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Bacteria and Gram Staining- Part 8
See all quizzes of Bacteria anh Gram staining- Part 8 here:
1 Mc Fadyean’s reaction is used to detect
a. Bacillus anthracis b. Brucella
c. Corynaebacterium d. None of these
2. Gasgangarene bacillus is
a. Facultative anaerobe
b. Obligate anaerobe
c. Facultative aerobe
d. Obligate aerobe
3. Coagulase test is used for
a. Salmonella
b. Staphylococcus
c. Bordetella
d. Pneumococcus
4. HIV is belonging to
a. Retro Viridae
b. Rhabdo Viridae
c. Toga Viridae
d. Paramyxo Viridae
5. Special feature of Retro viruses
a. Reverse transcriptase
b. RNA directed DNA polymerases
c. Both a & b
d. Boils
6. AIDS virus is
a. RNA virus b. DNA virus
c. Retro virus d. Entero virus
7. AIDS is caused by
a. HTLV – I b. Bunya virus
c. HTLV – III d. All
8. Which of the following organisms is most
commonly associated with AIDS pneumonia?
a. Klebsiella
b. Str. pneumonia
c. Mycoplasma
d. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
9. Sero conservation in HIV infection takes
place in
a. 3 weeks b. 6 weeks
c. 9 weeks d. 12 weeks
10. Following is the marker of HIV infection
in blood:
a. Reverse transcriptase
b. DNA polymerase
c. RNA polymerase
d. None of these
11. Which of the following is the most specific
in diagnosis of AIDS?
a. IHA
b. Western blot
d. Immuno electrophoresis
12. The interval period between HIV infection
and appearance of antibodies in serum
is called
a. Intrinsic period b. Incubation period
c. Window period d. None of these
13. Screening test for AIDS is
a. Western blot test b. ELISA test
c. Both a and b d. VDRL test
14. Confirmatory test for AIDS is
a. Western blot test b. ELISA test
c. Karpas test d. Fujerbio test
15. The most common infection in AIDS is
a. LGV b. CMV
c. Pnemocystis carnii d. Syphilis
16. During AIDS, HIV infects
a. CD3 lymphocytes b. CD4 lymphocytes
c. CD2 lymphocytes d. Blymphocytes
17. Lab diagnosis of Leishmaniasis is done by
a. CFT b. Peripheral smear
c. Blood culture d. All of these
18. Those fungi which do not have a sexual
stage are classified as
a. Phycomycetes b. Ascomycetes
c. Basidiomycetes d. Fungi imperfecti
19. Tinea capitis is
a. Ring worm of the foot
b. Ring worm of scalp
c. Ring worm of non-hairy skin of body
d. Both a and c
20. Diagnosis of bacterial disease can be
made by
a. Finding bacteria in pathological fluids
b. Isolation of bacteria by culture from exudates
or blood
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
21. Staphylococcus aureus are characterized
a. Formation of acid in sucrose, dextrose
b. Liquification of gelatin due to production of
c. Strains are catalase positive
d. All of above
e. None of these
22. Cholera occurs in _______ form
a. Endemic b. Epidemic
c. Sporadic d. all
e. None of these
23. Endemic typhus is caused by
a. R.mooseri b. R.quintana
c. R.prowazekii d. any of them
e. None of these
24. A man is usually infected for tick typhus
by –
a. Drinking milk of sick animals
b. Tending cattle
c. Inhaling infected dust
d. All of these
25. In Gram positive bacteria, ratio of RNA
to DNA is
a. 8 : 1 b. 1 : 2
c. Almost equal d. None of these
26. Ziehl – Neelson stain is a ______
a. Simple stain b. Counter stain
c. Differential stain d. None of them
27. Wet mount slide preparations are used
in microbiology as they allow to see
a. Size and shape of individual organisms
b. Characteristic arrangement or grouping of cells
c. Motility of the organism
d. All of these
e. None of these
28. Organism resistant to degradative
lysosomal enzymes includes
a. M.tuberculosis
b. Legionella pneumophila
c. M.leprae
d. Both a and b
e. Both b and c
29. Freeze-etch particles (used in preparing
cell for electron microscopy) can be
located in the
a. Cytoplasm b. Cell wall
c. Cell membrane d. Nucleus
30. The properties common to Gram positive
and negative cell walls are
a. Equal susceptibility to hydrolysis by lysozyme
b. Peptide crosslinks between polysaccharides
c. Rigid peptoglycon activity
d. Greater resistance to drying than vegetative
e. All of these