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Headache- Part 2
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Headache- Part 1| Headache- Part 2
1 Which of the following is false about cluster headache ?
A. Pain is strictly unilateral
B. Pain affects the same side in subsequent episodes
C. Certain foods or emotional factors precipitate pain
D. On-off vulnerability to alcohol
2 Which of the following is false about cluster headache ?
A. Circadian rhythmicity of painful attacks
B. Autonomic symptoms
C. Severe unilateral pain
D. Hypothalamic dysfunction has no role in acute attacks
3 Which of the following is most useful during acute attack of
cluster headache ?
A. 100% oxygen inhalation
B. Valsalva manuevre
C. Hyperventilation
D. All of the above
4 Which of the following is a feature of cluster headache ?
A. Periodicity
B. Unilateral pain
C. A pain-free interval
D. All of the above
5 Drugs used for preventive treatment of cluster headache include
all except ?
A. Prednisone
B. Lithium
C. Cyproheptadine
D. Methysergide
6 Which of the following is a feature of paroxysmal hemicrania ?
A. Very frequent short-lasting attacks
B. Equal male : female ratio
C. Excellent response to indomethacin
D. All of the above
7 Which of the following is a feature of SUNCT ?
A. Ipsilateral conjunctival injection and lacrimation
B. Lack of refractory period to triggering
C. Lack of a response to indomethacin
D. All of the above
8 Secondary SUNCT is seen in ?
A. Anterior communicating artery aneurysm
B. Post head injury
C. Posterior fossa or pituitary lesions
D. Hypertension
9 Most effective treatment for prevention of SUNCT is ?
A. Prednisone
B. Lamotrigine
C. Cyproheptadine
D. Lithium
10 Chronic daily headache (CDH) means headache for how many
days per month ?
A. 3 days per month
B. 7 days per month
C. 10 days per month
D. 15 days per month
11 Which of the following is a feature of new daily persistent headache
(NDPH) ?
A. Headache on most if not all days
B. Ipsilateral conjunctival injection and lacrimation
C. Very frequent short-lasting attacks
D. Periodicity
12 Which of the following is false about lumbar puncture headache ?
A. Usually begins within 48 hours
B. Incidence is between 10 and 30 %
C. Is dramatically positional
D. Aggravated by abdominal compression
13 Which of the following is false about lumbar puncture headache ?
A. Worsened by head shaking
B. Worsened by jugular vein compression
C. Location is bitemporal
D. Epidural blood patch is effective treatment
14 Which of the following is not a feature of lumbar puncture
headache ?
A. Dramatically positional
B. Begins when the patient sits or stands upright
C. Relief by abdominal compression
D. Relief by jugular vein compression
15 Headache on rising in the morning or nocturnal headache is
characteristic of ?
A. Obstructive sleep apnea
B. Poorly controlled hypertension
C. Raised CSF pressure headache
D. All of the above
16 Sleep disruption and early morning headaches that improve during
the day are characteristics of ?
A. Migraine
B. Cluster headache
C. Brain tumors
D. Unruptured aneurysms
17 “Fortification spectrum” is characteristic of ?
A. Cluster headache
B. Migraine
C. Pseudotumour cerebri
D. Giant cell arteritis
18 Which of the following is false about Bickerstaff’s migraine ?
A. Episodes begin with total blindness
B. Symptoms (vertigo, ataxia) persist for 20 – 30 minutes
C. Occurs only in males
D. Full recovery after the episode is the rule
19 Methysergide may cause retroperitoneal or cardiac valvular
fibrosis when used for more than ?
A. 3 months
B. 6 months
C. 9 months
D. 12 months
20 Lower-half headache or facial migraine called ?
A. Basilar migraine
B. Carotidynia
C. Raeder’s syndrome
D. Opthalmoplegic migraine
21 Common precipitant of carotidynia attacks is ?
A. Cervical spondylosis
B. Dental trauma
C. Hypertension
D. All of the above
22 Out of the following, which is the commonest symptom
accompanying severe migraine ?
A. Photophobia
B. Scalp tenderness
C. Vomiting
D. Vertigo
23 For instituting prophylactic treatment of migraine, what should
be the frequency of attacks ?
A. At least three attacks per day
B. At least three attacks per week
C. At least three attacks per month
D. At least three attacks per year
24 Drugs used for prophylactic treatment of migraine include all
except ?
A. Timolol
B. Sodium valproate
C. Methysergide
D. Sumatriptan
25 Drugs used for prophylactic treatment of migraine include all
except ?
A. Amitriptyline
B. Verapamil
C. Metoclopramide
D. Cyproheptadine
26 Which of the following drugs for treatment of acute migraine can
be administered by nasal route ?
A. Dihydroergotamine
B. Sumatriptan
C. Zolmitriptan
D. All of the above