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Acute viral hepatitis- Part 1
See all quizzes of Acute viral hepatitis at here:
Acute viral hepatitis- Part 1| Acute viral hepatitis- Part 2| Acute viral hepatitis- Part 3| Acute viral hepatitis- Part 4| Acute viral hepatitis- Part 5| Acute viral hepatitis- Part 6| Acute viral hepatitis- Part 7
1. World Hepatitis Day is observed on ?
A. October 01
B. December 01
C. February 04
D. May 19
2. DANE particle is the name given to ?
A. Hepatitis A virion
B. Hepatitis B virion
C. Hepatitis C virion
D. Hepatitis D virion
D.S. Dane and others discovered the HBV virus particle in 1970 by electron microscopy.
3. Which of the following is not a RNA virus ?
A. Hepatitis A virus
B. Hepatitis B virus
C. Hepatitis C virus
D. Hepatitis D virus
4. Which of the following viruses is a DNA virus ?
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C
D. Hepatitis D
5. Which of the following about Hepatitis A virus is false ?
A. Enveloped
B. Heat resistant
C. Acid resistant
D. Ether resistant
6. Four capsid polypeptides of Hepatitis A virion are designated as ?
A. SP1 to SP4
B. HP1 to HP4
C. VP1 to VP4
D. WP1 to WP4
7. Inactivation of Hepatitis A virus can be achieved by ?
A. Formaldehyde
B. Chlorine
C. Ultraviolet irradiation
D. All of the above
8. Hepatitis A has an incubation period of ?
A. ~ 2 weeks
B. ~ 4 weeks
C. ~ 6 weeks
D. ~ 8 weeks
9. Replication of Hepatitis A virus occurs in ?
A. Liver
B. Bile
C. Blood
D. All of the above
10. Which of the following statements about Hepatitis A virus is false ?
A. HAV can be cultivated reproducibly in vitro
B. Virus is present in liver, bile, stools and blood during late
incubation period & acute preicteric phase of illness
C. Viral shedding in feces, viremia and infectivity diminish rapidly
once jaundice becomes apparent
D. None of the above
11. After acute illness, anti-HAV of IgG class remains detectable
for ?
A. 3 months
B. 6 months
C. 12 months
D. Indefinitely
12. Which of the following has the largest virus particle size ?
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis D
C. Hepatitis C
D. Hepatitis E
13. Which of the following has the smallest virus particle size ?
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis D
C. Hepatitis C
D. Hepatitis E
145. Which of the following has the largest viral genome size ?
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C
D. Hepatitis E
15. Which of the following has the smallest viral genome size ?
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C
D. Hepatitis E
16. HBV belongs to which family of viruses ?
A. Hepadnaviruses
B. Hepatovirus
C. Hepacivirus
D. Hepevirus
17. The four overlapping genes of encoding proteins in Hepatitis
B virus are ?
A. S, C, P and X
B. S, T, U and V
C. S, O, M and Z
D. S, Q, C, and Y
18. Hepadnaviruses also infect which of the following ?
A. Woodchucks
B. Ground and tree squirrels
C. Pekin ducks
D. All of the above
19. Out of the following, who is related to the discovery of Australia
antigen ?
A. Alter MJ
B. Baruch Blumberg
C. Bouchard MJ
D. Zuckerman AJ
20. Which of the following is false about HBV genome ?
A. Circular genome
B. Partially double-strand and partially single-strand
C. Replicates through an RNA intermediate form by reverse
D. None of the above
Hepatitis B is a non-retroviral virus which uses reverse transcription for its replication.
21. Which of the following about Hepatitis B virus is false ?
A. Enveloped, double-stranded DNA virus
B. Smallest dsDNA virus known to infect humans
C. Primary reservoir is chronically infected people
D. Insects can transmit HBV
22. Which of the following about Hepatitis B virus is false ?
A. Blood contains highest concentrations of virus
B. Not transmitted by fecal-oral route
C. Vertical transmission from mother to child possible
D. Breast milk can cause viral transmission
23. Which of the following about Hepatitis B virus is false ?
A. Replication of DNA genome by reverse transcription of RNA
B. Covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) is formed in
hepatocyte nucleus
C. Most abundant protein in HBV genome is S protein
D. Risk of development of chronicity is directly related to age
at time of infection
24. Which is the largest overlapping gene in Hepatitis B virus ?
A. S
B. C
C. P
D. X