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1 Under anaerobic conditions the glycolysis
of one mole of glucose yields ______moles
of ATP.
(A) One (B) Two
(C) Eight (D) Thirty
2. Glycogen is converted to glucose-1-
phosphate by
(A) UDPG transferase (B) Branching enzyme
(C) Phosphorylase (D) Phosphatase
3. Which of the following is not an enzyme
involved in glycolysis?
(A) Euolase (B) Aldolose
(C) Hexokinase (D) Glucose oxidase
4. Tricarboxylic acid cycle to be continuous
requires the regeneration of
(A) Pyruvic acid (B) oxaloacetic acid
(C) α-oxoglutaric acid (D) Malic acid
5. Dehydrogenation of succinic acid to
fumaric acid requires the following
hydrogen carrier:
(A) NAD+ (B) NADP+
(C) flavoprotein (D) Glutathione
6. The tissues with the highest total glycogen
content are
(A) Muscle and kidneys
(B) Kidneys and liver
(C) Liver and muscle
(D) Brain and Liver
7. Rothera test is not given by
(A) β-hydroxy butyrate (B) bile salts
(C) Glucose (D) None of these
8. Gluconeogenesis is increased in the
following condition:
(A) Diabetes insipidus (B) Diabetes Mellitus
(C) Hypothyroidism (D) Liver diseases
9. The oxidation of lactic acid to pyruvic acid
requires the following vitamin derivative
as the hydrogen carrier.
(A) Lithium pyrophosphate
(B) Coenyzme A
(C) NAD+
10. Physiological glycosuria is met with in
(A) Renal glycosuria
(B) Alimentary glycosuria
(C) Diabetes Mellitus
(D) Alloxan diabetes
11. Two examples of substrate level phosphorylation
in EM pathway of glucose metabolism
are in the reactions of
(A) 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate and phosphoenol
(B) Glucose-6 phosphate and Fructo-6-phosphate
(C) 3 phosphoglyceraldehyde and phosphoenolpyruvate
(D) 1,3 diphosphoglycerate and 2-phosphoglycerate
12. The number of molecules of ATP produced
by the total oxidation of acetyl CoA in
TCA cycle is
(A) 6 (B) 8
(C) 10 (D) 12
13. Substrate level phosphorylation in TCA
cycle is in step:
(A) Isocitrate dehydrogenase
(B) Malate dehydrogenase
(C) Aconitase
(D) Succinate thiokinase
14. Fatty acids cannot be converted into
carbohydrates in the body as the
following reaction is not possible.
(A) Conversion of glucose-6-phosphate into glucose
(B) Fructose 1, 6-bisphosphate to fructose-6-
(C) Transformation of acetyl CoA to pyruvate
(D) Formation of acetyl CoA from fatty acids
15. Tissues form lactic acid from glucose. This
phenomenon is termed as
(A) Aerobic glycolysis
(B) Oxidation
(C) Oxidative phosphorylation
(D) Anaerobic glycolysis
16. One molecule of glucose gives ______
molecules of CO2 in EM-TCA cycle.
(A) 6 (B) 3
(C) 1 (D) 2
17. One molecule of glucose gives ______
molecules of CO2 in one round of HMP
(A) 6 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) 3
18. The 4 rate limiting enzymes of
gluconeogenesis are
(A) Glucokinase, Pyruvate carboxylae
phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase and
(B) Pyruvate carboxylase, phosphoenol pyruvate
carboxykinase, fructose1,6 diphosphatase
and glucose-6-phosphatase
(C) Pyruvate kinase, pyruvate carboxylase,
phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase and
(D) Phospho fructokinase, pyruvate carboxylase,
phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase and
fructose 1, 6 diphosphatase
19. For glycogenesis, Glucose should be converted
(A) Glucuronic acid (B) Pyruvic acid
(C) UDP glucose (D) Sorbitol
20. Fluoride inhibits ______ and arrests glycolysis.
(A) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
(B) Aconitase
(C) Enolose
(D) Succinate dehydrogenase
21. One of the following statement is correct:
(A) Glycogen synthase ‘a’ is the phosphorylated
(B) cAMP converts glycogen synthase b to ‘a’
(C) Insulin converts glycogen synthase b to a
(D) UDP glucose molecules interact and grow into
a Glycogen tree
22. Amylo 1, 6 glucosidase is called
(A) Branching enzyme
(B) debranching enzyme
(C) Glucantransferase
(D) Phosphorylase
23. Glucose enters the cells by
(A) insulin independent transport
(B) insulin dependent transport
(C) enzyme mediated transport
(D) Both (A) and (B)
24. Glycogen while being acted upon by active
phosphorylase is converted first to
(A) Glucose
(B) Glucose 1-phosphate and Glycogen with 1
carbon less
(C) Glucose-6-phosphate and Glycogen with 1
carbon less
(D) 6-Phosphogluconic acid
25. When O2 supply is inadequate, pyruvate
is converted to
(A) Phosphopyruvate (B) Acetyl CoA
(C) Lactate (D) Alanine
26. Reactivation of inactive liver phosphorylase
is normally favoured by
(A) Insulin (B) Epinephrine
(C) ACTH (D) Glucagon
27. Before pyruvic acid enters the TCA cycle it
must be converted to
(A) Acetyl CoA (B) Lactate
(C) α-ketoglutarate (D) Citrate
28. The hydrolysis of Glucose-6-phosphate is
catalysed by a specific phosphatase
which is found only in
(A) Liver, intestines and kidneys
(B) Brain, spleen and adrenals
(C) Striated muscle
(D) Plasma
29. The formation of citrate from oxalo
acetate and acetyl CoA is
(A) Oxidation (B) Reduction
(C) Condensation (D) Hydrolysis
30. Which one of the following is a rate
limiting enzyme of gluconeogenesis?
(A) Hexokinase
(B) Phsophofructokinase
(C) Pyruvate carboxylase
(D) Pyruvate kinase