemokine
21 Which of the following is a CC chemokine ?
A. Macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1
B. Macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1
D. All of the above
22 Which of the following cytokines are consistent & potent inducers
of HIV expression ?
A. TNF-alpha
B. IL-1beta
C. IL-6
D. All of the above
23 Which of the following cytokines suppress HIV replication ?
A. Interferon-alpha
B. TNF-alpha
C. IL-1beta
D. IL-6
24 Which of the following has a HIV-inducing effect at viral
transcription level in NF-kB-independent manner ?
A. TNF-alpha
B. IL-beta
C. IL-6
D. IFN-gamma