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Diseases of the Spinal Cord- Part 1
See all quizzes of Diseases of the Spinal Cord- Part 1 here:
1 What is the length of adult spinal cord ?
A. ~ 34 cm
B. ~ 40 cm
C. ~ 46 cm
D. ~ 52 cm
2 The spinal cord has how many segments ?
A. 30
B. 31
C. 32
D. 33
3 Lumbar spinal cord segments correspond to which vertebral
body ?
A. T8-T10
B. T10 – T12
C. T12 – L1
D. L1
4 Sacral spinal cord segments correspond to which vertebral body ?
A. T11
B. T12
C. T12 – L1
D. L1
5 Uppermost level of a spinal cord lesion can be localized by ?
A. Sensory level
B. Segmental signs
C. Band of altered sensation
D. All of the above
6 Intervertebral disks are responsible for what percentage of spinal
column length ?
A. 10 %
B. 15 %
C. 20 %
D. 25 %
7 Intervertebral disks are largest in ?
A. Cervical region
B. Thoracic region
C. Sacral region
D. None of the above
8 Each vertebral arch gives rise to how many processes ?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 9
9 Disk herniation at L4-L5 level commonly produces compression
of ?
A. S1 nerve root
B. S2 nerve root
C. S3 nerve root
D. S4 nerve root
10 Pain-sensitive structures in spine include all except ?
A. Periosteum of vertebrae
B. Nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disk
C. Annulus fibrosus of intervertebral disk
D. Dura
11 Patrick sign is used to demonstrate pain due to ?
A. Lumbar spine disease
B. Hip disease
C. Knee disease
D. Ankle disease
12 In supine position, passive flexion of extended leg at the hip
stretches which of the following ?
A. L5 nerve root
B. S1 nerve root
C. Sciatic nerve
D. All of the above
13 Reverse SLR sign stretches which of the following ?
A. L2 nerve root
B. L4 nerve root
C. Femoral nerve
D. All of the above
14 Which of the following is false about Tethered cord syndrome ?
A. Presents as progressive cauda equina disorder
B. Perineal or perianal pain
C. Low-lying conus (below L1-L2)
D. Long and thickened filum terminale
15 Lumbar spinal stenosis can be caused by ?
A. Acromegaly
B. Renal osteodystrophy
C. Hypoparathyroidism
D. All of the above
16 Which of the following spinal root value innervates axilla ?
A. C8
B. T1
C. T2
D. T3
17 Spurling’s sign relates to ?
A. Extension & lateral rotation of neck
B. Flexion & lateral rotation of neck
C. Extreme extension of neck
D. Extreme flexion of neck
18 Cervical angina syndrome relates best with ?
A. Vertebrobasilar syndrome
B. Coronary artery ischemia
C. Subclavian steal syndrome
D. All of the above
19 Horner’s syndrome accompanies cervical cord lesion at ?
A. C5
B. C6
C. C7
D. Any cervical level
20 Lesions at C7 produce all except ?
A. Weakness in finger extensors
B. Weakness in wrist extensors
C. Weakness in brachioradialis
D. Weakness in triceps
21 Lesions at C8 produces ?
A. Weakness in finger and wrist flexors
B. Weakness in finger extensors
C. Weakness in wrist extensors
D. Weakness in supination
22 Beevor’s sign is positive in spinal cord lesion at ?
A. T7 – T8
B. T8 – T9
C. T9 – T10
D. T11 – T12
23 Sensory dermatome at the level of nipples is ?
A. T2
B. T3
C. T4
D. T5